P. 28
Tuesday 31 OcTOber 2017
FDA moves to ax claim for heart benefits from soy foods
By MATTHEW PERRONE Company, which markets
AP Health Writer Silk brand soy products,
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. were not immediately re-
regulators want to remove turned Monday.
a health claim about the The FDA first approved the
heart benefits of soy from language about the ben-
cartons of soy milk, tofu efits in 1999 based on stud-
and other foods, saying the ies suggesting soy protein
latest scientific evidence lowered a type of heart-
no longer shows a clear damaging cholesterol in
connection. the bloodstream. But some
Monday’s announcement later studies have failed to
by the Food and Drug show a clear link.
Administration marks the One 2005 study by the U.S.
first time the agency has government’s Agency for
moved to revoke a health Healthcare Research and
food claim since it began Quality found that soy
approving such statements products had little effect
in 1990. The claim that soy on bad cholesterol. The
protein can reduce heart FDA began reevaluating
disease appears on about the food claim in 2007 and
200 to 300 products in the said Monday “the totality
U.S., according to industry of the evidence is inconsis-
figures, including popular tent and not conclusive.” This Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017, file photo shows the ingredients label for soy milk at a grocery store
brands like Silk soy milk. The agency will take com- in New York.
Calls to WhiteWave Foods ments on its proposal for Associated Press
UN agency: CO2 concentrations 75 days before moving anything special in the soy
ahead. If the language is protein.
removed, companies may The FDA estimates it will
grew at record rate in 2016 still be able to use a less cost companies between
definitive statement about $370,000 and $860,000 in
soy’s benefits by including upfront costs to re-label
GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. mosphere increased at The latest WMO Green- a disclaimer or description their products, according
weather agency is warn- record-breaking speed last house Gas Bulletin released of the mixed evidence. to a federal filing posted
ing that carbon-dioxide year. Monday says a strong El Consumer advocates online. An industry group
concentrations in the at- World Meteorological Nino and human activity backed the proposal, ar- for soy manufacturers dis-
Organization Secretary- contributed to an increase guing that earlier research puted the FDA’s decision
General Petteri Taalas says of CO2 concentrations to misinterpreted soy’s effect and pointed to 12 other
rapid cuts to CO2 and oth- 403.3 parts per million last on cholesterol. countries, including Can-
er greenhouse gases are year, up from 400 in 2015. Bonnie Liebman, a nutri- ada, that have approved
needed to avoid “danger- WMO says the report tion scientist at the Center health labeling claims mak-
ous temperature increas- breaks ground by showing for Science in the Public ing the link between soy
es” by 2100 that would far the “global picture” on car- Interest, explained that a protein and heart benefits.
surpass targets set in the bon levels. It hopes that will person might benefit by The group, Soyfoods Asso-
Paris climate accord. contribute to debate at a replacing red meat with ciation of North America,
He says “we are actually major climate conference soy, but the benefit would said it would make its case
moving in the wrong direc- in Bonn, Germany, starting be from the reduction in to the FDA during the com-
tion.” next week. q red meat, not because of ment period.q