Page 25 - Aruba Today
P. 25
Wednesday 20 January 2016
Wall Street inches up in shaky trading, led by utilities
MARLEY JAY and painful it might be, has Energy stocks continued Ran shares have skidded had expected. Netflix’s
AP Markets Writer helped knock oil prices to to fall on concerns about 41.5 percent in 2016. stock surged 8 percent
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. 12-year lows. reduced worldwide de- Delta Air Lines reported a in extended trading to
stocks struggled through Safe-play stocks like utilities mand. Chesapeake En- bigger fourth-quarter prof- $116.75.q
a turbulent day of trad- and telecommunications ergy lost 48 cents, or 13.5 it because of falling fuel
ing Tuesday and eked out companies rose the most. percent, to $3.08. Mara- prices. Delta said it expects
small gains, led by utility AT&T added 52 cents, or thon Oil fell 46 cents, or 5.7 fuel to be even less ex-
and consumer stocks. The 1.5 percent, to $34.51 and percent, to $7.68. pensive in the first quarter.
price of crude oil contin- NextEra Energy gained The price of gold fell $1.60 Its shares rose $1.46, or 3.3
ued to fall, and energy and
mining stocks tumbled. Reenactors of the 26th United States Colored Troops, a platoon of New York-based African Ameri-
Stocks in Asia and Europe can Civil War soldiers, visit the floor of the New York Stock Exchange prior to ringing the closing
had rallied earlier in the bell, in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. U.S. stocks inched
day as investors were sat- higher Tuesday after sharp sell-offs a week earlier.
isfied with China’s fourth-
quarter economic growth. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
The Dow Jones industrial
average rose as much as $2.55, or 2.4 percent, to to $1,089.10 an ounce. Sil- percent, to $45.96. Health
183 points in the first min- $107.81. Consumer goods ver rose 22.5 cents, or 1.6 insurer UnitedHealth Group
utes of trading Tuesday. maker Procter & Gamble, percent, to $14.121 an posted stronger-than-ex-
The gains faded in the af- the maker of Tide deter- ounce. Copper gained 3.4 pected results in the fourth
ternoon before a late spurt gent and Charmin toilet cents, or 1.7 percent, to quarter. Its stock rose $3.31,
of buying in the last half paper, gained $1.75, or 2.3 $1.978 a pound. Gold miner or 3 percent, to $112.58.
hour sent indexes mostly percent, to $76.73. Newmont Mining lost $1.39, Netflix surged aftermarket
higher. U.S. crude fell 96 cents, or or 7.9 percent, to $16.31 as the company’s net in-
The Dow Jones indus- 3.3 percent, to close at and copper producer come surpassed analyst
trial average rose 27.94 $28.46 a barrel in New York. Freeport-McMoRan gave forecasts and its interna-
points, or 0.2 percent, to Brent crude, a benchmark up 39 cents, or 9 percent, tional subscriber growth
16,016.02. The Standard & for international oils, rose to $3.96. Freeport-McMo- was stronger than Netflix
Poor’s 500 index rose one 21 cents to close at $28.76
point to 1,881.33. The Nas- a barrel in London.
daq composite index fell
11.47 points, or 0.3 per-
cent, to 4,476.95. Major in-
dexes had plunged Friday,
and the Dow and S&P 500
are coming off their worst
opening weeks of a year in
The Chinese government’s
report confirmed that the
world’s second-largest
economy is slowing, as an-
nual growth hit a 25-year
low in 2015. That can af-
fect demand for every-
thing from energy to met-
als to consumer goods
and heavy machinery.
Fears about a slowdown
in China, and how abrupt