Page 9 - atoday
P. 9
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Greece: No agreement with creditors on bailout release
Dutch Finance Minister and chair of the eurogroup finance bailout as well as 10 billion next week,” he said. Klaus Regling, the head
ministers Jeroen Dijsselbloem talks with journalists as he arrives euros already set aside for The Greek banks are per- of the European Stabil-
for a meeting of eurogroup finance ministers at the EU Council the country’s banks, who haps the most pressing ity Mechanism, the institu-
building in Brussels on Monday, Nov. 9, 2015. are reeling from capital concern facing the Greek tion that actually pays out
controls and another likely government. They remain the bailout cash, said the
(AP Photo/Francois Walschaerts) recession. badly hobbled by the cri- smaller capital shortfall
But it needs to pass a se- sis that played out over means Greece’s latest res-
PAN PYLAS nancial reforms, notably ries of economic reform the country’s euro future cue will “very likely” be less
Associated Press how to deal with those in measures to get the mon- in the first half of the year. than the up-to-86 billion
BRUSSELS (AP) — Greece arrears on their mortgages ey from the three-year 86 They need cash and fast euros initially foreseen.
failed to convince Euro- and the bad loans held by billion-euro ($93 billion) so they can start operating “That’s good news for
pean creditors Monday to banks. bailout program agreed normally — the most visible Greece because it means
release vital bailout funds “There are open issues,” on this summer in the face sign that they are nowhere the debt increase will be
to shore up the country’s Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the of potential economic col- near normal is that cash less and also good for ESM
public coffers and its crip- eurozone’s top official, lapse. withdrawals remain con- as we keep more remain-
pled banks but hopes are said after a meeting of the Greece’s finance minis- fined to a paltry 60 euros a ing firepower,” he said.
high that a deal will be bloc’s 19 finance ministers. ter, Euclid Tsakalotos, said day or 420 euros a week. Greece’s European credi-
concluded within a week. Dijsselbloem said he hopes he was hopeful the Greek Last month, the European tors have already put aside
Though the Greek govern- agreement on these re- government would meet Central Bank said Greece’s 10 billion euros into a spe-
ment has met many of the maining issues can be creditor demands over banks need 14.4 billion eu- cial account managed
conditions attached to agreed on in the “coming issues relating to Greek ros in fresh money to get that can be made avail-
the country’s third interna- days.” banks and bad debts with- back on their feet and able to Greece “relatively
tional bailout, it still needs Greece is due 2 billion eu- in the timeframe outlined resume normal business. quickly” but only after con-
to push through some fi- ros ($2.2 billion) from its by Dijsselbloem. That’s actually lower than ditions are met.
“I have every expecta- many had anticipated. Up “We hope that this can
tion that we will have very to 25 billion euros is avail- happen in the course of
good news by this time able from the bailout. this week,” he added.q
Fire at chemical complex sends
thick smoke over Dutch town
THE HAGUE, Netherlands dination organization said
(AP) — Students were kept there were no chemicals
late at school and resi- stored in the building that
dents were warned to stay was destroyed by the fire
inside and shut their doors and that no injuries were
and windows Monday in caused by the blaze or
a southern Dutch city as the smoke. Three nearby
firefighters battled a fierce railway stations and roads
blaze at a chemical indus- leading to the complex
try complex. were temporarily closed
Dark gray smoke billowed amid the heavy smoke. By
out of a blazing warehouse late afternoon, warnings
at the Chemelot complex for all but one neighbor-
in Geleen, 200 kilometers hood near the blaze had
(120 miles) south of Amster- been lifted. Monday’s fire
dam, for much of the after- came just four days after
noon until firefighters man- a blaze at an ammonium
aged to control the fire. plant located on the same
The regional security coor- complex.q