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SPORTSTuesday 10 November 2015
Knox goes from cart boy to World Golf Championship winner
DOUG FERGUSON Russell Knox of Scotland looks at his shot on the 7th hole during the final round of the HSBC Cham- his wife carried his bag in
AP Golf Writer pions golf tournament at the Sheshan International Golf Club in Shanghai, China Sunday, Nov. 8, his lone practice round be-
SHANGHAI (AP) — Rus- 2015. cause his caddie was still
sell Knox would appear to waiting on his visa.
have all the ingredients to Associated Press The rest of the week was a
succeed in golf. blur. Perhaps the smartest
But that would be skimming way back. Mike Flemming, who died play every tournament. move all week was not fin-
over the details. Progress was slow, but at of lung failure in the spring “The last time I checked, ishing the third round in the
Knox grew up in Scotland, least he was moving for- of 2014, and Knox choked if you’re not playing in dark Saturday, choosing to
the home of golf, and he ward. up when he thought about tournaments, you’re not get up Sunday morning to
once competed for his Asked about his ama- the man who “taught me improving.” And he al- play the par-5 18th. He hit
country in a youth tourna- teur days growing up in everything I know” about most didn’t get in this one. wedge to 3 feet for birdie
ment, where he first saw Inverness, he rubbed his golf. Knox was in Malaysia for to tie Kevin Kisner for the
Rory McIlroy. He came to forehead and said, “Oh, “I didn’t realize how bad a the CIMB Classic when he lead, and then he kept his
Florida to play college golf this might be hard. I wasn’t golfer I was when I came to learned that J.B. Holmes poise during what had the
and was among the top very good.” the U.S.,” Knox said. “What had pulled out of the HSBC feel of David vs. Goliath.
players on his team for four It was at a European youth I mean by that was if I went Champions and he was in. Knox and Dustin Johnson
years. As for his wife? He event in Spain where he to a bigger school, I would One problem: he needed started to pull away early.
met her at Marsh Landing saw McIlroy. After hearing have been completely a Chinese visa, and he had Knox chose not to watch
Country Club in Ponte Ve- the sound the ball made off overwhelmed and devas- a tee time Friday. His wife, Johnson for the front nine
dra Beach, Florida. McIlroy’s club, Knox knew tated how good the other Andrea, filled out forms to avoid getting intimidat-
Now for those details. he had his work cut out players were in this coun- and got them to the con- ed by Johnson’s power,
“She was the tennis pro,” for him. Through a recruit- try. Going to a small school sulate in Kuala Lumpur. though he couldn’t ignore
Knox said. “And I was the ing service, he landed a like Jacksonville University, They weren’t approved un- that he was some 50 yards
cart boy.” scholarship at Jacksonville where I was the No. 1 and til Monday afternoon, flew behind in the fairway. No
He smiled at the memory University. The coach was No. 2 player, allowed me to overnight to Shanghai, and matter. He hit fairways and
Sunday at Sheshan Inter- fired longer irons into the
national as he signed flags green to stay ahead.
and caps to commemo- The only sign of a struggle
rate his two-shot victory was missing a 3-foot birdie
in the HSBC Champions, putt on No. 8 and making
making him the first player bogey on the next hole to
to win a World Golf Cham- fall into a five-way tie.
pionship in his debut since He thought back to the
the series began in 1999. wall outside the clubhouse
The victory was not so that featured winners of
much a long time coming the HSBC Champions and
for the 30-year-old Knox as other World Golf Champi-
much as it was a long jour- onships.
ney that was more about “They’re superstars,” Knox
belief and hard work than said. “I kept saying, ‘If I
raw talent. want to win tournaments
It took him five years just to and be like a star, you’ve
reach the PGA Tour, and got to do it. In the past, I
he lasted only one season think I was afraid to take up
before having to fight his the space.q
PGA Tour Peter Malnati watches his ner in five events this sea- bogeys on Nos. 5 and 6, I’ll enjoy looking at my stats
putt roll in the 18th hole at the son. but quickly recovered with because I bet I hit a lot of
Continued from page 17 Sanderson Farms Champion- The waterlogged event in birdies on four of the next greens, particularly over
ship golf tournament in Jack- Jackson was delayed five six holes. the last two rounds,” Mal-
He was remarkably calm son, Miss., Monday, Nov. 9, times, either by rain, light- nati said.
down the stretch, avoid- 2015. Malnati won for the first ning or darkness. The final Malnati said he promised This is Malnati’s second go-
ing trouble at the Country time on the PGA Tour, closing day was a long one for sev- himself he wouldn’t be round on the PGA Tour.
Club of Jackson. He made with a 5-under 67. eral players, with some fin- watching the scoreboard if He struggled as a rookie in
par on his final three holes, Associated Press ishing as many as 30 holes. he was in contention during 2014 and lost his card, but
sinking a 3-foot putt on No. The leaderboard was con- the final round, but curiosity re-gained it after finishing
18 to hold his one-stroke stantly changing through- overwhelmed him when he ninth on the Tour
lead. out Monday’s marathon was on the 18th green. last season.
Then, it was time to wait. round, with about 15 play- He turned to his caddie Patton Kizzire and the
“It was kind of all surreal at ers moving in and out of Shane Joel and asked how 48-year-old Toms had a
that point,” Marnati said. contention. he was doing in relation to one shot lead after the
“I was definitely happy. I the field. third round before shuffling
don’t really know what all Roberto Castro led through Joel’s response: “How back into the pack early in
I was feeling.” the first two rounds but about we just hit a good the final round.
Soon enough, he was feel- shot a 3-over 75 in the third putt right here.” Toms still hung around
ing like a PGA Tour winner. round. He finished at 16 un- He did. It earned him a the leaders all day, but
The victory continued a der in a tie for fourth. $738,000 paycheck and couldn’t quite make the
trend for younger winners: Malnati was one of the few an exemption for the next charge for his 14th career
He’s the fifth first-time win- constants throughout the two-plus years. win. He had four birdies on
day. He had back-to-back “I’m not a big stats guy, but the back nine.q