Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16
LOCALWednesday 20 January 2016
This Friday at 6:30pm:
Students of Aruba to Host Acts of Kindness Concert
ORANJESTAD - On Friday, The Acts of Kindness Con- degrees at Xavier Universi- Ajudo Social- whose mis- sity and Xavier University
January 22, 2016 from cert is a perfect platform ty School of Medicine (XU- sion is to provide supplies School of Medicine Aruba
6:30pm to 9pm at the Xavi- to incorporate not only SOM) and Walden Univer- to the elderly and sick chartered the Student Am-
er University School of Med- school spirit, but also gives sity, it is important to realize such as packaged goods. bassadors Chapter at the
icine, located at Santa Hel- students an opportunity to if one wants to change the (Future goals include: do- XUSOM Medical School.
enastraat 23, Oranjestad, reach out to the commu- world, one must be willing nations of rent free wheel- This organization will work
students of Aruba will host nity and promote social to go beyond medicine. chairs to families in need (in conjunction with) the
an ambitious Acts of Kind- change. As medical stu- The goal is to raise aware- of assistance.) The vision Student Government As-
ness Concert. dents participating in dual ness and funds on behalf behind the concert is to sociation of XUSOM Medi-
of Aruba Animal Shelter bring unification between cal School to host a variety
and Ministerio di Ajudo the medical students and of activities and programs
Social by way of as many the Aruba community. Ac- in support of increasing
ticket sales as possible to complishment of this vision community activities and
the Acts of Kindness Con- will help students learn how involvement.
cert entertainment festival to work together as a col- Value Statement:
hosted on XUSOM’s cam- laborative team towards The fundraiser will help
pus. This fundraising event a common goal- Social student’s build social rela-
will include both XUSOM
students and community Change. Additionally it tionships through human
members. interaction and interrela-
Funds generated will be tionships with both mem-
donated to Aruba Animal bers of the Aruba Animal
Shelter- whose mission and Shelter and Ministerio di
focus is to rescue stray dogs Ajudo Social. It serves as an
and cats; and Ministerio di exemplary opportunity for
strengthening community
gives students an opportu- bonds with both universi-
ties involved. It also gives
nity to raise money through an opportunity to under-
score the vision of creat-
social interaction in the ing Scholars for Change.
It epitomizes the idea that
community within a non- students are learning in a
classroom setting in order
traditional setting. to learn how to attain so-
cial change beyond bor-
The event will have 40 ders. This event will give
XUSOM students an oppor-
participants, including tunity to make a difference
in the Aruba community.
performers, support staff, The show will not only in-
volve XUSOM students, but
publicity coordinators, and also the ARUBA commu-
nity, which depicts a great
sponsors. sense of compassion and
unity. Lastly, it will allow
In exchange for exposure students to get a better
understanding of how the
on the school website and roles of health care and
community services plays
on the day of the event, a role in people’s health.
For more information, call
the list of confirmed spon- (297) 588-7766.q
sors for the event already
include Elite Production,
Sponsor stage, lighting
and fashion runway; Es-
ther Jones, Sponsor fashion
clothes for fashion show;
DJ CJ, Sponsor Music for
the event; Student Govern-
ment Association (SGA),
Sponsor Flyers.
Executive Board& Faculty
The students (Juliette St.
Louis-president; Alisha Nel-
son-vice president; Karla
Simmonds-secretary; Phu-
ong Vo-officer; and Sid-
hardh Kakar-officer) of the
dual degree programs of-
fered by Walden Univer-