P. 22

               Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
            Tiger Woods to return in Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                       website. “Albany is the per-  The deal stems from a Me-
             AP Golf Writer                                                                        fect  setting  and  it  will  be  morial Day arrest on a DUI
            Play it again, Tiger Woods.                                                            great  to  join  this  outstand-  charge  when  Woods  was
            For  the  second  straight                                                             ing field.”                  found asleep at the wheel
            year, Woods will return from                                                           The tournament has no cut.   of  his  car,  which  was  still
            back surgery at his holiday                                                            A  year  ago,  Woods  re-    running  and  parked  at  an
            tournament  in  the  Baha-                                                             turned  after  15  months  re-  awkward  angle  about  15
            mas the week after Thanks-                                                             covering  from  two  back  minutes  from  his  home  in
            giving.                                                                                surgeries. He made 24 bird-  Florida.
            Woods  has  not  played                                                                ies, but finished 15th out of  Woods  attributed  it  to  a
            since he withdrew from the                                                             18 players. The tournament  bad  combination  of  pre-
            Dubai  Desert  Classic  on                                                             is not official on any tour, al-  scription medicine.
            Feb.  3  with  back  spasms.                                                           though it does award world  According  to  a  toxicology
            Two  months  later,  he  had                                                           ranking points.              report, Woods had the ac-
            his  fourth  back  surgery  in                                                         He made his first PGA Tour  tive  ingredient  for  mari-
            just over two years.         In this Friday, Jan. 27, 2017 file photo, Tiger Woods watches his   start  at  Torrey  Pines  and  juana,  two  painkillers,  the
            Woods  will  be  part  of  the   tee shot on the ninth hole of the North Course during the second   missed  the  cut,  and  then  sleep drug Ambien and the
            18-man  field  at  the  Hero   round of the Farmers Insurance Open golf tournament at Torrey   went  to  Dubai  and  didn’t  anti-anxiety  drug  Xanax  in
            World  Challenge,  which     Pines Golf Course in San Diego.                           make it past the first round  his system.
            starts  Nov.  30  at  Albany                                          Associated Press  before his back began act-  He completed a drug treat-
            Golf  Club.  While  sponsor  Woods  reported  instant  posting video on Twitter of  ing up.                         ment program in July.
            exemptions  are  limited  to  relief. He also said just one  a full swing with an iron, a  Woods  made  the  an-    Woods has 79 PGA Tour vic-
            the  top  50  in  the  world,  month  ago  at  the  Presi-  driver  and  then  his  signa-  nouncement   just   three  tories  and  14  majors,  both
            Woods  is  exempt  as  the  dents Cup that he had no  ture  stinger  shot  with  the  days  after  he  pleaded  second  all-time,  though
            tournament host.             idea what his future held.   driver.                      guilty  to  reckless  driving  in  he  has  not  won  since  the
            His latest procedure was a  Doctors  gave  him  clear-    “I  am  excited  to  return  to  a  deal  that  allows  him  to  Bridgestone  Invitational  in
            fusion surgery — the previ-  ance  to  practice  without  competitive  golf  at  the  avoid jail time if he doesn’t  August  2013  for  his  record
            ous  three  were  microdis-  limitations  about  a  week  Hero  World  Challenge,”  violate  terms  of  his  proba-  18th World Golf Champion-
            cectomy  surgeries  —  and  later, and Woods had been  Woods said in a story on his  tion.                          ships title.q

