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                                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday 20 January 2016

Resurgent Venus Stopped in 1st Round at Australian Open 
                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 18


Fernando Verdasco of Spain hits a forehand returnduring his first round match against compatriot Rafael Nadal at the Australian Open tennis championships in Mel-
bourne, Australia, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

 Verdasco Shocks Nadal in Round 1 of Australian Open 

JOHN PYE                        netted him 14 major titles.      135-ranked Steve Darcis of     Halep, the 2014 French           worked to the extremes
AP Sports Writer                Nadal won his only Aus-          Belgium. “It’s a hard and      Open finalist, lost 6-4, 6-3 to  to unsettle his former No.
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP)       tralian title in 2009 after      painful loss,” Nadal said.     Zhang Shuai, giving the No.      1-ranked rival.
— For five sets and nearly      overcoming Verdasco in           “He was playing amazing in     133-ranked Chinese quali-        “To win against Rafa here
five hours, two chiseled        a 5-hour, 14-minute semifi-      the last set ... more aggres-  fier her first win at a Grand    coming from two sets down
Spanish left-handers went       nal, a match that still ranks    sive than me. He took more     Slam after 14 losses.            is unbelievable,” the No.
head-to-head again at the       among the classics at            risks than me, and he won.     “It’s OK. I don’t want to        45-ranked Verdasco said.
Australian Open.                Melbourne Park. This time,       Probably he deserved.”         make this match like dra-        “I think I played unbeliev-
It wasn’t a semifinal this      Verdasco rallied from a          No. 2 Simona Halep and         matic,” said Halep, who re-      able — the fifth set from the
time, though, and It didn’t     2-1 deficit to win the last      seven-time Grand Slam          fused to blame an Achilles       break that he made me, I
end nearly as well for Ra-      two sets, and came from          winner Venus Williams also     tendon problem for con-          just started hitting winners.
fael Nadal, who lost 7-6 (6),   a break down in the fifth        went out in the first round    tributing to her third first-    I don’t know how, just, you
4-6, 3-6, 7-6 (4), 6-2 to Fer-  to win in 4:41 and reach         on Tuesday, when a series      round loss in five years at      know I was closing the eyes
nando Verdasco and was          the second round. Nadal’s        of upsets took some focus      Melbourne Park.                  and everything was com-
eliminated in the first round   only previous first-round        off a match-fixing contro-     Verdasco went for every-         ing in and I keep doing it
of a Grand Slam tourna-         exit in a Grand Slam was at      versy that had overshad-       thing on his ground strokes,     and I was doing well.”
ment for only the second        Wimbledon in 2013, when          owed the first day of the      ripping 90 winners against
time in a career that has       he lost in straight sets to No.  season’s first major.          only 37 for Nadal as he             Continued on page 18
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