P. 23

                                                                                                        SPORTS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

            U.S. misses World Cup for 1st time since 1986 with loss

            By RONALD BLUM                                                                                                      the  2026  tournament  with
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   Mexico and Canada, and
            COUVA,  Trinidad  (AP)  —                                                                                           Morocco  is  the  only  other
            Twenty-eight  years  after                                                                                          bidder.
            the  United  States  ended                                                                                          “Every time you have a set-
            a  four-decade  World  Cup                                                                                          back  you  have  to  look  at
            absence  with  a  stunning                                                                                          things, re-evaluate and get
            victory  at  Trinidad,  the                                                                                         better,”  38-year-old  goal-
            Americans’  chances  for                                                                                            keeper  Tim  Howard  said.
            the  2018  tournament  in                                                                                           “And  as  a  program  we
            Russia ended on this island                                                                                         have to get better. This hex
            nation off the coast of Ven-                                                                                        proved  that.  There’s  some
            ezuela in even more aston-                                                                                          good teams on the up and
            ishing fashion.                                                                                                     up and we’ve got our work
            Needing  only  a  tie  and                                                                                          cut out for us.”
            confident of victory against                                                                                        Arena  left  his  lineup  un-
            the  world’s  99th-ranked                                                                                           changed  from  Friday’s  4-0
            team,  the  U.S.  was  elimi-                                                                                       rout  of  Panama  in  Florida,
            nated from World Cup con-                                                                                           but the Americans couldn’t
            tention  Tuesday  night  with   United States’ Matt Besler, squats on the pitch after losing 2-1 against Trinidad and Tobago during   generate  the  needed  en-
            a  2-1  loss  to  Trinidad  and   a 2018 World Cup qualifying soccer match  in Couva, Trinidad, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017.   ergy and emotion.
            Tobago  that  ended  a  run                                                                        Associated Press  “Our center backs were not
            of seven straight American   playoff next month against  American players were not  error.                          confident enough with the
            appearances  at  soccer’s    Australia.                   aware of the scores of the  Shocked American players      ball and really often in the
            showcase.                    Panama trailed 1-0 to Cos-   other games until after the  slumped on the bench, and    first  half  we  were  playing
            “We let down an entire na-   ta  Rica  at  halftime  and  final whistle.               center back Matt Besler sat   eight  against  10  because
            tion today,” said defender   Honduras  was  behind  2-1  “When I looked over at the  on  the  field  after  the  final   they  really  need  to  carry
            Omar  Gonzalez,  whose       to Mexico, but both rallied  bench  and  everyone  was  whistle as Panama’s game       the ball and bring a player
            17th-minute own goal start-  against  nations  that  al-  sitting  down,”  Gonzalez  ended  and  then  Costa  Ri-   to the ball and then move
            ed the collapse.             ready had clinched berths.  said, “I could just see from  ca’s. Dejected U.S. players   it  a  little  quicker,”  he  said.