                                                                      Dustin Johnson

                                                                      is  No.  1  in  the  world  for  a  book,  he  is  7-6,  but  three  1  player  to  lose  a  six-shot
                                                                      reason — this is happening  of those victories were only  lead.  Greg  Norman  had
                                                                      far too often.               three  rounds  because  of  what remains the most fa-
                                                                      Pebble Beach was the first  rain  at  Pebble  Beach  in  mous collapse because of
                                                                      time  Johnson  played  a  fi-  2009, high wind at Kapalua  the stage, Augusta Nation-
                                                                      nal round with the lead, by  in 2011 and a hurricane at  al in 1996, when he shot 78
                                                                      three  shots  over  Graeme  The Barclays in 2013.         and  finished  five  shots  be-
                                                                      McDowell.  That  was  gone  Throw  those  out  and  he’s  hind Nick Faldo.
                                                                      when  Johnson  made  tri-    4-6.                         Bobby  Cruikshank  shot  an
                                                                      ple  bogey  on  the  second  Johnson  spoke  just  long  80  to  lose  the  1928  Florida
                                                                      hole and then lost a ball in  enough  Sunday  to  ac-     Open. Hal Sutton shot a 77
                                                                      the  bushes  trying  to  drive  knowledge  some  of  the  to lose the 1983 Anheuser-
            Dustin  Johnson  of  United  States  gestures  in  the  final  round  of   the  third  green.  Johnson  mistakes  that  led  to  his  Busch  Classic.  The  other
            the  2017  WGC-HSBC  Champions  golf  tournament  held  at  the   learned  that  day  to  slow  downfall,  mainly  chunking  player  to  lose  a  six-shot
            Sheshan  International  Golf  Club  in  Shanghai,  China,  Sunday,   down.             a  short  iron  for  his  second  lead in the final round was
            Oct. 29, 2017.                                            There  really  hasn’t  been  shot on the par-5 14th that  Gay  Brewer.  He  closed
                                                     Associated Press  another bad collapse since  caused him to scramble for  with a 73 in the 1969 Danny
             Continued on Page 22        and  he  wasn’t  particular-  then.  He  had  a  two-shot  par, and chunking another  Thomas  Diplomat  Classic
                                         ly  close.  The  biggest  putt   lead  at  Doral  in  2011  and  one on the 15th that led to  and  was  the  victim  of  an
             Instead of going to the tro-  he  made  all  round  was  a   finished  second,  although  a  plugged  lie  in  a  bunker  Arnold Palmer charge.
             phy  presentation  on  the  6-footer  on  the  par-5  sec-  the  seven  players  within  and a bogey.              If there is cause for concern
             third-floor  balcony  of  the  ond  hole  to  save  bogey   three shots of him were all  “That  cost  me  two  shots  with Johnson, it’s his putter.
             HSBC suite above the 18th  after driving into the water.  among  the  top  31  in  the  there,” he said.           He  switched  models  when
             green  at  Sheshan  Interna-  Even  more  surprising  is   world  ranking.  The  other  And then he made bogey  he won the BMW Champi-
             tional,  Johnson  went  into  that Johnson is No. 1 in the   times,  he  was  tied  for  the  on the 16th — he made ea-  onship  last  year  and  used
             the scoring room to sign for  world with four victories this   lead.                  gle there when he won the  that  putter  through  three
             a 77.                       year. He is such an impos-   Even so, for someone who  HSBC Champions in 2013 —  straight  victories  in  the
             It  was  his  highest  closing  ing figure that a trio of ma-  has  piled  up  16  victories,  by hitting his tee shot to the  spring that took him to No.
             round  with  the  54-hole  jor  champions  behind  him   one  major  and  five  World  left into a buried lie in Ber-  1. He switched back to the
             lead  since  his  82  at  Peb-  — Stenson, Justin Rose and   Golf  Championships  in  10  muda  rough  and  leaving  putter  that  he  used  in  12
             ble Beach in the 2010 U.S.  Brooks  Koepka  —  figured   years  on  the  PGA  Tour,  himself  such  a  bad  angle  previous victories, including
             Open.                       they were playing for sec-   Johnson  has  not  estab-    that  he  could  only  ask  for  the U.S. Open. He brought
             As  collapses  go,  this  was  ond.                      lished  himself  as  a  great  perfection on the next shot.  a  different  putter  with  a
             shocking for a couple rea-  “Try and win the other golf   closer.                     He missed by a yard.         mallet head to China, and
             sons.                       tournament,”  said  Rose,    Not even close.              “So I gave a few away,” he  that  lasted  one  round.  He
             Johnson had made 22 bird-   who  shot  67  and  won  the   His  record  with  at  least  a  said. “But tough conditions.  took possession of a fourth
             ies  through  three  rounds.  real thing.                share  of  the  54-hole  lead  I mean, it is what it is.”  putter 15 minutes before he
             He  had  none  on  Sunday,  As great as Johnson is — he   is hard to measure. By the  Johnson  is  not  the  first  No.  shot 63 on Friday.q
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