Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Wednesday 20 January 2016

 Japan FM: Russia                New Taiwan government wants US help on China 
key to Syria, North
                                 M. PENNINGTON                  Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party, DPP, president-elect Tsai Ing-wen speaks in Taipei, Tai-
  Korea solutions                Associated Press               wan. Taiwan’s new government will carefully manage relations with mainland China and it wants
 M. YAMAGUCHI                    WASHINGTON (AP) — Tai-         Washington to keep encouraging reconciliation.
                                 wan’s new government will
Associated Press                 carefully manage relations                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Wally Santana)
TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s             with mainland  China  and
foreign minister pledged         it wants Washington to         Those remarks will be wel-      “We would need the Unit-        agree that the communist
Tuesday to continue talks        keep encouraging recon-        comed by the Obama              ed States to continue to        mainland and democratic
with Russia even though          ciliation, a senior official   administration. The United      encourage the two sides         island are part of a single
the two countries still lack     of the victorious party said   States is Taiwan’s most im-     to speak with each other,”      Chinese nation. Tsai has re-
a World War II peace             Tuesday. Joseph Wu is sec-     portant ally and source of      Wu said, adding that Wash-      fused to endorse Beijing’s
treaty, saying Moscow is         retary-general of the inde-    defensive arms but it has       ington can play a “balanc-      “one  China  principle” but
key to resolving interna-        pendence-leaning Demo-         applauded the easing of         ing role” so Taiwan is “not     hasn’t publicly repudiated
tional threats from Syria        cratic Progressive Party. He   cross-Strait relations under    dangling out there alone        it either.
and North Korea.                 is meeting with senior U.S.    the outgoing Nationalist        dealing withChina.”             Wu said a top priority for the
Fumio Kishida also an-           officials this week following  government.                     Wu characterized Beijing’s      new administration would
nounced $350 million in          the party’s commanding         China  claims the island as     reaction to the election as     be for legislation laying
new aid to help stabilize        victory in elections on the    its own territory and threat-   “measured,” but it has al-      out the guiding principles
Syria and its neighbor-          self-governing island Satur-   ens to use force if Taiwan      ready warned that it will not   for cross-Strait relations so
ing countries amid the           day. The DPP defeated the      declares formal indepen-        budge on its bottom line        there is more transparency
region’s massive refugee         Nationalist Party that has     dence.                          that Taiwan’s leader must       in its dealings with Beijing.q
crisis, following $810 mil-      forged closer ties with the
lion in earlier humanitar-       mainland during its eight-
ian support.                     year tenure.
Kishida said in a speech         The result was widely seen
in Tokyo that a diplomatic       as a setback to Beijing,
dialogue between Japan           but Wu said his party’s
and Russia is indispens-         presidential nominee, Tsai
able, even though a terri-       Ing-wen, has made clear
torial dispute has prevent-      she wants to maintain the
ed them from technically         status quo and safeguard
ending their World War II        peace and stability across
hostilities. He said the two     the Taiwan Strait.
sides are seeking to hold        “We will do our utmost to
summit talks “at the most        find a mutually accept-
appropriate time” this           able mode of interaction
year.                            between Taiwan and the
Media reports say Prime          mainland, one that avoids
Minister Shinzo Abe might        confrontation and pre-
visit Russia in April for talks  vents surprises,” Wu told
with President Vladimir Pu-      the Center for Strategic
tin ahead of a Group of          and International Studies
Seven leaders’ meeting in        think tank.
Japan in May.
“The international com-          China’s Xi arrives in Saudi Arabia on Mideast tour 
munity is faced with vari-
ous challenges, and Rus-         A. AL-SHIHRI                   Defense Minister Moham-         the size of these loans was     tion while in the kingdom.
sia’s constructive role is       AYA BATRAWY                    med bin Salman greeted          not discosed. In an official    Economic ties between
essential in resolving the       Associated Press               the Chinese delegation          readout of their meeting,       Saudi Arabia and  Chi-
problems,” Kishida said,         RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP)      on their arrival. China  and    Saudi Arabia said that King     na  are central to their bi-
citing North Korea, Syria        — Chinese President Xi Jin-    Saudi Arabia signed 14          Salman had decorated the        lateral relationship. Saudi
and the threat of terror-        ping has arrived in Saudi      memoranda of under-             Chinese president with the      Arabia isChina’s  biggest
ism.                             Arabia for a two-day visit     standing to enhance co-         country’s most prestigious      supplier of crude oil, ac-
“In that context, political      as part of a Middle East       operation, research, invest-    medal, named after the          counting for one in six bar-
dialogue, especially at a        tour that will include stops   ment and development in         country’s founder, King Ab-     rels of  China’s  crude oil
political level, is indispens-   in Egypt and Iran.             the fields of trade, satellite  delaziz. During his two-day     imports, the Xinhua news
able.”                           Saudi state television re-     navigation technology, re-      visit, Xi will also be holding  agency reported.  China  is
Japan and Russia never           ported that King Salman        newable energy and oil.         talks with the chiefs of the    Saudi Arabia’s second larg-
signed a post-World War          and President Xi held talks    Two Saudi loans for Chi-        Gulf Cooperation Council        est trade partner, with two-
II peace treaty because          on Tuesday afternoon.          nese environmental proj-        and the 57-nation Organi-       way trade reaching $69 bil-
of conflicting claims over       Deputy Crown Prince and        ects were agreed on, but        zation of Islamic Coopera-      lion in 2014.q
islands north of the Japa-
nese island of Hokkaido.q
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