Page 19 - MIN.TTC OTMAR ODUBER JAN 23,2015
P. 19
Friday 23 January 2015
At The Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino:
Hotel Manager Matt Knights Embarks On A New Adventure
PALM BEACH - It is with translated in consistent im- very well deserved and
great pride that the Aru- provements throughout. very well fitted for Matt.
ba Marriott congratulates “While we are extremely We congratulate Matt,
Matt Knights with accept- sad to see him go, we be- Sheila his wife and their
ing the position of open- lieve that this new role is three beautiful children
ing General Manager for with this new adventure
the completely renovated and wish them the best of
Renaissance Jaragua in luck in Santo Domingo”
Santo Domingo. said Complex General
Matt joined the Aruba Manager Tom Calame.
Marriott in 2013 as the To thank Matt for a job well
Hotel Manager for the done, a farewell party was
Aruba Marriott Resort & organized on his last work
Stellaris Casino and has day, where management
shown great leadership and staff took the oppor-
in improving the hotel’s tunity to show their grati-
performance in all areas tude by sharing kind words
of operation. His perfor- and memorable mo-
mance program “Wiggy” ments through thoughtful
was tremendously success- speeches and a carefully
ful and it was his commit- put together photo col-
ment to the program that lage and video.q