Page 11 - atoday
P. 11
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Israel approves initial plans for West Bank settlement homes
Israeli soldiers stand guard in the West Bank city of Hebron. officials gave preliminary of the West Bank, cap- Israelis have been killed in
approval to build about tured by Israel in the1967 Palestinian attacks, mostly
Israel last month gave preliminary approval to development 2,200 homes in several ex- Mideast war, as part of a stabbing assaults. Mean-
isting settlements east of future independent state. while, 75 Palestinians have
plans that could build more than 2,000 homes in West Bank the Palestinian city of Ra- The international commu- been killed by Israeli fire,
mallah by 2030. The plans nity opposes settlements including 48 said by Israel
settlements over the next 15 years, according to documents were first reported by the as illegal or illegitimate to be involved in attacks
Haaretz daily. and says they hinder ef- or attempted attacks. The
obtained Monday. (AP Photo/Nasse Shihoukhi) Hagit Ofran of the anti-set- forts for Palestinian state- other Palestinians died in
tlement group Peace Now hood. clashes between stone-
said that it could be years The meeting took place at throwers and security
before any of the homes a time of rising violence. forces. In Monday’s inci-
are built since the plan On Monday, Israeli secu- dent, the Israeli Defense
must pass several other rity forces shot and killed Ministry said the woman
phases before construc- a Palestinian woman at a ignored calls to stop and
tion can begin. Still, she West Bank checkpoint af- also warning shots as she
said it shows the “vision” ter she allegedly pulled a walked toward a check-
that Netanyahu’s govern- knife in an attempt to stab point near the Alfei Me-
ment has for the area. guards. nashe settlement in the
The Palestinians seek all Since mid-September, 12 northern West Bank.q
DANIELLA CHESLOW ments obtained Monday.
Associated Press The plans came as Israeli
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel Prime Minister Benjamin
last month gave prelimi- Netanyahu was in Wash-
nary approval to devel- ington for a high-profile
opment plans that could meeting with President
build more than 2,000 Barack Obama.
homes in West Bank settle- Official records from an
ments over the next 15 Oct. 21 planning commit-
years, according to docu- tee meeting showed that
Egypt police report senior IS
militant killed in city of Cairo
CAIRO (AP) — Egyptian po- Italian Consulate in Cairo,
lice have killed a top com- which killed one person
mander of a local Islamic and wounded at least 10.
State affiliate in a Cairo The ministry said Gharabli
raid, the Interior Ministry attempted to assassinate
said Monday. the former Interior Minister
Ashraf Ali Hassanein Ghar- Mohamed Ibrahim in 2013,
abli died in a firefight that and was behind the Sep-
erupted when police tried tember kidnapping and kill-
to arrest him on Sunday in ing of a guide in the West-
the capital’s El-Marg dis- ern Desert who the militants
trict, the statement said, said had worked with secu-
adding that Gharabli had rity forces.
opened fire with a 9mm Egyptian security forces
pistol when policemen ap- have for years battled an
proached him outside his Islamic insurgency based
car. in the restive Sinai Penin-
It said Gharabli was im- sula, where a local Islamic
plicated in a series of mili- State affiliate has claimed
tant attacks, including the a series of attacks against
beheading of a Croatian police and military check-
engineer last summer, the points. The fighting has
killing of an American oil surged since the army over-
worker a year earlier, and threw Islamist President Mo-
the July bombing of the hammed Morsi in 2013.q