P. 12

               Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017

            Colombia peace talks rattled by indigenous leader’s death

            By CESAR GARCIA                                                                                                     aides  has  questioned  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    wisdom  of  continuing  talks
            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)                                                                                             with  the  ELN  (probably
            —  Colombia’s  largest  re-                                                                                         need to name him or give
            maining  rebel  group  has                                                                                          brief  quote),  the  govern-
            acknowledged  its  role  in                                                                                         ment has so far indicated it
            the death of an indigenous                                                                                          will continue.
            leader  in  violation  of  a                                                                                        Peace  Commissioner  Ro-
            month-old  cease-fire,  rais-                                                                                       drigo Rivera said that under
            ing tensions in peace talks                                                                                         the protocols agreed to as
            with  the  government  that                                                                                         part of last month’s cease-
            are already mired in doubt.                                                                                         fire,  no  single  incident  is
            President   Juan   Manuel                                                                                           ground for either side walk-
            Santos’  government  on                                                                                             ing  away  from  the  negoti-
            Monday  condemned  the                                                                                              ating table.
            killing of Aulio Isarama and                                                                                        After  years  of  exploratory
            demanded  the  National                                                                                             talks,  peace  negotiations
            Liberation  Army  provide                                                                                           with the ELN began in Feb-
            information  to  lead  to  the                                                                                      ruary  following  an  agree-
            arrest of those responsible.                                                                                        ment with the much-larger
            It also called on the group                                                                                         Revolutionary  Armed  Forc-
            known  as  the  ELN  to  take                                                                                       es  of  Colombia.  But  prog-
            concrete  steps  to  guaran-                                                                                        ress  has  been  slow  and
            tee  such  incidents  aren’t                                                                                        many  question  whether
            repeated.                    President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos listens during a visit in Ottawa on Monday, Oct. 30,   the  ELN’s  top  command-
            Isarama, a member of the     2017. Santos’ government on Monday condemned the killing of Aulio Isarama and demanded   ers  have  effective  control
            Embera  people,  was  killed   the National Liberation Army provide information to lead to the arrest of those responsible.  over  their  estimated  1,500
            last  week  on  the  reserva-                                                 (Justin Tang/The Canadian Press via AP)  troops,  many  of  whom  in
            tion  in  the  western  state  The ELN’s western front said  ter  he  physically  assaulted  out  an  internal  reflection  the  past  have  carried  out
            of  Choco,  where  he  was  in  a  statement  that  it  had  one of the ELN rebels who  at  all  levels  so  that  these  kidnapping  and  bombings
            governor. He was the 11th  detained  Isarama  for  al-    had been escorting him to  incidents  don’t  happen  of  oil  pipelines  that  have
            indigenous leader slain this  legedly being an informant  where he was to be interro-  again,” the group said in a  complicated  efforts  at  ne-
            year in Colombia, accord-    for  military  intelligence.    It  gated.                statement.                   gotiating  an  end  to  the
            ing to human rights groups.  said his death occurred af-  “We’re committed to carry  While  one  of  Santos’  top  half-century conflict.q

            Uber drivers protest regulation of ride-sharing in Brazil

            SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  Driv-                                                             Brasilia,  the  capital,  Uber  pected  to  take  up  the  bill
            ers  from  Uber  snarled  traf-                                                        drivers were arriving in front  Tuesday.
            fic  in  several  Brazilian  cit-                                                      of  Congress,  promising  to  Brazilian  cab  drivers  have
            ies  on  Monday  with  “go-                                                            hold  a  vigil  overnight.  Taxi  pushed  for  the  measures,
            slow”  parades  to  protest                                                            drivers were also expected  complaining that Uber and
            a  bill  aimed  at  regulating                                                         to stage a protest there.    similar  companies  can  un-
            ride-sharing  apps  that  crit-                                                        The  lower  house  of  Con-  dercut  taxi  rates  because
            ics  say  would  make  the                                                             gress has passed a bill that  they  don’t  face  the  same
            services  unviable.  Around                                                            would  require  municipal  regulation.
            1,500  cars  wound  through                                                            governments  to  regulate  But  drivers  for  ride-sharing
            the streets of Sao Paulo for                                                           ride-sharing apps like Uber,  apps and some lawmakers
            three  hours,  according  to                                                           including  charging  new  say that the proposed reg-
            organizers.  Drivers  beeped                                                           taxes,  requiring  insurance  ulation  would  be  so  oner-
            their horns and flashed their                                                          for  passengers  and  pen-   ous  as  to  put  the  services
            hazard  lights,  occasionally                                                          sion benefits for drivers, and  out  of  business  and  rob
            pulling over to stand on top   Uber  drivers  and  other  ride-sharing  apps,  protest  against   implementing   increased  perhaps hundreds of thou-
            of their cars and draw more   proposed regulation of those services by the Brazilian Senate, in   oversight  of  drivers  and  sands  of  Brazilians  of  work
            attention to their cause. In   Sao Paulo, Brazil, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017.               their cars. The Senate is ex-  as drivers.q
                                                                           (AP Photo/Andre Penner)
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