Page 20 - MIN.TTC OTMAR ODUBER JAN 23,2015
P. 20


LOCALFriday 23 January 2015

Betico Day Festivities in Full Swing at Paseo Herencia!

                             PALM BEACH – This Sunday,      cultural dances.
                             January 25th, Paseo Her-       Different stores and res-
                             encia will be celebrating      taurants will have special
                             Betico Day with well known     discounts and incentives
                             dance group ‘Youth In Ac-      on this day, including 50%
                             tion,’ who will entertain ev-  off on select items at both
                             eryone with their diverse      Baci da Roma and DLG; at
                                                            Scala Restaurant, all prices
                                                            normally in US dollars will
                                                            be in Arubian Florins for the
                                                            event; Sky lounge will serve
                                                            “Aruba Riba” and “Du-
                                                            shi Jui” for only $5 dollars
                                                            the whole night; and res-
                                                            taurants will have special
                                                            menus for the event.
                                                            There will be coconut
                                                            water and different typi-
                                                            cal sweets of Aruba, and
                                                            don’t forget the fascinat-
                                                            ing water show to the musi-
                                                            cal rhythms of our father of
                                                            culture, Padu.
                                                            If you wish to spend an
                                                            amazing time with your
                                                            family in a cozy ambience,
                                                            you have to be at Paseo
                                                            Stores will be open from
                                                            5pm till 10pm on Betico
                                                            Paseo Herencia, Our
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