P. 13
Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
Aruba’s #1 Halloween Tradition: Trick or Treating at Paseo Herencia!
PALM BEACH - Since they
opened their doors ten
years ago, Paseo Herencia
in Palm Beach has been
setting standards for island-
ers for holiday events, both
local and international.
One of the most popular
is their Halloween bash,
where youngsters, and the
young at heart, are sure to
have a scary great time.
Over the years, parents
have demonstrated they
are becoming just as en-
thusiastic at dressing up
for the holiday as their little
ones, and fantastic make-
up and imaginative cos-
tumes could be seen on all
ages at the annual event,
which took place this past
Saturday, allowing the
school kids to enjoy it well
into the evening.
Outfits were spooky to
spectacular, and the mall’s
vendors were properly ap-
preciative as they filled the
children’s goody bags with
sweet treats.
After making the rounds of
all the stores, participants
packed the amphitheater
in the Plaza Padu to enjoy
some fun local entertain-
ment, another Paseo Her-
encia tradition of the holi-
Those attending particu-
larly appreciated the great
prizes awarded by Paseo
Herencia Marketing Man-
ager Vashni Wix and her
team for Cutest Costumes,
Most Original and Over- Keyone and his mother they have been watching with participants invited to the Ghostbusters’ song,
all Best. Cutest costume Asia won for most original the Netflix series “Stranger bring in their best efforts, and every other Hallow-
was awarded to beautiful as two members of the Things”?) and Liam Gomez and Shelly Brete won for a een-themed music that the
baby pixie Celeste Croes. Ghostbusters, (perchance made such an adorable most striking and frighten- DJ could muster, with Jari
T-Rex, he was awarded ing piece of gourd art. and Deepesh winning priz-
Overall Best Costume. The youngsters were also es as best dancers.
This year, a new addition invited to show off their Every year, islanders dem-
to the competitions was a moves to the music of Mi- onstrate their increasing
pumpkin carving award, chael Jackson’s “Thriller,” enjoyment of this non-tra-
ditionally Aruban holiday
with some exceptional cre-
atively, as well as growing
attendance to the popular
Unquestionably, this year
demonstrated that Paseo
Herencia has made Hal-
loween a greatly anticipat-
ed annual celebration!q