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A6   U.S. NEWS
               Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017

            Missouri:                                                                                                           Charges: On-duty

            Defense concedes coach kidnapped, raped, killed girl                                                                detectives cuffed
                                                                                                                                woman, raped her

                                                                                                   Carlos  Edwards  testified   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Two
                                                                                                   that  he  was  raking  leaves   detectives  threatened  an
                                                                                                   on  the  day  of  the  abduc-  18-year-old  woman  with
                                                                                                   tion and saw a pickup truck   arrest over a bottle of pre-
                                                                                                   drive past his home several   scription  pills,  handcuffed
                                                                                                   times.                       her,  drove  her  around  in
                                                                                                   Edwards  said  Hailey  was   their  police  van  and  then
                                                                                                   standing  in  his  driveway   raped her, authorities said
                                                                                                   when  the  driver  pulled  up   Monday  in  announcing
                                                                                                   next  to  the  fourth-grader   charges against the two.
                                                                                                   and asked her how to get     The detectives, Eddie Mar-
                                                                                                   to a street.                 tins and Richard Hall, were
                                                                                                   The girl said she didn’t know   arraigned  Monday  on  a
                                                                                                   and started walking away,    50-count  indictment  that
                                                                                                   Edwards recalled, and then   included rape and kidnap-
                                                                                                   the driver said: “Hey, come   ping  counts,  said  acting
                                                                                                   here for a minute.”          Brooklyn  District  Attorney
                                                                                                   Edwards  said  that  as  soon   Eric Gonzalez. He said DNA
                                                                                                   as  she  got  close  enough,   recovered  from  the  wom-
                                                                                                   the driver opened his door,   an  matched  both  defen-
                                                                                                   grabbed Hailey and drove     dants.
                                                                                                   off.  Edwards  said  he  took   Martins’ attorney, Mark Be-
                                                                                                   off running but a drainage   derow,  vowed  to  “vigor-
            In  this  March  26,  2014  photo,  Craig  Michael  Wood,  left,  enters  the  courtroom  for  a  hearing  in   ditch  at  the  edge  of  his   ously” challenge the case.
            Springfield, Mo. Wood is charged with first-degree murder, armed criminal action, child kidnapping,   yard stopped him from get-  “We don’t believe that the
            rape and sodomy in connection with 10-year-old Hailey Owens’ death in February of 2014.   ting to the truck.        story that the young wom-
                                                             (Nathan Papes/The Springfield News/AP)  His wife, Michelle Edwards,   an  was  forcibly  raped  is
            SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — A  has  pleaded  not  guilty  to  penalty if he’s convicted —  testified  with  tears  running   supported by any credible
            defense attorney for a mid-  charges  including  first-de-  acted impulsively when he  down her face that her hus-  evidence     whatsoever,”
            dle  school  football  coach  gree  murder,  his  attorney,  snatched  Hailey  Owens  in  band  was  feet  away  from   Bederow said.
            accused  of  abducting,  Patrick  Berrigan,  agreed  broad daylight and in front  reaching the truck before it      The woman said the detec-
            raping and killing a 10-year-  with  the  basic  facts  out-  of witnesses.            sped away.                   tives assaulted her on Sept.
            old  Missouri  girl  conceded  lined  by  Greene  County  “He  has  no  disguise  what-  She  made  a  frantic  911   15 while they were on duty.
            that  his  client  committed  Prosecutor  Dan  Patterson  soever,” said Berrigan, who  call,  and  the  couple  pro-  Martins  “told  the  young
            the  crimes  Monday  but  in  opening  statements  at  blamed        long-suppressed  vided police with Wood’s li-  woman he and his partner
            contended  that  the  man  Wood’s trial, The Springfield  urges  and  methamphet-      cense plate number. Police   are ‘freaks’ and asked her
            did  not  deliberate  first,  as  News-Leader reported. But  amine for the February 2014  ultimately  went  to  Wood’s   what she wanted to do to
            prosecutors say.             Berrigan argued that Wood  crime.  “He  doesn’t  even  home,  where  they  waited      get out of the arrest,” Gon-
            Although    Craig    Wood  —  who  faces  the  death  have dark sunglasses.”           for him to return.q          zalez  said.  Martins  forced
                                                                                                                                the  handcuffed  18-year-
            2 men arrested in Ohio in deaths of elderly couple                                                                  old  to  perform  a  sex  act
                                                                                                                                on him as Hall drove, and
                                                                                                                                then Martins raped her, the
            ELLINGTON,  Mo.  (AP)  —  A  gree murder.                 The  men  are  accused  in  Pulaski  County,  according   prosecutor said.
            southern  Missouri  prosecu-  Reynolds  County,  Missouri,  the  shootings  of  86-year-  to  Missouri  Case  Net,  the   The   detectives   then
            tor will seek the death pen-  prosecutor  Michael  Ran-   old  James  Nance,  his  state’s  online  court  report-  stopped  the  van  and
            alty  against  two  men  ac-  dazzo  said  in  an  interview  72-year-old  wife,  Janet,  ing system. He was arrested   switched places with Mar-
            cused  of  killing  an  elderly  with  The  Associated  Press  and  a  73-year-old  friend  again  in  September  and   tins  taking  the  wheel  and
            couple  during  a  robbery,  that  he  will  file  additional  of the family on Oct. 18 at  charged with scamming an   Hall  getting  into  the  back
            he said Monday.              charges of armed criminal  the  Nance  home  near  El-    elderly couple out of thou-  seat  of  the  van,  Gonzalez
            Timothy  Callahan,  44,  of  action, robbery and assault  lington, Missouri, about 125  sands of dollars by convinc-  said.  Hall  then  forced  the
            Farmington,  Missouri,  and  against both men, who are  miles southwest of St. Louis.  ing  them  to  write  multiple   teen to perform a sex act,
            David Young, 67, of Ironton,  jailed without bond in Ohio  The  third  victim  was  shot  checks for the same job —   the prosecutor said.
            Missouri, were arrested Sat-  awaiting  extradition.  Ran-  twice  in  the  head  but  sur-  painting their barn.   The  victim  told  her  friends
            urday  without  incident  at  dazzo  said  there  was  evi-  vived.                    “He  would  drive  around    what happened and, later
            a  motel  in  Deerfield  Town-  dence  the  crime  was  pre-  Young  was  on  probation  looking  for  decent-looking   that evening, was taken to
            ship, Ohio, near Cincinnati.  meditated and he planned  after pleading guilty in 2016  homes,  elderly  couples,    a hospital, where a sexual
            Both  were  charged  with  to  pursue  the  death  pen-   to  financial  exploitation  of  and  try  to  do  work  for   assault  evidence  collec-
            two counts each of first-de-  alty.                       the  elderly  or  disabled  in  them,” Randazzo said.q    tion kit was prepared. q
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