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Tuesday 10 November 2015
Obama, Netanyahu Minimize Differences, Renew Call For Peace
JULIE PACE President Barack Obama shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval cess, even as we make sure
Associated Press Office of the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 9, 2015. The president and prime minister that Israel is able to secure
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mini- sought to mend their fractured relationship during their meeting, the first time they have talked itself.”
mizing sharp differences, face to face in more than a year. Netanyahu declared, “We
President Barack Obama have not given up our hope
and Israeli Prime Minister (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) for peace.” He reaffirmed
Benjamin Netanyahu reaf- his support for a two-state
firmed their commitment to agreement about us blunt- tanyahu discussed ways to rangement and the goal solution, though he gave
seeking elusive Middle East ing destabilizing activities cooperate to ensure Iran of peace between Israelis no ground on the Israelis’
peace on Monday, though in Iran that may be taking lives up to its commitments and Palestinians, even as longstanding conditions for
prospects for an agree- place,” Obama said. “So under the deal, said a se- the two sides grapple with achieving that outcome.
ment between Israelis and we’re going to be looking nior Obama administration fresh outbreaks of violence. The prime minister’s state-
Palestinians appear ever to make sure we find com- official, who wasn’t autho- Obama said he was fo- ment followed his apparent
further out of reach. mon ground there.” rized to comment by name cused on “how we can backtracking during Israeli
The U.S. and Israeli lead- Netanyahu didn’t mention and requested anonymity. get back on a path toward elections earlier this year.
ers’ meeting at the White the Iran matter at all in his In public, the leaders em- peace, and how we can At the time, U.S. officials
House marked the first time public comments. But in phasized areas of shared make sure that legitimate said there would be policy
they had talked face-to- their two-hour-long private interest, including negotia- Palestinian aspirations are ramifications for a Netan-
face in more than a year. session, Obama and Ne- tions on a new security ar- met through a political pro- yahu shift on statehood,
They have long had a frosty including potentially easing
relationship, and tensions opposition to Palestinians
peaked earlier this year turning to the U.N. Security
amid Obama’s pursuit of Council to create a state.
an Iran nuclear deal that On Monday, however,
Netanyahu vigorously op- White House officials said
posed. Obama focused more on
Monday’s meeting was an getting Netanyahu to out-
attempt to reset ties for the line ways to keep confron-
final year of Obama’s presi- tations between Israelis
dency. In comments to re- and Palestinians to a mini-
porters before their private mum in the absence of a
talks, they sidestepped long-term solution.
their disagreement on Iran, “This is certainly an op-
with Obama calling it a portunity for Prime Minister
“narrow issue.” Netanyahu to put forward
“We don’t have a dis- some ideas to move this
agreement on the need process toward a two-state
to making sure Iran does solution,” White House
not get a nuclear weapon, spokesman Josh Earnest
and we don’t have a dis- said of the meeting.q
2 Americans among 5 killed in rare Jordan police shooting
HAMZA AL-SOUD The unprecedented assault of relative stability in a tur- Amman, where Jordanian A U.S. official, speaking on
KARIN LAUB inside a Jordanian secu- bulent region. and foreign instructors, in- condition of anonymity
Associated Press cluding Americans, have because he was not au-
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — A Special operations forces from Iraq, Jordan and the U.S. stand trained thousands of police thorized to brief the media,
Jordanian police captain in formation wearing gas masks following a combined demon- officers from the Palestinian said eight people died in
opened fire Monday on in- stration as part of Eager Lion multinational military maneuvers at territories and other parts the attack, but Momani
structors at an international the King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) of the Arab world in recent would only confirm five.
police training center in in Amman, Jordan. A Jordanian police captain opened fire years. In Washington, President
Jordan’s capital, killing at Monday on instructors at an international police training cen- The Jordanian officer Barack Obama that “we
least five people, including ter in Jordan’s capital, killing at least five people, including two opened fire, killing the two take this very seriously and
two Americans, before be- Americans, before being shot dead by security forces. Americans and a South Af- will be working closely with
ing shot dead by security rican contractor before be- the Jordanians to deter-
forces. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo) ing shot dead, government mine exactly what hap-
It was not clear if there rity compound also raised The shooting took place at spokesman Mohammed pened.”
was a political motive to questions about the king- the Jordan International Momani said. Two Jordani- U.S. State Department
the shooting spree, which dom’s image as an island Police Training Center in ans were critically wound- spokesman James Kirby
also wounded six people, ed and later died, he said. said the two slain Ameri-
including two Americans. Momani did not release cans worked for DynCorp
But concern has swirled in the assailant’s name, but International, a major mili-
staunchly pro-Western Jor- a former Jordanian parlia- tary contractor, in a pro-
dan over possible revenge ment member, Suleiman gram funded by the State
attacks by Islamic militants Saed, identified him as his Department’s Bureau of
since the country assumed 29-year-old relative, An- Diplomatic Security and
a high-level role in the war Abu Zaid, a captain Bureau of International Nar-
U.S.-led military campaign in the police force. He said cotics and Law Enforce-
against the Islamic State the assailant’s identity was ment. The two wounded
extremist group, which given to him by a senior of- Americans are also civil-
controls large areas of ficial in the Public Security ians, the State Department
neighboring Syria and Iraq. Department. said.q