Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7

                                                                                                                                                         Wednesday 20 January 2016

US Financial Front:

Health insurance customers begin new year with delays 

                                                                                    types of insurance. But bro-  narrower network of pro-       problem in some markets.
                                                                                    kers say this year has been   viders after the insurer mis-  Consumers who wanted
                                                                                    exceptional.                  takenly enrolled her in a      coverage that started Jan.
                                                                                    Boyd, the Dallas bro-         plan she didn’t choose. But    1 originally had to sign up
                                                                                    ker, said her market was      Eyler, an attorney from the    by Dec. 15. But HealthCare.
                                                                                    swamped after Blue Cross      Dallas suburb of Coppell,      gov, the federal website
                                                                                    and Blue Shield of Texas      says she wasn’t officially     that handles applications
                                                                                    stopped offering a popular    in the system until a few      for coverage from ACA
                                                                                    plan that covered about       days ago and still has no      exchanges in most states,
                                                                                    400,000 people with a wide    documents proving she’s        announced Dec. 15 that
                                                                                    network of providers. Boyd    insured.                       it would extend the dead-
                                                                                    helped client Bridget Eyler   Changing federal dead-         line two days due to heavy
                                                                                    find another plan with a      lines also contributed to the  demand.q

Chris Rogers, right, talks to Epilepsy Foundation Navigator Bar-
bara Meneses as Rogers prepares to enroll for health care cov-
erage, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016, in Coral Gables, Fla. Thousands
of health insurance consumers around the country have started
the new year dealing with missing ID cards, billing errors and
other problems tied to an enrollment surge at the end of 2015.

                                                              (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

KELLI KENNEDY                  “I’ve been in the health
TOM MURPHY                     insurance  business  20 plus
Associated Press               years, and I’ve never seen
Thousands of health insur-     anything like this,” said
ance consumers around          Dallas-based broker Tanya
the country have started       Boyd, who estimates that
the new year dealing with      hundreds of customers
missing ID cards, billing er-  have complained about
rors and other problems        delays in receiving their in-
tied to an enrollment surge    surance cards or a confir-
at the end of 2015.            mation of coverage.
Brokers and insurers in sev-   The delays are due in part
eral states told The Asso-     to more customers than
ciated Press that they’ve      expected shopping for
been inundated with            coverage late last year
complaints about these is-     after carriers ended plans
sues from customers with       in some markets, leav-
individual plans and those     ing thousands to find new
with coverage through          ones. And a last-minute
small  businesses. Insurance   enrollment deadline exten-
provider Health Care Ser-      sion from the federal gov-
vice Corp., for instance,      ernment gave people two
has been dealing with de-      more days to sign up. An
lays for about 10,000 com-     expansion of the Afford-
panies, while billing errors   able Care Act’s mandate
caused bank overdrafts for     that employers cover their
3,200 individual customers     workers also may have
of a North Carolina insurer.   contributed to the rush.
These delays mean that         It’s unclear how many peo-
some customers may have        ple have had trouble so far
to pay for care up front       this year. To be sure, a cer-
or wait for their insurance    tain amount of problems
cards to arrive before         can crop up at the start
scheduling a doctor’s ap-      of every year, after insur-
pointment, even though         ers wrap up a busy holiday
many have technically          season clogged with en-
been covered since Jan. 1.     rollment periods for several
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