P. 24

Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017 technology

            Insider Q&A: Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann talks AI, rivals

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY                                                                     So  they  weren’t  what  you  doing,  helping  them  kind
             AP Technology Writer                                                                  think  about  stereotypical  of  close  the  loop.  That’s
            NEW YORK (AP) — Pinterest                                                              tech    early    adopters.  pretty  different  from  a
            often  gets  lumped  in  with                                                          The  last  couple  of  years  lot  of  services  where  you
            social  media  apps  like                                                              we  have  grown  really  are there to do one thing,
            Instagram,  Snapchat  or                                                               fast  outside  of  the  U.S.  in  maybe  be  entertained  or
            Facebook,     but   people                                                             places like Western Europe,  talk to your friends or watch
            don’t  use  it  to  meet  new                                                          Japan  and  Brazil.  And  ...  a  show,  and  advertisers
            people or to keep in touch                                                             with  that  growth  we  see  just  say,  “Hey,  now  that
            with  old  classmates.  It’s                                                           more and more diversity in  we  have  your  attention,
            designed  more  to  let  you                                                           how  people  are  using  the  we’ll use that attention for
            get  in  touch  with  your                                                             service.                     something else.”
            own  interests,  tastes  and                                                           Q:  Can  you  talk  about  Q:  Are  you  worried  about
            hobbies.                                                                               the  ways  Pinterest  makes  larger   competitors,   like
            “There  other  people  also                                                            money and any new plans?     Amazon  with  its  recent
            using it, but the goal is not                                                          A:  The  way  we  make  Spark        feature,   copying
            to make friends with them                                                              money  is  advertising.  And  what you are doing?
            or talk with them,” says Ben   This  photo  provided  by  Pinterest  shows  company  co-founder   the reason that advertising  A:  What  I  always  tell  our
            Silbermann, the company’s    and CEO Ben Silbermann.                                   has always made sense to  team is that a lot of those
            CEO  and  co-founder.  “It’s                                          Associated Press  us as the right model is that  companies are building the
            really  just  to  get  ideas  for  with  Lens  where  you  can   around you.           people  come  to  Pinterest  features  that  we  released
            your life.” The online visual  take a photo or screenshot   Q:  You  just  hit  200  million  to get ideas. Ideas for their  months  or  years  ago.  We
            discovery service launched  of something and find it on   monthly users. Can you talk  home  or  ideas  for  clothes.  need  to  keep  focusing
            in  2010.  Still  privately  held,  Pinterest. What are some of   about  the  demographics  And what they really want  on building the next set of
            Pinterest is valued at more  the challenges of AI?        of  your  user  base  now  vs.  eventually,  after  they  get  things  that  would  make
            than $12 billion based on its  A: We use machine learning,   when you started out?     inspiration,  is  to  figure  out,  our users really happy and
            latest funding round. It has  or AI, in two big ways. One   A:  A  lot  of  our  early  users  “where  can  I  buy  that?”  really love this service. There
            200 million monthly users.   is to help you get personal   were  in  the  U.S.,  a  lot  of  or “where can I make that  will  always  be  competitors
            Silbermann  spoke  to  The  recommendations        that   them  were  women  and  part of my life?”                 that  are  copying  what
            Associated  Press  about  align  with  your  taste.  And   a  lot  of  them  were  in  the  That’s   what   some   of  have  already  built  and
            new    technologies    and  the  challenge  there  is     Midwest  where  I  grew  up.  our  best  advertisers  are  have shown is working.q
            competition.  The  interview  that  a  lot  of  times  people
            has been edited for length  know     what    they   like   It lives! This nightmare machine
            and clarity.                 when  they  see  it  but  they
            Q: What kinds of things do  might  not  know  how  to
            you  see  people  pinning  communicate        that    in   writes bone-chilling tales
            and  looking  at  that  you  words.  So  we  work  really
            weren’t seeing a year ago?   hard  to  try  to  understand   By MATT O’BRIEN
            A:  Every  day  we  are  your taste even if you can’t      AP Technology Writer
            surprised  (by)  what  users  quite describe it and show   Don’t  throw  away  your
            think  to  use  Pinterest  for.  you things that are similar.  Stephen  King  collection
            New things that are getting  And  the  other  one  is  an   just  yet.  But  the  Master  of
            really  popular  are  things  area  we  call  computer    the  Macabre  might  want
            like tattoos. We see a lot of  vision.  We  really  think  that   to  keep  an  eye  out  be-
            enthusiasts, car enthusiasts,  in  the  future  the  camera   hind  him,  because  scien-
            woodworking  enthusiasts,  is  going  to  be  the  next   tists  have  just  unleashed  a
            who  are  using  Pinterest  to  keyboard.  It’s  going  to  be   nightmare  machine  on  a
            get ideas for that.          a  fundamental  way  that    mission to churn out its own
            Q:  You  are  using  AI,  like  you learn about the world   bone-chilling tales.
                                                                      MIT  researchers  have  ap-
                                                                      plied  the  electrodes  and
                                                                      brought  to  life  a  new  fic-
                                                                      tion-writing  bot  they  call
                                                                      Shelley  —  after  “Franken-  In this Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017 photo creators of a fiction-writing
                                                                                                   ‘chatbot,’  from  the  left,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology
                                                                      stein” author Mary Shelley.   postdoctoral  associate  Pinar  Yanardag,  of  Istanbul,  Turkey,
                                                                      To keep the bot busy — no    MIT  research  scientist  Manuel  Cebrian,  of  Madrid,  Spain,  and
                                                                      wandering  the  country-     MIT associate professor Iyad Rahwan, of Aleppo, Syria, sit for a
                                                                      side  terrorizing  villagers!  —   photograph in front of a graphic from the home page of the site
                                                                      the  team  gave  it  a  crash   called “Shelley.”
                                                                      course in the horror genre,                                          Associated Press
                                                                      forcing  it  to  read  140,000  “She’s  creating  really  in-  has  said  it  can  take  him
                                                                      stories  published  by  ama-  teresting  and  weird  stories  “months  and  even  years”
                                                                      teur  writers  on  a  popular  that  have  never  really  ex-  to  get  a  novel’s  opening
                                                                      online forum.                isted  in  the  horror  genre,”  paragraph  right.  Shelley
                                                                      Now Shelley’s artificial neu-  said  Pinar  Yanardag,  a  takes a couple of seconds
                                                                      ral network is generating its  postdoctoral   researcher  —  and  the  results  can  be
                                                                      own  stories,  posting  open-  at the MIT Media Lab. One  a  little  awkward.  “The  doll
                                                                      ing  lines  on  Twitter,  then  strange  tale,  for  instance,  came  at  me  with  a  sy-
                                                                      taking turns with humans in  involved  a  pregnant  man  ringe,”  the  bot  posted  on
                                                                      collaborative storytelling.  who woke up in a hospital.   Twitter on Friday. “Its blood
                                                                      COLD, CALCULATING HOR-       King,  the  world’s  most  fa-  shot out of its mouth, and it
                                                                      ROR                          mous  living  horror  writer,  began to uncover itself. q
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