Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                                                                        Wednesday 20 January 2016

As their High Volume Tour of the Season:

       Princess Cruise Lines Honors Jolly Pirates Sail and Snorkel

ORANJESTAD- Jolly Pirates       passengers as an excellent       ners have long been a fa-
was honored during an           value. Onboard the Royal         vorite Aruba Activity made
Award presentation cer-         Princess Ship to accept the      memorable by word-of-
emony with luncheon and         prestigious award was Julio      mouth approval as the top
an impressive tour of the       Payares, the Jolly Pirate’s      performing Sailing cruise in
Royal Princess Cruise ship,     Captain, who has been            Aruba.
one of the most popular         turning flips for Jolly Pirates  This most recent award
ships at sea.                   guests for more than 15          serves as further confirma-
As part of the Princess         years. Also aboard was Su-       tion as to the winning ways
Cruise Lines Shore excur-       pervisor Anacarina Matos,        of the entire high-spirited
sion program, the Jolly Pi-     delighted to accept the          Jolly Pirates team. The sail-
rates Snorkeling and Sailing    coveted award on behalf          ing, snorkeling and sunset
tour in Aruba received its      of her team stating, “For        tours offered by the Jolly
award and recognition as        our team to be recognized        Pirates remain the top
a result of feedback from       with this award it will only     choice among visitors to
their guests. With consistent   translate into more positive     Aruba with repeat guests
high ratings and positive       reviews and high scores for      who continue to drive the
passenger comments, the         the Jolly Pirates Aruba Snor-    demand recommending
Jolly Pirate Sailing and Snor-  keling experience”.              the cruises to friends with
keling tours were noted by      The Jolly Pirates teak Schoo-    rave reviews.q
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