P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

            Strasburg, Nationals beat Cubs 5-0, force NLDS to Game 5

            By JAY COHEN                                                                                                        eighth  and  Sean  Doolittle
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   finished  the  three-hitter,
            CHICAGO (AP) — Stephen                                                                                              giving  the  NL  East  cham-
            Strasburg  shook  off  an  ill-                                                                                     pions a chance to avenge
            ness  and  all  doubts  about                                                                                       years of playoff heartache.
            his  mettle  while  pitching                                                                                        Washington also made it to
            seven  dominant  innings,                                                                                           the  playoffs  in  2012,  2014
            Michael  A.  Taylor  hit  a                                                                                         and 2016 and fell in the first
            late  grand  slam  and  the                                                                                         round each time, including
            Washington Nationals beat                                                                                           five-game losses to St. Louis
            the  Chicago  Cubs  5-0  on                                                                                         in 2012 and Los Angeles last
            Wednesday  to  send  their                                                                                          season.
            NL Division Series to a deci-                                                                                       The  Nationals  jumped  in
            sive Game 5.                                                                                                        front in the third, taking ad-
            The  teams  packed  up  at                                                                                          vantage  of  a  Chicago  er-
            Wrigley  Field  and  headed                                                                                         ror  for  the  second  straight
            back  to  Washington  for                                                                                           game. Trea Turner doubled
            Game  5  Thursday  night.                                                                                           with one out for his first hit of
            Kyle  Hendricks  starts  for                                                                                        the  series  and  advanced
            the World Series champion                                                                                           on  a  wild  pitch.  Jayson
            Cubs  after  throwing  seven                                                                                        Werth  struck  out  look-
            sharp innings in a 3-0 victo-                                                                                       ing  before  Arrieta  walked
            ry  over  Strasburg  in  Game                                                                                       Bryce  Harper,  putting  run-
            1. Gio Gonzalez is the likely                                                                                       ners on the corners.
            starter  for  the  Nationals,                                                                                       Ryan   Zimmerman,     who
            with Max Scherzer lurking in                                                                                        leads  the  Nationals  with
            the bullpen.                 Washington Nationals starting pitcher Stephen Strasburg throws during the first inning of Game 4 of   four  RBIs,  followed  with  a
            Strasburg  got  sick  after  his   baseball’s National League Division Series against the Chicago Cubs, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017,   slow roller to shortstop. Ad-
            terrific  performance  in  the   in Chicago.                                                                        dison  Russell  charged  the
            playoff  opener  on  Friday,                                                                       Associated Press  ball, but he couldn’t bring
            and  the  Nationals  had     Standing  tall  as  clouds  of  Wade Davis in the eighth.  wards  Jr.  walked  two  in  a   it in. It was Chicago’s sixth
            planned to go with Tanner    mist rolled through the old  Chicago  wasted  a  gutsy    row and threw ball one to    error  of  the  series,  and
            Roark  even  after  a  persis-  ballpark,  Strasburg  struck  performance  from  Jake   Taylor  before  he  was  re-  reliever   Brian   Duensing
            tent rain washed out Game    out  12,  allowed  three  hits  Arrieta  and  solid  relief  by   placed  by  Davis.  Taylor   picked up another one on
            4  on  Tuesday.  That  led  to   and  walked  two  in  his  first  Game  2  starter  Jon  Lester   then drove a 1-1 pitch into   an errant throw in the ninth.
            a  flurry  of  comments  and   career postseason win. He  in its first home playoff loss   the  basket  overhanging   Left fielder Kyle Schwarber
            criticism about whether the   pitched  well  enough  to  since Game 4 of the World     the  brick  wall  in  right  field   committed  two  errors  on
            ace  had  the  right  stuff  to   win Game 1, too, giving up  Series last year. NL MVP Kris   for his first career homer in   one play in Game 3, setting
            pitch in big moments.        three hits and fanning 10 in  Bryant struck out four times,   the playoffs.            up Washington’s only run in
            But  Strasburg  felt  better   seven innings, but a pair of  and the defending champs   Ryan  Madson  worked  the   a 2-1 loss. q
            when he woke up Wednes-      unearned runs saddled him  went 0 for 6 with runners in
            day  and  told  manager      with the loss.               scoring position.
            Dusty Baker he wanted the    This  time,  another  costly  Arrieta  walked  five  in  four                          The Gold Mine Ranch
            ball with Washington’s sea-  error  for  Chicago  brought  innings  in  his  return  from  a
            son on the line.             home  Washington’s  first  hamstring  injury,  but  lim-                                OCTOBER SPECIAL
            That was all Baker needed    run,  and  Taylor  broke  it  ited  Washington  to  an  un-
            to hear.                     open with a grand slam off  earned  run  and  two  hits.
                                                                      Lester got the Cubs all the                                Come with coupon
                                                                      way to the eighth, picking
                                                                      off  Ryan  Zimmerman  be-                                    and get $10,- off
                                                                      fore departing after Daniel                                    per person.
                                                                      Murphy’s two-out single.
                                                                      But  Chicago’s  bullpen  fal-
                                                                      tered  from  there.  Carl  Ed-  Horseback Riding          More Info: 594-1317
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