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                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 10 November 2015

Lawyer: Motorist had hands up as police killed his boy 

M. KUNZELMAN                   scribed to the judge during       Pallbearers carry the casket of 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis to the grave site at Beaumont Cemetery
Associated Press               the hearing.                      in Beaumont, Miss., 30 miles east of Hattiesburg, Monday, Nov. 9, 2015. Jeremy Mardis, a 6-year-
MARKSVILLE, Louisiana (AP)     He also said that while           old autistic boy, was killed and his father wounded when marshals opened fire on their vehicle in
— A police body camera         Few’s condition is improv-        Marksville, La. on Nov. 3. Louisiana State Police announced late Friday that they had arrested the
recorded the father of a       ing, he has not yet been          two marshals in the shooting.
6-year-old autistic boy with   told that his son died at
his hands up and posing no     the scene. State police de-                                                                                         (Eli Baylis\Hattiesburg American via AP)
threat as police opened        clined to comment, citing
fire into his car, severely    the ongoing investigation.        questions from the start. Ini-  gun found at the scene.      died wearing his seatbelt in
wounding the motorist and      Also Monday, District At-         tial reports suggested the      Investigators have been re-  the front passenger seat.
killing his son, the man’s     torney Charles A. Riddle          marshals had been serving       viewing forensics evidence,  “It’s the most disturbing
lawyer said Monday.            recused himself from the          a warrant on Few, but Loui-     emergency calls and body     thing I’ve seen — and I will
“This was not a threaten-      case because one of his           siana’s state police chief,     camera recordings, which     leave it at that,” Edmon-
ing situation for the po-      top assistant prosecutors is      Col. Mike Edmonson, said        Edmonson described at a      son said. “Jeremy Mardis is
lice,” said Mark Jeansonne,    the father of Greenhouse.         there was no evidence of        news conference Friday.      6 years old. He didn’t de-
the attorney for Chris Few,    The case is “not good for         a warrant, nor was there a      State police said the boy    serve to die like that.”q
who remained hospitalized      any of us,” Riddle said.
Monday and could not at-       The state attorney gener-
tend the funeral of his son,   al’s office will take over the
Jeremy Mardis.                 prosecution.
Jeansonne (ZHAN’-sawn)         The possibility that the offi-
spoke with The Associated      cers could post bond and
Press after a closed hear-     be released Monday, de-
ing in a Louisiana jail where  spite the murder charges,
he said the two local mar-     didn’t sit well with some
shals were ordered held        townspeople who gath-
on $1 million bonds. Derrick   ered outside the jail.
Stafford, 32, of Mansura,      “This child couldn’t hurt a
and Norris Greenhouse Jr.,     fly and his life is gone. I feel
23, of Marksville, are both    justice was not served,”
charged with second-de-        said Latasha Murray.
gree murder and attempt-       Louisiana State Police an-
ed second-degree murder.       nounced late Friday that
The lawyer said he still       they had arrested the
hasn’t seen the video,         two marshals in Tuesday’s
but its contents were de-      shooting, which raised

NYC officer who worked at
ground zero dies of cancer 

NEW YORK (AP) — Fam-           “It was smoky,” she said.
ily members, officers and      “You felt like it was just
friends have said farewell     burning your throat.”
to a police lieutenant who     Simms’ husband, Keith,
worked at ground zero af-      cared for her as she be-
ter the Sept. 11, 2001 at-     came increasingly sick.
tacks and recently died of     Doctors have been moni-
cancer.                        toring 9/11 workers closely
Funeral services were held     for any sign that toxins
Sunday for New York Po-        at the site gave people
lice Department Lt. Marci      cancer. No such link has
Simms, of Long Island. She     been found for lung can-
died of lung cancer Thurs-     cer, but research is ongo-
day at her home.               ing. Ground zero workers
Relatives said the 51-year-    who get the disease may
old Simms was one of the       still qualify for free medical
thousands of first respond-    care and compensation
ers who worked at ground       from a federal program set
zero. She spent more than      to expire next year.
four months doing rescue,      Simms joined the New
recovery and cleanup           York Police Department in
work among the smolder-        1998 after graduating from
ing rubble, and she later      John Jay College of Crimi-
became ill, they said.         nal Justice. She worked in
Simms, in a project pro-       Manhattan and Brooklyn
duced by the Stony Brook       before joining the 107th
University School of Jour-     Precinct in Queens in 2013.
nalism last year, talked       “Her heart’s desire was al-
about the conditions at        ways to be a policeman,”
ground zero, CBS New York      her sister, Susan Fosco, told
reported.                      the Daily News.q
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