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                                                                                                                                  Tuesday 10 November 2015

 Strains of low oil prices apparent                          Volkswagen and Audi diesel owners to
even at plush Abu Dhabi meeting                               get $1,000 in gift cards and vouchers 

JON GAMBRELL                                                 TOM KRISHER                     change or new set of tires,    action lawsuits have been
Associated Press                                                                             or even a down payment         filed in the U.S. against VW
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — On stage              AP Auto Writer                  on a new car. The offer        alleging that the scandal
only a short time after the United Arab Emirates said                                        also includes free roadside    caused the diesel cars to
it would increase its oil production despite low world-      DETROIT (AP) — Owners of        assistance for the diesel ve-  drop in value.
wide prices, the oil and gas minister of neighboring                                         hicles for three years.        Average auction prices
Oman didn’t pull any punches.                                482,000 diesel Volkswagens      “We are working tirelessly     of VW diesel models have
“This is (a) man-made crisis in our industry we have                                         to develop an approved         dropped nearly $2,100, or
created. ... And I think all we’re doing is irresponsible,”  and Audis in the U.S. are eli-  remedy for affected ve-        16 percent, since the an-
Mohammed bin Hama al-Rumhy said as his Emirati                                               hicles,” said Michael Horn,    nouncement, while VW
counterpart forced a smile next to him.                      gible for $1,000 in gift cards  VW’s U.S. CEO, said in a       gasoline models have fall-
Even among friends, the bottoming-out of oil prices,                                         statement. “In the mean-       en 4 percent, Kelley Blue
which are down more than 50 percent since the                and vouchers as the au-         time we are providing this     Book said Monday.
middle of last year, has strained both budgets and                                           goodwill package as a first    Josh Badall, of Phoenix, Ari-
relationships across the Gulf and other oil-producing        tomaker strives to placate
And while Emirati officials at the annual Abu Dhabi In-      customers dismayed by an
ternational Petroleum Exhibition and Conference said
Monday they believed prices will head back up into           emissions-rigging scandal.
next year, others offered a more pessimistic view.
“It’s a movement of an era of scarcity to one of abun-       VW announced the offer
dance; it’s a movement from a world of unexpect-
edly strong demand and tight supplies to a world of          Monday. The car owners
ample supplies — even oversupplies — and weaker
demands,” said Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS           have been in limbo since
and the author of a Pulitzer Prize-winning book on the
history of oil. “OPEC’s not the only balance of the mar-     mid-September,  when
ket. The United States is back in the role of swing pro-
ducer, a role it hasn’t exerted in six decades,” he said.    A model poses next to a Volkswagen car in the media preview of the Tokyo Motor show in
Fluctuating oil prices are nothing new, but this time
the U.S. has found itself roaring back into the industry     Tokyo, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015. 				                          (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
with the mass production of shale oil and reduced de-
pendence on imports.                                         VW admitted the cars are        step towards regaining our     zona, just sold his 2009 Jetta
U.S. shale, a weakening economy in China and other           equipped with software          customers’ trust.”             TDI because of the scandal
factors have pushed prices down. On Monday, Brent            that turns on pollution con-    Steve Kalafer, chairman of     as well as a host of me-
crude, a benchmark for international oils, was at            trols during government         the Flemington Car and         chanical problems.
$47.63 in London, down from well over $100 a barrel          tests and turns them off        Truck Country dealerships      He bought the car used for
last year. While the U.S. production has dialed back         while on the road.              in Flemington, New Jersey,     $9,000 in 2013 and recently
due to low prices, even more oil will soon enter the         VW has yet to unveil a fix      said Volkswagen’s offer is     sold if for less than the Kel-
market, including an expected flood of Iranian ex-           for the cars. The U.S. En-      a welcome first step after     ley Blue Book value, at
ports once sanctions are lifted under a landmark nu-         vironmental Protection          a long silence between the     $6,500.
clear deal. Despite that, the Emirati energy minister        Agency says the cars, with      automaker, its customers       “I don’t think solving it in a
said he believed prices would rise in 2016, even as he       2-liter four-cylinder diesel    and its U.S. retailers.        retrospective manner like
said his country planned to ramp up production to 3.5        engines, emit 10 to 40 times    Kalafer said he hasn’t         that really changes a whole
million barrels of oil a day from a current 2.9 million.     the allowable amount of         heard yet from any cus-        lot of anything, especially
The Emirates was the world’s sixth-largest oil produc-       harmful nitrogen oxide          tomers about Volkswa-          considering the value of
er in 2014, according to the U.S. Energy Information         while being driven.             gen’s offer, but he expects    those vehicles now is pretty
Administration. That 3.5 million barrel production will      “The problem that most          they’ll want more from the     bad,” he said.
come in the “next two to three years,” said Abdulla          of us suffer from is we’re in   company to address the         To get the gift cards and
Nasser al-Suwaidi, the director-general of the Abu           never-never land so this at     many issues raised by the      vouchers in the U.S., owners
Dhabi National Oil Co. “We are hopeful that we will          least gives us some com-        emissions scandal.             will not be required to sign
see in 2016 ... a correction,” Emirati Energy Minister Su-   pensation until they figure     “They will appreciate the      anything giving up their
hail Mohamed al-Mazrouei said. “Don’t ask me how             it out,” said Bob Rand, a       communication, but I           right to sue Volkswagen or
big, that’s for the market to decide. Don’t ask me who       retired judge in Pasadena,      imagine that until a real      force them into arbitration,
is going to play that role. It’s not going to be OPEC        California, who says he         resolution is found that ap-   spokeswoman Jeannine
only. This is an international effort. Everyone has a        and his wife have owned         preciation will be muted,”     Ginivan said. “There are no
role to play.” But speaking in Qatar at the same time,       at least a dozen new Volk-      he said.                       strings attached,” she said.
Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, dep-        swagens over the years.         Whatever fix VW designs        Volkswagen already is of-
uty minister of petroleum and mineral resources, cau-        The $500 Visa gift card can     could wind up hurting per-     fering $2,000 to current
tioned against making too many cuts amid the swing           be used anywhere, while         formance or perhaps fuel       VW owners to trade in their
in prices. “As we saw back in 2008, high oil prices          the $500 voucher can be         mileage, the two main rea-     cars for new vehicles, and
proved to be unsustainable, and the price fell sharp-        used at a VW dealership         sons why people buy die-       the gift cards and vouchers
ly following the great financial crisis. But this works in   for things such as an oil       sels. More than 200 class-     would add $1,000 to that.q
the opposite direction,” the prince said, according to
a copy of his speech carried on the state-run Saudi
Press Agency. “A prolonged period of low oil prices is
also unsustainable, as it will induce large investment
cuts and reduce the resilience of the oil industry, un-
dermining the future security of supply and setting the
scene for another sharp price rise.”q
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