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world NEWSTuesday 10 November 2015
Cameron says Britain seeks more flexible European Union
Other EU nations have he’s not serious about
leaving the bloc.
been broadly sympathet- He was briefly heckled
Monday by Euroskeptic
ic, but say they want to students who held up a
banner calling the CBI
see concrete proposals group “the voice of Brus-
sels.” Many business inter-
from Britain. ests in Britain favor remain-
ing in the EU, fearing wide
Cameron will publish his disruption for U.K. manu-
facturers and for London’s
negotiating demands financial industry if the
country leaves the EU’s 500
Tuesday in a letter to Eu- million-person common
ropean Council President Cameron insisted “people
in Europe know I am dead-
Donald Tusk. His office said ly serious.”
“If it’s flexible enough,
Monday that Britain would we’ll stay,” he said. “If it’s
not flexible enough, we
seek reform in four areas will have to ask ourselves
a very profound question:
— “sovereignty, economic Is this organization for us?”
He insisted that Britain, as
governance, competitive- the world’s fifth-biggest
economy, could survive
ness and migration/wel- outside the EU.
That view was echoed by
fare.” Foreign Secretary Philip
Hammond, who is visiting
Cameron is also due to the United Nations in New
give a speech in London “If we had to operate out-
side the European Union,
about the demands on we would do so,” Ham-
mond told reporters. “It
Tuesday morning. would be challenging. We
would have to rethink the
Cameron told employers’ way we operated, but it is
not impossible.”q
organization the Confed-
Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron addresses the annual conference of the CBI, eration of British Industry
Confederation of British Industry, in London, Monday Nov. 9, 2015. Cameron says the European
Union will have to become more flexible if it wants his country to stay in the 28-nation bloc. on Monday that he wants
Britain is holding a referendum by the end of 2017 on whether to remain in the bloc.
a looser, “more competi-
(Dominic Lipinski/PA via AP)
tive” EU that gives greater
protection to countries, in-
JILL LAWLESS er EU nations on Tuesday, end of 2017 on whether to cluding Britain, that don’t
Associated Press and is seeking to impress remain or leave.
LONDON (AP) — The Eu- upon its neighbors that a Cameron says he wants use the euro currency
ropean Union will have to “Brexit” is a real possibility. to stay in — provided he
become more flexible if it “The argument isn’t wheth- secures changes allowing shared by 19 EU nations.
wants Britain to stay in the er Britain could survive out- Britain greater autonomy.
28-nation bloc, Prime Min- side the EU —of course we So far, his goals have been He said he was seeking “a
ister David Cameron said could,” Cameron said. short on detail, beyond a
Monday, as he insisted he “The argument is, how are general desire to control live-and-let-live Europe, a
is “deadly serious” about we going to be best off?” immigration by limiting
leaving if he doesn’t get Britain, which has long had welfare benefits for new flexible Europe.”
his way. an ambivalent relationship arrivals and to ensure that
The U.K. government will with the EU and its vision the 19 eurozone countries “We want to be in a com-
publish its list of demands of a borderless Europe, will can’t impose measures on
for negotiation with oth- hold a referendum by the non-euro members. mon market, not a com-
mon country,” he said.
Cameron faces the tough
task of making the pro-
Europe case while facing
down the many anti-EU
members of his Conser-
vative Party, who believe
Catalan lawmakers approve plan for secession from Spain
JOSEPH WILSON halt the effort. tember that they present- dependence. ward the creation of an in-
Associated Press The chamber, based in the ed as a stand-in plebiscite “Catalonia is not going dependent Catalan state
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) northeastern city of Barce- on independence after anywhere. Nothing is going in the form of a republic”
— The regional parliament lona, passed the secession the central government in to break,” Rajoy said. and a “process of demo-
of Catalonia launched a resolution in a 72-63 vote. Madrid refused to allow an He added he would meet cratic disconnection not
plan Monday to set up a The proposal was made by official referendum. with the leader of the main subject to the decisions by
road map for indepen- pro-secession lawmakers Spain’s government react- opposition Socialist Party, the institutions of the Span-
dence from Spain by 2017, from the “Together for Yes” ed swiftly Monday. In a na- Pedro Sanchez, to forge ish state.” While separatist
defying warnings from the alliance and the extreme tionally televised address, a common front against lawmakers celebrated the
central government in Ma- left-wing Popular Unity Rajoy said his government the separatists. The resolu- result in the chamber, op-
drid that it is violating the Candidacy (CUP). The will appeal the decision at tion passed by the Catalan ponents held up Spanish
nation’s constitution. groups together obtained the Constitutional Court, parliament in its first post- and Catalan flags.q
Spanish Prime Minister a parliamentary majority in which has in the past election session declared
Mariano Rajoy pledged to regional elections in Sep- blocked moves toward in- “the start of a process to- Continued on Page 27