P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
Kenyan president is declared winner of troubled election
By CHRIS TORCHIA porters in the days that fol-
Associated Press lowed.
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Kenyatta said he expected
President Uhuru Kenyatta Odinga followers to mount
on Monday was declared new legal challenges, indi-
the overwhelming winner cating the long saga that
of a rerun election boy- has left many Kenyans
cotted by Kenya’s main weary of conflict and has
opposition leader, collect- hurt business in East Africa’s
ing 98 percent of the vote economic hub is not over.
but also exposing the divi- “My victory today was just
sions roiling this East African part of a process that is
country. likely to once again be sub-
While Kenyatta’s backers jected to a constitutional
celebrated his re-election, test through our courts,”
angry supporters of his rival, Kenyatta said at the elec-
Raila Odinga, skirmished tion commission headquar-
with police in Nairobi slums ters after results were an-
and burned tires in Kisumu, nounced that gave him a
one of the opposition second term. “I will submit
strongholds in western Ke- to this constitutional path.”
nya. Kenyatta said he would Uhuru Kenyatta, left, and William Ruto, right chat after they were announced the winners in the
Kenya’s election commis- consider dialogue with rerun of presidential race at the Centre in Bomas, Nairobi, Kenya, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017. The
sion said the turnout of reg- the opposition after the commission said Kenyatta won election with 98.2 percent of the votes.
istered voters in the Oct. outcome of any court (AP Photo/ Sayyid Abdul Azim)
26 election was about 40 proceedings. He also de- on the ballot and still got groups, highlighting the blocked roads. Security
percent, compared with scribed his victory as a vali- 73,000 votes, or just under loyalties that drive Kenyan forces used tear gas.
roughly twice that in Au- dation of his win in August, 1 percent. In August, he politics. Mobs have also Tires were set ablaze in the
gust balloting that was nul- saying the 7.5 million votes received 45 percent to Ke- looted shops and burned western town of Kisumu.
lified by the Supreme Court that he received this time nyatta’s 54 percent. property in some areas. “It was not an election that
because of what it called amounted to 90 percent of At least nine people have Late Monday, crowds in involved everyone,” said
“irregularities and illegali- what he got earlier. died in violence since the the Nairobi slums of Kibera, Peter Musundi, a Kawang-
ties.” Odinga, who dismissed the rerun election. Some were Mathare and Kawangware ware resident. He called
The rerun was marred by repeat election as a sham shot by police; several — areas where Odinga the vote as a “nomination
deadly clashes between and told his supporters not died in fighting between has strong support — con- exercise” for the ruling Jubi-
police and Odinga sup- to participate, remained Kenya’s different ethnic fronted police, set fires and lee party.q
South Africa sees protests against murders of white farmers
By ANDREW MELDRUM ing from farming areas to nority, especially the Afri- ker Monument in Pretoria this country.
Associated Press Cape Town, Pretoria and kaner population descend- where hundreds of protest- So farmers have by far the
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Johannesburg and white ed from Dutch settlers. ers gathered. most dangerous job of all
Thousands of white farm- farmers and their support- AfriForum claims that 70 “A farmer has 4.5 times people in this country, at
ers have snarled traffic on ers wore black in memory white farmers have been more chance of being mur- the moment. We cannot
some major roads in South of farmers killed. murdered in 341 attacks on dered in South Africa, than allow this to continue the
Africa in what they call The protests have been farms so far this year. an average South African,” way it is.”
the Black Monday protest peaceful and the South Af- The rate of murders of white said Cameron, according The protest has been criti-
against the high rate of rican police have accom- farmers is much higher than to the African News Agen- cized by the Black First Land
murders of farmers. panied the demonstrators. South Africa’s general mur- cy. First group which claimed in
Convoys of hundreds of The protests are backed by der rate, said Ian Cameron, “That means a farmer is a series of tweets that white
slow moving trucks and AfriForum, a lobby group AfriForum’s head of com- three times more likely to farmers are perpetrating
cars brought traffic to a which promotes the rights munity safety, speaking at be murdered in South Af- violence against black
crawl on highways lead- of South Africa’s white mi- the Afrikaners’ Voortrek- rica than a police officer in people.q