            Gonzalez  casually  tried  to   Gabriel  Torres  scored  for  the looks on their faces that  filed into their locker rooms   “Our  forwards  were  not
            clear Alvin Jones’ cross and   Panama in the 52nd minute  it wasn’t good.”             with blank looks.            able to hold the ball. They
            sent it looping from 15 yards   on a shot that did not ap-  Back in 1989, Trinidad need-  “You  can  go  around  in   did  a  poor  job  there.  We
            over the outstretched right   pear to cross the goal line,  ed merely a tie to reach its  circles  a  million  times  over   didn’t  get  Pulisic  into  the
            arm  of  Tim  Howard.  Jones   and Honduras went ahead  first  World  Cup,  but  Paul  again, but the reality is that   game.  We  played  poorly.
            doubled  the  deal  in  the   on Guillermo Ochoa’s own  Caligiuri’s  long-range  goal  it  was  all  there  for  us  and   The  first  goal  was  unfortu-
            37th minute with a 35-yard   goal in the 54th and Romell  in  the  30th  minute  put  the  we have nobody to blame   nate. Those things happen.
            strike.                      Quioto’s goal in the 60th.   U.S.  in  the  tournament  for  but ourselves,” U.S. captain   The  second  goal  was  an
            Christian Pulisic, the Ameri-  At  that  point,  the  28th-  the first time since 1950.  Michael Bradley said.      incredible  shot.  What  can
            cas’  rising  19-year-old  star,   ranked  Americans  were  That game was played be-   Arena, a 66-year-old mem-    you say?”
            scored  in  the  47th  minute,   playoff bound, but Roman  fore a crowd of 35,000-plus  ber of the U.S. National Soc-  Gonzalez said Jones’ cross
            giving the U.S. hope.        Torres  scored  in  the  88th  at  National  Stadium  in  the  cer  Hall  of  Fame,  agreed   struck his left shin as he tried
            Clint  Dempsey,  at  34  try-  minute  to  give  Panama  a  capital  of  Port-of-Spain.  with his usual bluntness.  to prevent it from reaching
            ing  to  make  it  to  a  fourth   2-1 win, a third-place finish  With Trinidad already elimi-  “We  foolishly  brought  Trini-  Shahdon Winchester.
            World Cup, entered at the    with  13  points  and  its  first  nated, this one drew a few  dad into the game with the   “One  of  the  most  unlucky
            start of the second half and   World Cup berth. Honduras  hundred  fans  at  Ato  Bold-  own goal,” the coach said.   goals ever,” Gonzalez said.
            was denied by goalkeeper     finished  fourth  on  goal  dif-  on Stadium, 24 miles to the  “That  was  a  big  goal  for   “It is one that will haunt me
            Adrian  Foncette’s  leaping   ference  and  goes  to  the  south.                      Trinidad   psychologically.   forever.  ...  I  never  thought
            save  in  the  69th  and  hit  a   playoff.               The  U.S.  entered  its  final  That got them motivated.”  that  I’d  see  this  day.  This
            post  from  22  yards  in  the   The Americans, who would  qualifier  with  a  berth  un-  Missing the World Cup is a   is the worst day of my ca-
            77th. Bobby Wood’s head-     have  qualified  with  13  certain  for  the  first  time  devastating  blow  to  the   reer.”
            er in the 88th was sent wide   points  because  of  a  supe-  since  1989.  Home  losses  USSF,  which  has  steadily   USSF  President  Sunil  Gulati
            by Foncette.                 rior goal difference, instead  to  Mexico  last  November  built  the  sport  in  the  last   said the result felt unreal.
            Even a defeat could have     had 12 points and finished  and Costa Rica caused the  quarter-century  with  the      “It’s  a  huge  disappoint-
            earned  a  berth,  but  only   fifth in the hexagonal.    U.S.  Soccer  Federation  to  help  of  sponsors  and  tele-  ment  for  everybody:  for
            if  Panama  and  Honduras    “It’s  a  blemish  for  us,”  fire  Jurgen  Klinsmann  and  vision  partners.  It  also  is   players,  for  the  staff,  for
            both  lost.  And  if  the  U.S.   coach  Bruce  Arena  said.  bring back Arena, the U.S.  a  trauma  for  Fox,  which   coaches,  for  the  federa-
            and only one of those rivals   “We should not be staying  coach from 1998-2006. But  broadcasts  the  next  three   tion,”  Gulati  said.  “It’s  not
            were  beaten,  the  Ameri-   home  for  this  World  Cup  after  a  loss  to  Costa  Rica  World  Cups  after  taking   good enough, obviously. In
            cans  would  have  finished   and I take the responsibility  in  New  Jersey  last  month,  the  U.S.  rights  from  ESPN.   some sense, 2022 starts to-
            fourth and advanced to a     for that.”                   there  was  little  margin  for  The  USSF  hopes  to  co-host   morrow for us.”q
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