P. 8

               Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017

            France: Marcon signs sweeping counterterrorism law                                                                  UK lawmakers seek

            By SYLVIE CORBET             The law gives enforcement  ship have been closed “for  tween  security  and  free-     zero tolerance for
                                                                                                                                sexual harassment
            Associated Press             agencies  greater  author-   incitement  to  commit  ter-  dom, and I believe this text
            PARIS (AP) — French Presi-   ity to conduct searches, to  rorist acts” under the state  meets this need,” Collomb   By DANICA KIRKA
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron  close religious facilities and  of emergency and 41 peo-       said at a news conference    Associated Press
            has  formally  signed  a  to  restrict  the  movements  ple are under house arrest  Monday. The new law also        LONDON (AP) — The leader
            sweeping  counterterrorism  of people suspected of ex-    because they have links to  allows  police  to  extend    of  Britain’s  House  of  Com-
            law  that  replaces  a  two-  tremist ties. Macron stressed  organizations spreading ex-  identity  verification  at  bor-  mons  said  Monday  there
            year-old  state  of  emer-   the law will allow authorities  tremism and hatred.       der  crossings  up  to  10  ki-  should be “zero tolerance”
            gency and is meant to give  to establish areas with extra  The new law allows authori-  lometers  (6  miles)  around   for inappropriate behavior
            police  more  tools  to  fight  security  measures,  such  as  ties to maintain such mea-  international  airports  and   in  Parliament  as  lawmak-
            violent extremism.           during Christmas markets.    sures  under  certain  condi-  train stations —and not just   ers  debated  a  response
            The  bill  was  adopted  by  The  state  of  emergency  tions,  including  a  judge’s  inside. Human rights groups   to  reports  that  dozens  of
            a  large  majority  at  parlia-  was  first  imposed  in  No-  permission, after lawmakers  have  criticized  the  bill  as   members may be guilty of
            ment earlier this month.     vember 2015 after the Paris  made  amendments  to  re-    establishing  a  permanent   sexual harassment.
            Macron said it will take ef-  terror  attacks  that  killed  spond  to  criticism  that  the  state  of  emergency  that   With  Prime  Minister  The-
            fect  Tuesday,  just  in  time  130 people. It has been ex-  original  bill  would  infringe  could  harm  citizens’  rights   resa  May  sitting  beside
            to  replace  the  state  of  tended six times since then.  on individual liberties.    to liberty, security, freedom   her, Andrea Leadsom told
            emergency  that  expires  Interior Minister Gerard Col-   “Everyone    noticed   we  of  assembly  and  freedom     the  chamber  there  was
            Wednesday.                   lomb said 11 places of wor-  needed a fair balance be-    of religion. q               no  place  for  harassment
                                                                                                                                or  misconduct  in  politics
            Spain seeks rebellion charges against Catalan leaders                                                               as  she  outlined  steps  to
                                                                                                                                repair  a  grievance  sys-
                                                                                                                                tem  that  she  described
            By ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                      as      “inadequate.”“Our
            RAF CASERT                                                                                                          constituents  will  be  rightly
            Associated Press                                                                                                    appalled  at  the  thought
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)                                                                                             that  some  representatives
            —  Spain  moved  Monday                                                                                             in  Parliament  may  have
            to  put  Catalonia’s  seces-                                                                                        acted  in  an  entirely  inap-
            sionist  leaders  on  trial  for                                                                                    propriate way towards oth-
            alleged  crimes  that  carry                                                                                        ers,” Leadsom said. “These
            maximum sentences of de-                                                                                            reports  risk  bringing  all  of
            cades in prison, and some                                                                                           our offices into disrepute.”
            of  the  ousted  government                                                                                         “These  plans  will  ensure
            figures went to the Belgian                                                                                         that  Parliament  takes  a
            capital,  where  an  official                                                                                       zero-tolerance approach,”
