P. 18

               Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
            Usually automatic Jansen’s loss has Dodgers down in Series

            By STEPHEN HAWKINS                                                                     same thing.” Brian McCann  Saturday  night,  but  that
             AP Sports Writer                                                                      had reached with two outs  was  in  a  6-2  Dodgers  vic-
            HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Kenley                                                               in the 10th when he got hit  tory.  Game  6  is  Tuesday
            Jansen  had  been  almost                                                              by a pitch, a ball that struck  night in Los Angeles, where
            automatic  for  the  Los  An-                                                          him on his right forearm and  in Game 2 last Wednesday
            geles  Dodgers  —  until  the                                                          rolled up to also catch him  the  Astros  got  even  in  the
            World Series.                                                                          on  the  hand.  That  inside  ninth  inning  when  Marwin
            Now  after  the  big  closer’s                                                         pitch  came  immediately  Gonzalez  homered  in  the
            loss to the Houston Astros in                                                          after  McCann  had  almost  ninth  off  Jansen  for  a  3-3
            Game 5, after a rare blown                                                             ended  the  game,  turning  tie.  That  was  the  first-ever
            save earlier in the series, the                                                        on  a  pitch  and  pulling  it  blown save in the postsea-
            Dodgers are going home in                                                              deep  down  the  right  field  son for Jansen, and the As-
            a hole.                                                                                line and foul.               tros went on to win 7-6 in 11
            But  like  any  good  closer,                                                          The  Astros  catcher  initially  innings  and  avoid  coming
            Jansen  is  trying  to  have  a                                                        stayed  in  the  game  af-   home in an 0-2 deficit.
            short memory.                 Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Kenley Jansen warms up during   ter  manager  A.J.  Hinch  Jansen  led  the  NL  with  41
            “I mean, it is frustrating, it’s   batting  practice  before  Game  4  of  baseball’s  World  Series   and a trainer came out to  saves in the regular season,
            tough.  But  what  can  you   Houston Astros Saturday, Oct. 28, 2017, in Houston.      check  on  him.  But  Derek  his third career 40-save sea-
            do,”  Jansen  said.  “I’m  al-                                        Associated Press  Fisher took over as a pinch-  son,  and  his  1.32  ERA  was
            ready moving forward from  year in a row.                 inning in a game that took  runner  at  second  base  af-  the best in the majors for a
            this,  I’m  already  looking  The  Dodgers  had  already  5  hours,  17  minutes  ended  ter  George  Springer  drew  reliever.
            for  Tuesday,  I’m  already  used  six  pitchers,  and  had  the  game  early  Monday  a  walk,  and  Fisher  raced  But  the  closer  and  the
            ready for them again Tues-   just  tied  the  game  with  morning.  Houston  won  13-  home with the winning run  Dodgers still have a chance
            day. They’ve got to beat us  three  runs  in  the  ninth  in-  12 to take a 3-2 series lead.  on Bregman’s liner to left.  for their first World Series title
            again, they’ve got to beat  ning  late  Sunday  night,  “We  knew  going  into  this  “Just   missed   my    spot,  since 1988.
            all of us, all 25 of us to win  when Jansen came on for  series, this is the best offen-  missed  my  location,”  Jan-  “This  ain’t  over.  We’re  go-
            it.”  Jansen  blew  only  one  the fourth time in the World  sive ball club that we were  sen  said,  but  added  that  ing  home,”  Jansen  said.
            save  during  the  regular  Series.                       going  to  see  all  year.  And  he didn’t think fatigue was  “This is not a time for us to
            season, and just this week-  Jansen  worked  around  a  they  can  slug  you.  They  a factor.                      hang  our  heads  or  worry
            end had been recognized  two-out double in the ninth,  spoil pitches. They’re athlet-  Bregman  had  hit  a  solo  about  what  happened.  It
            as  the  National  League’s  but Alex Bregman’s RBI sin-  ic,” manager Dave Roberts  homer  off  Jansen  in  the  already  happened.  Move
            top reliever for the second  gle with two outs in the 10th  said. “But our guys did the  ninth inning of Game 4 on  forward.”q
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