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WORLD NEWSWednesday 20 January 2016

Mexico probes possible money tie with actress, drug boss 

MEXICO CITY (AP) — There        volving the actress’ tequila  where she lives.                                                  week that many people          through a storm sewer.
are indications that drug       business. But she said they   “We have an investigation                                         are making up “items they      Guzman is being held in
lord Joaquin “El Chapo”         don’t have “legal certain-    in the tequila case,” Go-                                         think will make good sto-      the same maximum secu-
Guzman had business deal-       ty” a crime was committed.    mez said,                                                         ries.”                         rity prison he escaped from
ings with actress Kate del      Del Castillo arranged         adding that information                                           Authorities say the meeting    through a mile-long (1.5-ki-
Castillo, who arranged a        Penn’s Oct. 2 interview       leads officials to believe                                        between Penn, del Cas-         lometer) tunnel in July.
meeting between the drug        with Guzman, which was        the leader of the Sinaloa                                         tillo and Guzman helped        Gomez said authorities are
boss and actor Sean Penn,       published by Rolling Stone    drug cartel gave funds to                                         them locate the drug lord,     also investigating del Cas-
Mexico’s attorney general       magazine on Jan. 9, a day     that business.                                                    though he managed to es-       tillo’s spending for the trip
said in an interview pub-       after the fugitive Guzman     Gomez said Penn wasn’t                                            cape capture at that time.     to meet Guzman.
lished Tuesday.                 was recaptured.               under investigation for any                                       Three months later,            “We have to make sure
Arely Gomez told the news-      Gomez said officials want     crime.                                                            Mexican marines raided         who provided the airplane,
paper El Universal that offi-   to question del Castillo,     Del Castillo hasn’t replied                                       a safe house in the city of    who paid for it, all of the lo-
cials are investigating pos-    possibly at a Mexican con-    to requests for comment.                                          Los Mochis and Guzman          gistics of the trip,” Gomez
sible money laundering in-      sulate in the United States,  On Twitter, she said last                                         was arrested after fleeing     said.q

Several election offices attacked in Haiti as runoff nears 

Protesters run past a burning car during a protest against President Michel Martelly’s government                               cars pelted with rocks. A      Cap-Haitien and at least
to demand the cancellation of the Jan. 24, elections, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.                                                 truck and an SUV were          two others were damaged
                                                                                                                                torched by young men           by hurled rocks. Henri said
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)  near a police station.         the three offices that were
                                                                                                                                Police dispersed opposi-       set ablaze “weren’t totally
DAVID McFADDEN                  eral electoral offices were   ing for new elections and                                         tion protesters and cleared    destroyed” because locals
Associated Press                attacked in northern towns    the immediate removal                                             most roadblocks by late af-    managed to douse the
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)      as the country prepares for   of outgoing President Mi-                                         ternoon. Officers scattered    flames.
— Stone-throwing demon-         a Jan. 24 presidential and    chel Martelly, among other                                        some demonstrators with        Gerardo de Icaza, elec-
strators this week smashed      legislative runoff.           grievances. Roads were                                            tear gas in the downtown       toral observation direc-
car windows and set at          Roughly 2,000 protesters      blocked with flaming tire                                         slum of Bel Air, one of many   tor at the Organization of
least two vehicles ablaze       took to the streets in down-  barricades and more than                                          impoverished areas where       American States, tweeted
in Haiti’s capital, after sev-  town Port-au-Prince call-     a dozen motorists had their                                       young people who’ve nev-       Monday that the OAS mis-
                                                                                                                                er held any kind of steady     sion “deplores and strongly
                                                                                                                                job are easy pickings for      condemns” the violence
                                                                                                                                political actors looking for   targeting offices of Haiti’s
                                                                                                                                protesters for hire.           Provisional Electoral Coun-
                                                                                                                                High school science teach-     cil. The OAS called on
                                                                                                                                er Elisme Nerius walked his    Haitian political actors to
                                                                                                                                9-year-old son home from       reject violence and “act
                                                                                                                                school near a barricaded       peacefully.” Last month,
                                                                                                                                intersection where black       several government build-
                                                                                                                                smoke was still billowing      ings were burned and one
                                                                                                                                from burning tires.            demonstrator was killed in
                                                                                                                                “My hope is that when my       scattered violent protests
                                                                                                                                boy is old enough to vote      sparked by the release
                                                                                                                                this country can finally hold  of final legislative elec-
                                                                                                                                decent and calm elec-          tion results. Campaigning
                                                                                                                                tions,” Nerius said.           for Haiti’s presidential run-
                                                                                                                                In northern Haiti, Police In-  off kicked off earlier this
                                                                                                                                spector Michel Henri said      month, but only govern-
                                                                                                                                three electoral offices were   ment-backed candidate
                                                                                                                                set on fire late Sunday in     Jovenel Moise has been
                                                                                                                                towns around the city of       campaigning.q

Argentina’s Nisman remembered 1 year after his death 

ANA MANO                        tended the act in Buenos      want justice.” The prosecu-                                       his death, Nisman had          arrest orders enforced by
Associated Press                Aires, along with city offi-  tor was found dead in the                                         presented a claim against      Interpol for three Iranians
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina         cials.                        bathroom of his Buenos                                            then-president Cristina Fer-   accused of involvement in
(AP) — Jewish rights groups     Organizers read a letter      Aires apartment on Jan.                                           nandez for an alleged cov-     the bombing.
organized acts in several       written by Nisman’s daugh-    18, 2015 with a bullet to his                                     er up in the attack on the     Security Minister Patricia
Argentine cities this week      ters Iara and Kala, who met   head. At the time he was in-                                      Jewish community center.       Bullrich told reporters dur-
to mark the first anniversary   new President Mauricio        vestigating the 1994 bomb-                                        She denied the charges.        ing the Buenos Aires event
of prosecutor Alberto Nis-      Macri at his private resi-    ing of a Jewish community                                         Macri has now since or-        that Argentine law allows it
man’s death.                    dence over the weekend.       center that killed 85 peo-                                        dered the declassification     to try the men in absentia.
The events included             Nisman’s daughters did        ple. Authorities have not                                         of files related to Nisman’s     Ricardo Saenz, a fellow
marches in Buenos Aires,        not attend the Buenos Ai-     determined Nisman com-                                            death. The Macri govern-       prosecutor of Nisman, said
Cordoba, Parana and San         res event, but his mother,    mitted suicide or was killed,                                     ment’s foreign and security    during the ceremony that
Luis. Vice-President Gabri-     Sara Garfunkel, was pres-     as some have asserted. No                                         ministries on Dec. 18 reiter-  retaining the international
ela Michetti and Security       ent, along with hundreds of   one has been convicted                                            ated Argentina’s interest      arrest orders was “essen-
Minister Patricia Bullrich at-  people who chanted: “We       in the case. Shortly before                                       in retaining international     tial” to solving the crime. q
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