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October 31, 2017
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Paul Manafort leaves Federal District Court in Washington, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017. Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, and Manafort’s
business associate Rick Gates have pleaded not guilty to felony charges of conspiracy against the United States and other counts. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
First Guilty Plea, Indictment of Trump Aides in Russia Probe
By CHAD DAY, ERIC TUCKER tial campaign announced the first public demonstra- tors, or who are believed to day under house arrest
Associated Press the first charges, indicting tion that Special Coun- mislead them during ques- on charges that they fun-
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a Trump’s former campaign sel Robert Mueller and his tioning, could also wind up neled payments through
black Monday for Donald chairman and revealing team believe they have charged and facing years foreign companies and
Trump’s White House, the how an adviser lied to the identified criminal conduct. in prison. Paul Manafort, bank accounts as part of
special counsel investi- FBI about meetings with And they send a warning who steered Trump’s cam- their private political work
gating possible coordina- Russian intermediaries. that individuals in the Trump paign for much of last in Ukraine.
tion between the Kremlin The formal charges against orbit who do not cooper- year, and business associ-
and the Trump presiden- a total of three people are ate with Mueller’s investiga- ate Rick Gates ended the Continued on Page 3
Utilities Warn that Power Could be Out for Days in Northeast
By DAVE COLLINS ing hundreds of schools to reported. New England sachusetts. The storm left In Warren, choppy waters
Associated Press close in New England. got the brunt of the storm, 450,000 New Hampshire swept away a one-story
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A Falling trees knocked down which brought sustained electricity customers with- home.
severe storm packing hurri- power lines across the re- winds of up to 50 mph in out power at its peak and Video shows it sailing
cane-force wind gusts and gion, and some utility com- spots. A gust of 130 mph produced wind gusts of 78 downstream and crashing
soaking rain swept through panies warned custom- was reported at the Mount mph, emergency officials into a bridge. The home
the Northeast early Mon- ers that power could be Washington Observatory said. Emergency Manage- then crumbles into the wa-
day, knocking out power out for days. Trees also fell in New Hampshire, while ment Director Perry Plum- ter.
for nearly 1.5 million homes onto homes and vehicles, winds hit 82 mph in Mash- mer said the outage was
and businesses and forc- but no serious injuries were pee on Cape Cod in Mas- the state’s fourth largest. Continued on Page 4