P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017

            Wheeler scores 3

            of Jets’ 5 goals in

            1st to rout Pens 7-1

            By The Associated Press      The    Penguins,   playing
            WINNIPEG,  Manitoba  (AP)  back-to-back  road  games
            —  Blake  Wheeler  scored  after losing 2-1 in Minnesota
            three  of  Winnipeg’s  five  on Saturday, were on their
            goals  in  the  first  period  heels  from  the  start  and
            and  the  Jets  routed  the  didn’t  score  until  Evgeni
            Pittsburgh  Penguins  7-1  on  Malkin’s fifth of the season
            Sunday night.                late in the second.
            Brendan  Lemieux  scored  DUCKS  4,  HURRICANES  3,
            his  first  career  goal  for  SO
            Winnipeg  on  a  slap  shot  RALEIGH,  N.C.  (AP)  —
            from  the  point  at  12:20  of  Corey Perry scored the only
            the third. The son of Claude  goal  in  a  shootout  to  lift
            Lemieux  made  his  NHL  Anaheim over Carolina.           Winnipeg Jets right wing Blake Wheeler (26) scores on Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Matthew Murray
            debut Oct. 20.               Jakob  Silfverberg  tied  it   (30) during the first period of an NHL hockey game in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017.
            Andrew  Copp,  Joel  Armia  with just under five minutes                                                                        Associated Press
            and  Mark  Scheifele  also  remaining in the third period   opening   period.   Scott  up  by  Johnny  Gaudreau,  It  was  the  11th  assist  for
            scored  for  the  Jets,  who  for the Ducks. Ondrej Kase   Darling stopped 22 shots.   who carried the puck in on  Gaudreau,  who  leads  the
            chased Matt Murray early.    and  Derek  Grant  scored    FLAMES 2, CAPITALS 1         the  rush.  After  not  finding  team with 14 points.
            Connor  Hellebuyck  made  in  the  first,  and  Ryan  Miller   CALGARY,   Alberta   (AP)  anyone  open,  he  curled  Micheal   Ferland    also
            31 saves.                    made 34 saves — including    —  Sean  Monahan  scored  back  at  the  faceoff  dot  scored for the Flames, and
            Winnipeg    scored    three  three  point-blank  stops  in   the   tiebreaking   goal  and  tried  again,  this  time  Mike Smith made 30 saves
            times  in  34  seconds  late  overtime.                   9:09  into  the  third  period  spotting Monahan alone at  in his NHL-leading 11th start.
            in the first to break it open  Jeff  Skinner,  Jordan  Staal   and   Calgary   edged  the far post. All the Flames’  Jakub Vrana scored for the
            against    the    two-time  and  Justin  Faulk  scored  to   Washington to break a four-  leading goal scorer had to  Capitals,  who  finished  1-2-
            defending  Stanley  Cup  rally  the  Hurricanes  from     game home losing streak.     do  was  slide  in  his  sixth  of  0  on  a  road  trip  through
            champions.                   a  2-0  deficit  early  in  the   The  decisive  goal  was  set  the season.           Western Canada.q

            Saudi women to be allowed into sports stadiums next year

            By AYA BATRAWY               to  the  public  spaces  that                                                          nearly  double  what  they
            Associated Press             accommodate women.                                                                     are  now.  The  government
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  These “family” sections are                                                            spent lavishly on the stadi-
            ates  (AP)  —  Saudi  Arabia  for women who are out on                                                              ums in an effort to appease
            will allow women into sports  their  own  or  who  are  ac-                                                         its  majority  young  popula-
            stadiums  as  of  next  year,  companied by a male rela-                                                            tion  and  provide  spaces
            the  kingdom’s  latest  step  tive. Many restaurants and                                                            for fans eager to cheer on
            toward  easing  rules  on  cafes,  which  often  also                                                               local clubs, as well as hold
            gender segregation — but  have  separate  entrances                                                                 national parades and cer-
            they  will  be  seated  in  the  for  women,  have  similarly                                                       emonies.  Two  years  ago,
            so-called  family  section,  segregated    seating   ar-                                                            a  Saudi  woman  was  ar-
            an area separate from the  rangements.                                                                              rested  while  attending  a
            male-only crowd.             The authority said the three                                                           soccer  game  in  Jiddah’s
            Still,   the   decision,   an-  major sports stadiums in the                                                        al-Jawhara stadium, which
            nounced on Sunday, marks  capital, Riyadh, and the cit-   In this Sept. 23, 2017 file photo released by Saudi Press Agency,   opened  to  the  public  in
            another  incremental  step  ies of Jiddah and Dammam      SPA, Saudi men and women attend national day ceremonies at   2014. Police were quoted in
            toward  greater  women’s  will undergo renovations to     the King Fahd stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.            local media at the time as
            rights in the kingdom.       accommodate        families.                                          Associated Press  saying that security spotted
            The General Sports Author-   The  decision  comes  after  also  responded  enthusias-  a  stark  reversal  from  years  her  at  the  stadium  “delib-
            ity  described  the  decision  the  public  appeared  to  tically  when  women  were  of  allowing  only  men  into  erately disguised” in pants,
            as one that will allow “fami-  welcome  a  decision  to  al-  allowed  into  the  Riyadh  the  stadiums,  many  built  a  long-sleeve  top,  a  hat
            lies” into the stadiums — a  low women to drive for the  stadium  for  national  day  with hundreds of millions of  and  sunglasses  to  avoid
            term authorities use to refer  first  time  next  year.  Many  celebrations last month. It’s  dollars when oil prices were  detection.q
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