Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19
Wednesday 20 January 2016
On the Fringe:
Even the world’s best golfers envy parts of others’ game
Fabian Gomez, of Argentina, follows his drive off the 16th tee mately kept him out of the from someone else, Stricker that much.
box during the final round of the Sony Open golf tournament, 2008 Ryder Cup. leaned on fresh memories. “Why would I practice
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016, in Honolulu. Stricker, meanwhile, has “You know, I was watch- something I’m great at?”
long been regarded as ing Luke Donald today and he said with a grin. “I prac-
(AP Photo/Marco Garcia) one of the best putters in I was thinking, ‘Man, is he tice what I’m terrible at,
golf, so it would seem ob- good out of the bunker.’ which is hitting it off the tee
DOUG FERGUSON Scott said with a laugh. vious what another player And he’s a good wedge and my iron play.”
AP Golf Writer The long putter is not what would want from him. Think player,” Stricker said. Kevin Kisner, who always
HONOLULU (AP) — Jimmy made him the first Austra- back to Doral in 2013, when Brandt Snedeker also felt had a good short game
Walker does not like to talk lian to win a green jacket. Woods sought his help for that most of his peers and finally figured out how
about another player’s It’s not why he rose to No. 45 minutes on the putting wouldn’t mind having his to hit the ball on the club
game when they are in 1 in the world a year later. green on Wednesday and putting. The way he sees face, was one of the few
the same group except for “I think I’m a good driver then won by two shots over it, he hits more putts that players who believes he
when “Good shot” is war- of the golf ball,” Scott said. Stricker. have a chance to go in, has something that doesn’t
ranted. So he had to hold “Someone must want to Or maybe not. or he has fewer putts that involve a club in his hand.
his tongue last summer take my driver.” “I’ll say my wedge game,” don’t have a chance. So “My head,” he said. “I’ve
while playing with Justin Scott has seen some good Stricker said. if he goes a round or two always been a confident
Rose. golf in his 15 years as a Not putting? He paused. without making many, he’s guy. I know when I’m do-
“He drove it so good, on pro. He played a practice “Or my putting,” he added doesn’t let it bother him be- ing the things I can do that
a rope. I was like ... wow,” round with Tiger Woods with a smile. “I’ve been put- cause “I know they’re go- I can play with anybody.”
Walker said. “I waited two before the 2000 U.S. Open ting so badly the last year ing to eventually go in.” It would seem there is one
days and I said, ‘Justin, that made Scott wonder that I haven’t given myself Here’s what will drive some thing on which everyone
I don’t give out compli- if he should remain an enough credit for it.” players crazy — Snedeker can agree: No one has
ments very often, but I’ve amateur. He was paired As for what he would want really doesn’t practice it all everything.q
never seen anyone drive with Ernie Els when the Big
the golf ball as good as you Easy shot 60 at Royal Mel-
did the last two days.’” bourne in 2004, which Scott
Rose appreciated the still considers the greatest
kind words, but it was his round he ever saw.
response — “I wish I could But when asked if he could
putt like you” — that got have something from an-
Walker to thinking. other player, he went
“We all have something with Phil Mickelson’s short
out here that somebody game.
else wants,” Walker said. “There are a few guys that
“You watch somebody have outstanding areas of
and think, ‘I wish I could their games, but Phil’s short
do that.’ You admire things game over all the years
about people out here. I’ve been out here stands
And there are people out out unbelievably,” he said.
here that I’m sure admire Players do pay attention.
things about my game.” Luke Donald and Steve
A small sampling showed Stricker were in the same
there might be some truth group Friday at the Sony
to that. Open. Both shot 65.
No one has everything, Donald, a former world No.
and if he does, then not 1, figured that someone
for very long. And no one would like to have his short
is ever satisfied with any as- game and bunker play.
pect of his game. But do What he wants is what he
the world’s best at least can’t have, much as he
recognize what they do has tried. Donald would
well, and that someone love to hit the ball 320
else might want it? yards. He chased distance
“They definitely don’t want once in his career and it
my short putter,” Adam led to a wrist injury that ulti-