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U.S. NEWSTuesday 10 November 2015

Clinton files paperwork to be on New Hampshire ballot 

New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner watches at left as Democratic presidential                                            tin O’Malley, meet for the     paigning in New Hampshire
candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton signs papers to be on the nation’s earliest presidential primary                                   next televised Democratic      and a pair of debates —
ballot, Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, at The Secretary of State’s office in Concord, N.H.                                                   presidential debate on Sat-    among Republicans Tues-
                                                                                                                                    urday.                         day night and the Demo-
                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Jim Cole)  In the meantime, Clinton       cratic candidates on Sat-
                                                                                                                                    was courting New Hamp-         urday night in Iowa, their
KEN THOMAS                        “Well, I’m a Democrat. I just     the Democratic party.”                                          shire voters by casting        first since the field has win-
Associated Press                  signed papers saying I’m a        Sanders, a self-proclaimed                                      herself as “a proud Demo-      nowed to three main can-
CONCORD, New Hamp-                Democrat. He has to speak         democratic socialist, filed                                     crat” who would build on       didates.
shire (AP) — Hillary Rodham       for himself,” Clinton, an-        paperwork in New Hamp-                                          President Barack Obama’s       Sanders and O’Malley have
Clinton signed paperwork          swering a question about          shire last week declaring                                       legacy.                        been stepping up their criti-
Monday establishing her as        her differences with Sand-        that he was a Democrat.                                         Reprising a line that has      cism of Clinton since the
a Democratic presidential         ers, told reporters after filing  He was elected to the Sen-                                      become a crowd favorite,       first debate, but she’s sug-
candidate in New Hamp-            her candidacy. “I will put        ate from Vermont as an in-                                      Clinton told a rally by the    gested she’s saving most of
shire’s first-in-the-nation pri-  forth my position. If there’s     dependent, but caucuses                                         steps of the state capitol     her fire for Republicans.
mary next February — and          a contrast, there’s a con-        with the Democrats.                                             that Obama hasn’t re-          Sanders has drawn sup-
within moments took an            trast. I’m just proud to be a     Clinton’s dig came a few                                        ceived the “credit he de-      port from the Democratic
implicit swipe at chief rival     Democrat and I’m proud            days before the two, plus                                       serves” for helping the na-    Party’s liberal wing, and is
Bernie Sanders.                   that I’ve worked so hard for      former Maryland Gov. Mar-                                       tion emerge from a deep        mounting a strong chal-
                                                                                                                                    recession — and made a         lenge to Clinton in the early
                                                                                                                                    passing reference to the       voting states of Iowa and
                                                                                                                                    economic mantra of her         New Hampshire. But na-
                                                                                                                                    husband, former President      tional polls show Clinton
                                                                                                                                    Bill Clinton, whose come-      with a sizable lead over her
                                                                                                                                    from-behind second place       main challenger and she
                                                                                                                                    finish in New Hampshire        remains the favorite to win
                                                                                                                                    propelled his candidacy in     the Democratic nomina-
                                                                                                                                    1992.                          tion. Clinton was the last of
                                                                                                                                    “This election is still going  the three main Democratic
                                                                                                                                    to be about the economy,       candidates to file. Sand-
                                                                                                                                    right? That’s what it was      ers and O’Malley filed pa-
                                                                                                                                    about when my husband          perwork at the secretary
                                                                                                                                    ran back in ‘92 in New         of state’s office last week.
                                                                                                                                    Hampshire. That’s what it’s    Candidates have until Nov.
                                                                                                                                    still about,” Clinton said.    20 to file for the primary.
                                                                                                                                    Her comments came dur-         It’s expected to be held
                                                                                                                                    ing a busy week of cam-        Feb. 9.q

Regulators consider what to do about collapsed lobster stock 

PATRICK WHITTLE                   setts. The catch off Rhode        William Adler, a longtime                                       sponse to continued fish-      Overall, lobster availability
Associated Press                  Island is a third of the size     Massachusetts lobstermen                                        ing pressure and adverse       and price have both been
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) —            that it was in the late 1990s,    and a member of the lob-                                        environmental conditions,      fairly high in recent months.
Interstate fishing regulators     and it has all but disap-         ster board, said that a mor-                                    including higher water         The high price has allowed
are considering what to do        peared off Connecticut.           atorium is not likely on the                                    temperatures, the commis-      fishermen to reinvest in
about southern New Eng-           A science committee of            table but that something                                        sion said in a summary of a    gear and boats, and new
land’s collapsed lobster          the Atlantic States Ma-           needs to be done to con-                                        report it issued about the     restrictions would curtail
population, and fishermen         rine Fisheries Commission is      serve the region’s lobsters,                                    subject this summer.           that growth, said Beth Ca-
fear new restrictions could       working on a report about         which are beloved by res-                                       The outlook for lobsters is    soni, executive director of
land on them as a result.         the lobster stock that the        taurant diners. “You can’t                                      much better in Maine, by       the Massachusetts Lobster-
The lobster population has        commission’s lobster board        let them go free, and you                                       far the most productive        men’s Association.
sunk to the lowest levels         will see in February.             can’t shut them down,” he                                       lobster fishing state in the   “We want to make sure the
on record in southern New         The board could then              said.                                                           country.                       measures aren’t overly bur-
England waters, affecting         make a decision about the         “Both extremes are not                                          Fishermen there have land-     densome,” she said. “You
once-productive fishing           future of the fishery, includ-    workable.” The declines in                                      ed more than 100 million       could lose infrastructure —
grounds off Rhode Island          ing changing quotas or            lobsters off southern New                                       pounds of lobster for four     piers, bait suppliers, marine
and southern Massachu-            enacting new restrictions.        England are largely in re-                                      years in a row.                stores.”q
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