            said they might be able to                                                                                          she added.
            request asylum.                                                                                                     Britain’s  political  establish-
            As  Catalonia  spent  its  first                                                                                    ment  has  come  under  in-
            working  day  under  the  di-                                                                                       creasing  scrutiny  as  the
            rect rule of Madrid, follow-                                                                                        scandal  surrounding  Holly-
            ing its regional parliament’s                                                                                       wood mogul Harvey Wein-
            unsuccessful efforts to cre-                                                                                        stein emboldens people in
            ate  a  new  country,  Spain                                                                                        many  industries  to  speak
            was  venturing  into  new                                                                                           up  about  sexual  harass-
            political terrain amid an un-  In this file photo dated Thursday Oct. 26, 2017, Catalan President Carles Puigdemont makes a   ment at the hands of pow-
            precedented crisis.          statement  at  the  Palau  Generalitat  in  Barcelona,  Spain.  According  to  the  office  of  a  Catalan   erful  individuals  who  con-
            An  early  regional  election   member of the European Parliament, it is confirmed Monday Oct. 30, 2017, that ousted Catalan   trol  their  future  job  pros-
            on  Dec.  21  is  on  the  hori-  President Carles Puigdemont has arrived in Brussels.                              pects.
            zon, when both separatists                                                               (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)  Over  the  weekend,  May
            and  unionists  will  present  their  arrest  and  detention  continued  the  game  of  gian  capital.  Belgian  law-  asked  the  Cabinet  Office
            candidates,  but  before  before  trial.  The  rebellion,  political   cat-and-mouse  yer  Paul  Bekaert  told  VRT   to  investigate  whether  In-
            that the country is likely to  sedition  and  embezzle-   with  which  the  Catalan  network  that  Puigdemont      ternational  Trade  Minister
            endure  weeks  of  political  ment  charges  carry  maxi-  leader  has  tormented  the  had  consulted  him,  add-  Mark  Garnier  breached
            uncertainty.                 mum  sentences  of  30,  15  national government since  ing “he is not in Belgium to   the  ministerial  code  of
            Cranking  up  the  tension,  and  six  years  in  prison,  re-  he announced almost two  specifically ask for political   conduct by asking his sec-
            Spain’s  state  prosecutor  spectively. It wasn’t imme-   months ago that Catalonia  asylum.                        retary  to  buy  sex  toys  for
            said  he  would  seek  rebel-  diately  clear  when  judges  would  hold  an  indepen-  That  is  not  decided  yet.”   him.
            lion,  sedition  and  embez-  would rule on the prosecu-  dence referendum on Oct.  Belgium  allows  asylum  re-    Environment      Secretary
            zlement  charges  against  tors’ request.                 1  —  a  ballot  the  govern-  quests  by  citizens  of  other   Michael  Gove  also  was
            members  of  the  region’s  Those  facing  charges  in-   ment rejected as illegal.    European  Union  nations,    forced to apologize for at-
            secessionist   government.  clude     ousted    regional  It  later  emerged  Puigde-  and  in  the  past,  some    tempting  to  make  light  of
            Chief prosecutor Jose Man-   leader Carles Puigdemont,  mont had traveled to Brus-     Basque  separatists  were    the Weinstein scandal dur-
            uel Maza said he would ask  and  his  No.  2,  Oriol  Jun-  sels,  a  trip  that  was  con-  not  extradited  to  Spain   ing a radio interview.
            judges for preventive mea-   queras,  as  well  as  Cata-  firmed  by  Spanish  officials  while  they  sought  asylum,   The  Guido  Fawkes  po-
            sures against the politicians  lan  parliamentary  speaker  and a Catalan member of  causing  years  of  friction.   litical  website  on  Monday
            and  the  governing  body  Carme  Forcadell  —  high-     the  European  Parliament,  Still, it would be exception-  claimed that Conservative
            of  the  Catalan  parliament  profile figures in the region  though  Puigdemont  was  al for Belgium to grant asy-  Party  aides  had  compiled
            that allowed a vote to de-   of 7.5 million people and its  not seen in public.        lum  to  another  EU  citizen   a  spreadsheet  identifying
            clare independence on Fri-   capital, Barcelona.          Spanish  media  reported  based  on  arguments  that      36  party  lawmakers,  in-
            day.                         Puigdemont’s        where-   that five other members of  repression would endanger     cluding  two  serving  Cabi-
            Maza didn’t specify if those  abouts was a mystery early  Puigdemont’s  government  the  full  exercise  of  one’s   net  members,  accused  of
            measures  would  include  Monday.  The  uncertainty  went  with  him  to  the  Bel-    rights.q                     inappropriate  behavior.q
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