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                                                                                                                                                              Wednesday 20 January 2016

Calls for boycott over diversity throw Oscars into turmoil

JAKE COYLE                   nounced they will boycott      Comedian Chris Rock speaks during an event celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin
AP Film Writer               the ceremony in protest.       Luther King Jr. at the Riverside Church in New York. Rock, who is scheduled to host the Oscars
NEW YORK (AP) — Grow-        Academy president Cher-        Feb. 28, has unveiled a new promotion for the broadcast, calling the ceremony “The White BET
ing calls for a boycott of   yl Boone Isaacs, who has       Awards.”
the Academy Awards over      led efforts to diversify the
the lack of diversity among  academy, responded late                                                                                                             (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)
this year’s Oscar nominees   Monday evening with a
are forcing stars to choose  forceful statement saying      Oyelowo said.               ing in. George Clooney, in   that movies like “Creed,”
sides and threatening to     that those previous mea-       “I am an academy mem-       comments to Variety, said    ‘’Straight Outta Compton,”
throw the movie industry’s   sures weren’t enough.          ber and it doesn’t reflect  that after earlier progress  ‘’Beasts of No Nation” and
biggest night of the year    Isaacs, the academy’s first    me and it doesn’t reflect   by the industry, “you feel   “Concussion” may have
into turmoil.                African American presi-        this nation.”               like we’re moving in the     deserved more attention
The backlash over the sec-   dent, said that “it’s time     Other stars began weigh-    wrong direction.” He noted   from the academy.q
ond straight year of all-    for big changes” and that
white acting nominees is     she will review membership
also putting heavy pressure  recruiting to bring about
on the Academy of Motion     “much-need diversity” in
Pictures Arts and Sciences   the academy’s ranks.
to diversify its overwhelm-  At a Los Angeles gala
ingly white male member-     honoring Boone Isaacs on
ship.                        Monday night, actor Da-
The furor grew on Tuesday    vid Oyelowo — who was
when the Rev.                famously snubbed last year
Al Sharpton said he would    for his performance as the
lead a campaign encour-      Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
aging people not to watch    in “Selma” — expressed
the Feb. 28 telecast. On     frustration with the acad-
Monday, Spike Lee, this      emy.
year’s Oscar honoree for     “This institution doesn’t re-
lifetime achievement, and    flect its president and it
Jada Pinkett Smith an-       doesn’t reflect this room,”
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