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                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 20 January 2016

Clinton gets endorsement from largest US gay organization 

KEN THOMAS                     to mobilize its 1.5 million     Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, right, poses for a photograph after speaking
Associated Press               members on her behalf           at a town hall at the Toledo Civic Center in Toledo, Iowa, Monday, Jan. 18, 2016.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem-         and get them to vote.
ocrat Hillary Clinton’s re-    “Too many LGBT Americans                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
ceived an endorsement          still face discrimination — in
Tuesday for her White          employment, in housing,
House bid by the larg-         in education, in health
est U.S. lesbian, gay, bisex-  care — because of who
ual and transgender civil      they are or who they love,”
rights organization.           Clinton said in a statement
But the campaign of her        Tuesday. “The stakes in this
main rival, Bernie Sanders,    election couldn’t be high-
disputed the group’s deci-     er.”
sion, pointing to the sena-    Clinton’s views on gay mar-
tor’s record on gay rights.    riage have evolved over
The Human Rights Cam-          time. She opposed gay
paign announced its en-        marriage as first lady, New
dorsement for the Demo-        York senator and as a 2008
cratic front-runner, which     presidential candidate but
she is expected to ac-         backed it in 2013 after leav-
cept at an event in Iowa       ing the State Department.
next Sunday ahead of the       She has maintained strong
state’s leadoff Feb. 1 cau-    political ties to members of
cus, the start of a process    the gay community, who
to choose its delegates for    point to her record on gay
the presidential nominating    rights as secretary of state.
convention.                    Sanders spokesman Mi-
The organization’s board       chael Briggs said the Hu-
of directors, comprised of     man Rights Campaign
32 community leaders na-       endorsement had to have
tionwide, voted to endorse     been “based on some-
Clinton, the group said in a   thing other than the facts
statement outlining plans      and the record.q

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump

       Continued from front    Sarah intends to do in 2016,
                               I will remain a big, big fan
Palin is scheduled to ap-      of Sarah Palin.”
pear with Trump at a rally     Trump’s national political
at an agricultural center      director Michael Glassner
at the Iowa State Univer-      previously worked with Pal-
sity later Tuesday and will    in, who was a virtual new-
also be joining Trump at       comer to the national po-
two events Wednesday,          litical arena when McCain
including a rally in Tulsa,    named her as his running
Oklahoma.                      mate. She has since risen
The endorsement comes          to prominence as one of
less than two weeks ahead      the most outspoken con-
of the critical lead-off Iowa  servatives in the party.
caucus, where Trump is         She signed on as a Fox
locked in a dead heat with     News commentator after
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.           resigning as Alaska’s gov-
In the statement an-           ernor in 2010, a job she
nouncing the endorse-          held until last year.
ment, Trump’s campaign         Asked Tuesday morning
described Palin as a con-      about his thoughts on a
servative who “helped          potential Palin endorse-
launch the careers of sev-     ment, as rumors of her
eral key future leaders of     potential backing swirled,
the Republican Party and       Trump said, “I’m a big fan
conservative movement.”        of Sarah Palin.”
The statement also quoted      While Trump said he
Cruz as once saying he         doesn’t typically put much
“would not be in the Unit-     stock in endorsements, he
ed States Senate were it       said, “I think it could very
not for Gov. Sarah Palin. ...  well result in votes.”
She can pick winners.”         Earlier Tuesday, Trump re-
Campaigning in New             ceived an endorsement
Hampshire, Tuesday, Cruz       from the daughter of mov-
said, “Regardless of what      ie star John Wayne.
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