P. 19
SPORTS Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
Astros blast by Dodgers 13-12
in 10th, lead World Series 3-2
By BEN WALKER haps topped Toronto’s 15- over and over as the As-
AP Baseball Writer 14 win over the Phillies in tros sent balls careening all
HOUSTON (AP) — When the 1993 as the craziest World around — and out of — the
winning run finally came Series showdown ever. park.
sliding across home plate Exhilaration and exhaus- Yet on another night of
on Alex Bregman’s single, tion, spread over 5 hours, Home Run Derby in the
more than five unforget- 17 minutes. Year of the Home Run, no
table hours after the first “Yeah, five-hour game, but lead was safe.
pitch, a frantic Carlos Cor- it doesn’t matter. I can play Puig lined a two-run shot in
rea sprinted toward his a 10-hour game if we are the ninth, the record 22nd
Houston Astros teammates going to win,” Altuve said. homer in a single Series,
in the middle of the dia- Now, with both bullpens and Chris Taylor’s two-out
mond. worn down, the teams get single off Chris Devenski
Arm in the air, pure elation a day to recover. Game tied it.
all over his face. 6 will be Tuesday night at “I think this whole series has
A last indelible image from Dodger Stadium, where been an emotional roller
a World Series classic filled Justin Verlander will try coaster,” Dodgers manag-
with them. to clinch the Astros’ first er Dave Roberts said. “It’s
Correa, Jose Altuve and championship and Rich Hill the two best teams playing
the Astros kept hammer- hopes to save Los Angeles’ for a championship. And
ing away in a wild slugfest season. these are two teams that
that no one saw coming, Altuve, Correa, Yuli Gur- play 27 outs.”
rallying against Clayton riel, George Springer and More than that, in fact.
Kershaw and rocking the Brian McCann homered for Houston posted its second
Los Angeles Dodgers 13-12 Houston , the highest-scor- extra-inning victory of the
in 10 thrilling innings Sunday ing team in the majors this Series, adding to its 7-6,
night for a 3-2 lead. season. 11-inning comeback win in
“I feel like I’m going to have Cody Bellinger and Yas- a dramatic Game 2. Houston Astros’ Derek Fisher scores on a hit by Alex Bregman
a heart attack out there,” iel Puig went deep for the With two down in the 10th, during the 10th inning of Game 5 of baseball’s World Series
Correa said. Dodgers, who scored three Jansen hit McCann on against the Los Angeles Dodgers Monday, Oct. 30, 2017, in
In a tension-filled game of times in the ninth to make the hand with a pitch and Houston.
monster momentum swings it 12-all. Springer walked. Associated Press
at pulsating Minute Maid “It’s hard to put into words Bregman, who homered off hole against Kershaw and drive in the fifth that made
Park, the last one belonged all the twists and turns in Jansen in Saturday night’s then erased two more defi- it 7-4 and seemed to swing
to Bregman . With the that game,” Astros man- loss, lined the next pitch cits later in the game, tying things back in the Dodg-
packed crowd still stand- ager A.J. Hinch said. over shortstop to score it each time on a homer. ers’ favor. By the end of the
ing well past midnight, the “These are just two really pinch-runner Derek Fisher, Correa leaped and twirled mayhem on the mound, it
23-year-old third baseman good teams, just throwing who slid home ahead of after launching a two-run was a mere afterthought.
hit an RBI single with two haymakers at each other the throw from left fielder drive that made it 11-8 in Each team had 14 hits,
outs off Kenley Jansen.”The trying to outlast each oth- Andre Ethier. the seventh . Much later, eight for extra bases, and
best game ever, for sure,” er,” he said. “We’re up 3-2, baby,” Breg- he hurdled the dugout rail- both used seven pitchers.
Correa said. Silent when ace Dallas man said. ing the moment Bregman “Man, I’m mentally ex-
Wacky and whacky with Keuchel got crushed, the Out of nowhere, the Astros lined his winning single. hausted right now,” Bell-
seven home runs, this per- orange-clad fans erupted climbed out of a four-run Bellinger hit a three-run inger said.q
Phillies hire Gabe Kapler to be their manager
By ROB MAADDI, AP Sports statement. “I believe there Those are two important ar-
Writer is no better place to build a eas for Philadelphia’s man-
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The winning environment, and agement group.
Philadelphia Phillies went I take that task very seri- Klentak said he wanted a
outside the organization ously.” manager with a new voice
and perhaps outside the Kapler has served as direc- and new style to lead the
box to get a new manager. tor of player development Phillies into contention.
Former major league out- for the Los Angeles Dodg- They finished 66-96, but a
fielder Gabe Kapler was ers since 2014. The Dodgers talented core of young
hired Monday to be Phila- trail the Houston Astros 3-2 players improved in the
delphia’s manager, com- in the World Series. Game 6 second half and could be
pleting a search that lasted is Tuesday night in Los An- ready to compete.
one month. geles. Kapler’s only managerial
“I’m equal parts honored, Kapler will be introduced RBIs over 12 seasons with six we fully believe that he is experience came in 2007
humbled and excited by at a news conference after teams between 1998-2010. the right person to guide when he took a season
the opportunity with the the Series ends. He had no previous ties to this organization into the off from playing to lead
Phillies, an elite franchise in The 42-year-old Kapler re- the Phillies. future,” general manager Boston’s Single-A affiliate.
a city rich in history, tradi- places Pete Mackanin, “Gabe has a track record Matt Klentak said. He also coached Team Is-
tion, sports excellence and who moved into a front-of- of leadership, winning, pro- That “progressive” thinking rael during the 2013 World
with amazingly passion- fice position. Kapler batted gressive thinking and work- includes a fondness for an- Baseball Classic qualifying
ate fans,” Kapler said in a .268 with 82 homers and 386 ing with young players, and alytics and sports science. period.q