Page 28 - Aruba Today
P. 28


SCIENCEWednesday 20 January 2016

Support leg breaks as SpaceX rocket lands on ocean barge

C. WEBER                       The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is seen at Vandenberg Air Force Base Space Launch Complex 4                                              how long it takes the signal
JOHN ANTCZAK                   East with the Jason-3 spacecraft onboard in California. After successfully delivering an ocean-                                     to return indicates sea lev-
Associated Press               monitoring satellite into orbit, the Space X rocket made a hard landing on a floating barge in the                                  el height, which rises or falls
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Af-         roiling Pacific, breaking a support leg and toppling over.                                                                          depending on the temper-
ter successfully delivering                                                                                                                                        ature of the water.
a U.S.-European ocean-                                                                                                                 (Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP)  The data collected can
monitoring satellite into                                                                                                                                          detect the weather-alter-
orbit, a Space X rocket        waited for the landing at-       Meanwhile NASA said Ja-         Falcon 9 rocket. However,                                          ing El Nino condition and
made a hard landing on a       tempt.                           son-3 was “ready for  sci-      the launch was postponed                                           its opposite, La Nina, and
floating barge in the roiling  SpaceX founder Elon Musk         ence  operations” after it      after a different Falcon                                           are most familiar to the
Pacific, breaking a support    said on Twitter that the         reached orbit and had its       9 rocket failed during a                                           public in images of the Pa-
leg and toppling over.         rocket’s speed at touch-         solar arrays deployed. The      supply mission to the In-                                          cific Ocean that use col-
SpaceX announcers said         down was OK, “but a leg          satellite’s mission is to con-  ternational Space Station                                          ors to illustrate variations
the first stage of the Fal-    lockout didn’t latch, so it      tinue an unbroken record        in June. After correcting                                          in heat. Other pragmatic
con 9 was not upright after    tipped over after landing.”      of more than two decades        the problem, a successful                                          uses include measuring
reaching the 300-by-170        Two previous attempts to         of sea level measurements       launch last month restored                                         global sea level rise, and
foot landing pad in chop-      land a rocket on a barge in      from orbit. As the current El   Falcon 9s to flight status.                                        forecasting the strength
py seas about 200 miles        the Atlantic failed, but last    Nino in the eastern Pacific     Like its predecessors, Ja-                                         of hurricanes, other severe
west of San Diego on Sun-      month SpaceX succeeded           has strengthened, Jason-3       son-3 is equipped with ra-                                         weather and ocean con-
day.                           in returning a rocket to a       had been stuck on the           dar altimeter to bounce                                            ditions for the shipping in-
The rocket launched as         vertical landing at Cape         ground.                         microwave energy off the                                           dustry and in response to
planned at 10:42 a.m. from     Canaveral, Florida, after        Jason-3’s launch was origi-     ocean and a GPS system                                             oil spills.
Vandenberg Air Force           putting a cluster of satellites  nally scheduled for August      to identify the satellite’s                                        “Jason allows us to get the
Base, northwest of Los An-     into orbit.                      2015 aboard a SpaceX            precise location. Timing of                                        big picture in terms of sea-
geles, streaking through                                                                                                                                           level change in the years
a cloud-filled sky before                                                                                                                                          to come,” said Laury Miller,
eventually sending its sec-                                                                                                                                        Jason-3 program scientist.
ond stage and a Jason-3                                                                                                                                            Jason-3 is a project of the
satellite into orbit.                                                                                                                                              National Oceanic and At-
The failed landing was a                                                                                                                                           mospheric Administration,
setback for the Hawthorne,                                                                                                                                         NASA, the French space
California, company’s plan                                                                                                                                         agency Centre National
to reduce launch costs                                                                                                                                             d’Etudes Spatiales, and
by reusing rockets rather                                                                                                                                          the European Organiza-
than having them fall into                                                                                                                                         tion for the Exploitation of
the ocean. Meteorologists                                                                                                                                          Meteorological Satellites. It
predicted swells of 10- to                                                                                                                                         was built by Thales Alenia
13-feet where the barge                                                                                                                                            of France.q
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