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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
            First guilty plea, indictment of Trump aides in Russia probe

            Continued from Front         who was appointed in May  presidential  election  in  his  poulos  admitted  lying  to  paign  was  “extremely  lim-
                                         to lead the Justice Depart-  favor, the central issue be-  FBI  agents  about  the  na-  ited.”  She  said  that  “any
            George      Papadopoulos,  ment’s  investigation  —  is  hind Mueller’s mandate.       ture of his interactions with  actions that he took would
            also  a  former  campaign                                                                                           have been on his own.”
            adviser, faced further ques-                                                                                        The  criminal  case  against
            tioning  and  then  sentenc-                                                                                        Manafort, who surrendered
            ing in the first — and so far                                                                                       to  the  FBI  in  the  morning,
            only  —  criminal  case  that                                                                                       had long been expected.
            links the Trump election ef-                                                                                        The indictment naming him
            fort to the Kremlin.                                                                                                and  Gates,  who  also  had
            Manafort  and  Gates,  who                                                                                          a  role  in  the  campaign,
            pleaded  not  guilty  in  fed-                                                                                      lays  out  12  counts  includ-
            eral court, are not charged                                                                                         ing conspiracy against the
            with  any  wrongdoing  as                                                                                           United  States,  conspiracy
            part  of  the  Trump  cam-                                                                                          to  launder  money,  acting
            paign,  and  the  president                                                                                         as  an  unregistered  foreign
            immediately  sought  to  dis-                                                                                       agent,  making  false  state-
            tance  himself  from  the  al-                                                                                      ments and several charges
            legations.  He  said  on  Twit-                                                                                     related  to  failing  to  report
            ter that the alleged crimes                                                                                         foreign bank and financial
            occurred “years ago,” and                                                                                           accounts.
            he insisted anew there was                                                                                          The   indictment   alleges
            “NO COLLUSION” between                                                                                              the  men  moved  money
            his campaign and Russia.                                                                                            through  hidden  bank  ac-
            But  potentially  more  peril-                                                                                      counts  in  Cyprus,  St.  Vin-
            ous  for  the  president  was   Rick  Gates,  right,  leaves  federal  court  in  Washington,  Monday,  Oct.  30,  2017.  Paul  Manafort,   cent  and  the  Grenadines
            the  guilty  plea  by  former   President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, and Manafort’s business associate Gates   and the Seychelles.
                                         pleaded not guilty to felony charges of conspiracy against the United States and other counts.
            adviser     Papadopoulos,                                                                    (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)  In total, more than $75 mil-
            who admitted in newly un-                                                                                           lion flowed through the off-
            sealed  court  papers  that  prepared to indict for false  Mueller’s  investigation  has  “foreign nationals” who he  shore accounts, according
            he  was  told  in  April  2016  statements  even  if  the  un-  already   shadowed   the  thought had close connec-  to the indictment. Manafort
            that the Russians had “dirt”  derlying  conduct  he  un-  administration  for  months,  tions to senior Russian gov-  is  accused  of  laundering
            on Democratic rival Clinton  covers might not necessar-   with  investigators  reach-  ernment officials.           more than $18 million.
            in the form of “thousands of  ily be criminal.            ing into the White House to  Papadopoulos  has  been  Outside  the  courthouse,
            emails,”  well  before  it  be-  The  developments,  includ-  demand  access  to  docu-  cooperating  with  investi-  Manafort  attorney  Kevin
            came public that the Dem-    ing the unexpected unseal-   ments  and  interviews  with  gators,  according  to  the  Downing   attacked    the
            ocratic  National  Commit-   ing  of  a  guilty  plea,  usher  key current and former of-  court  papers.  His  lawyers  charges  and  said  “there
            tee and Clinton campaign  Mueller’s  investigation  into  ficials.                     hinted  strongly  in  a  state-  is  no  evidence  that  Mr.
            chairman  John  Podesta’s  a new, more serious phase.  The  Papadopoulos  plea  ment Monday that their cli-         Manafort  or  the  Trump
            emails had been hacked.      And  the  revelations  in  the  occurred  on  Oct.  5  but  ent  has  more  testimony  to  campaign  colluded  with
            Papadopoulos  was  not  guilty  plea  about  an  ad-      was  not  unsealed  until  provide.                       the Russian government.”
            charged  with  having  im-   viser’s   Russian   contacts  Monday,  creating  further  There, too, the White House  Manafort’s      indictment
            proper     communications  could complicate the pres-     woes  for  an  administration  scrambled  to  contain  the  doesn’t   reference   the
            with Russians but rather with  ident’s  assertions  that  his  that  had  prepared  over  potential fallout, with press  Trump  campaign  or  make
            lying  to  FBI  agents  when  campaign  had  never  co-   the  weekend  to  deflect  secretary  Sarah  Sanders  any  allegations  about  co-
            asked about the contacts,  ordinated  with  the  Russian  the  Manafort  allegations.  contending  that  Papado-    ordination  between  Russia
            suggesting  that  Mueller  —  government to tip the 2016  In  court  papers,  Papado-  poulos’  role  in  the  cam-  and campaign aides.q

            Trump fumes as Mueller probe enters new phase with charges

            By ZEKE MILLER               and as another former aide                                                             that  Manafort  had  been
            JONATHAN LEMIRE              was revealed to be coop-                                                               a  campaign  “part-timer”
            Associated Press             erating  with  authorities  af-                                                        who had only helped steer
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Spe-    ter  entering  a  guilty  plea                                                         the  convention  and  got
            cial counsel Robert Muller’s  for  lying  to  the  FBI.  White                                                      too much credit for Trump’s
            charges  Monday  against  House  officials  were  pub-                                                              ability  to  hold  onto  the
            former  Trump  campaign  licly optimistic about Muel-                                                               nomination,  according  to
            chairman  Paul  Manafort  ler’s investigation wrapping                                                              a  person  familiar  with  the
            and    two    other   aides  up swiftly, but the probe is                                                           private discussion.
            marked a new phase in his  far from over and its reach                                                              Those  describing  Trump’s
            sprawling investigation into  still uncertain.                                                                      thinking  or  private  discus-
            Russia  and  President  Don-  Trump  has  become  in-                                                               sions  were  not  authorized
            ald  Trump,  underscoring  creasingly  concerned  that                                                              to  speak  publicly  about
            the ongoing threat Mueller  the  Mueller  probe  could                                                              them  and  requested  ano-
            poses to the president.      be  moving  beyond  Rus-     President Donald Trump participates in a briefing on hurricane   nymity.
            Trump  immediately  sought  sia  to  an  investigation  into   recovery  efforts,  Wednesday,  Oct.  25,  2017,  in  Dallas.Trump   Trump  dismissed  the  mon-
                                                                      is  unleashing  new  criticism  of  the  probes  into  possible  ties
            to  distance  himself  after  his  personal  dealings,  two   between his campaign associates and Russia. Trump, in a series   ey-laundering   charges
            Manafort  and  Rick  Gates  people  familiar  with  the   of tweets, is making reference to what he calls “phony Trump/  against  Manafort  as  typi-
            pleaded  not  guilty  to  a  president’s  thinking  said.   Russia ‘collusion,’ which doesn’t exist.”               cal political corruption that
            12-count  indictment  alleg-  Trump  expressed  irritation                                    (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  did not reflect on his cam-
            ing money laundering, con-   Monday  morning  that  he  former aides.                  dictment,  the  president  paign,  one  of  the  persons
            spiracy and other offenses  was being tarnished by his  In  the  hours  after  the  in-  angrily  told  one  confidant  said.q
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