P. 24

Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017 TECHNOLOGY

            Walmart sees the future and it is digital

            By  ANNE  D’INNOCENZIO                                                                                              in August. And starting next
            and MICHELLE CHAPMAN                                                                                                month,  returns  may  be
            AP Business Writers                                                                                                 getting  easier.  Customers
            NEW YORK (AP) — Walmart                                                                                             can  scan  goods  they  no
            is  all  about  online,  antici-                                                                                    longer  want  with  a  smart-
            pating  digital  sales  next                                                                                        phone  and  drop  them  off
            fiscal  year  will  rise  about                                                                                     at a customer service desk.
            40  percent  and  that  it  will                                                                                    Walmart says that will take
            double the number of U.S.                                                                                           35 seconds or less. Returns
            curbside  locations  for  on-                                                                                       right  now  take  about  four
            line  grocery  shoppers  at                                                                                         times  that,  not  including
            its  stores.  But  the  world’s                                                                                     any wait in line.
            largest  retailer  continues                                                                                        Earlier  this  year,  Wal-Mart
            to  scale  back  new  store                                                                                         revamped its shipping pro-
            growth  in  the  U.S.,  with                                                                                        gram and now offers free,
            plans to open only 25 in its                                                                                        two-day shipping for online
            fiscal year 2019, which ends                                                                                        orders  of  its  most  popular
            January  2019.  That  com-                                                                                          items with a minimum pur-
            pares  with  opening  230    In this Thursday, June 1, 2017, photo, customers walk out of a Walmart store in Hialeah Gardens,   chase order of $35.
            new U.S. stores during fiscal   Fla.                                                                                Walmart  says  it’s  critical
            2016.                                                                                              Associated Press  to  get  shoppers  to  spend
            The retail behemoth is pre-  Inc., in an address Tuesday  ers  at  a  hundred  of  its  shoppers’ homes with inter-  both  online  and  in  stores.
            dicting net sales growth at  to  investors  at  an  annual  stores  which  spit  out  prod-  net-connected locks when   Store  shoppers  who  be-
            or above 3 percent, driven  meeting  in  Bentonville,  Ar-  ucts  bought  on  Walmart.  they’re  not  there  to  drop   come  online  customers
            by online sales and growth  kansas. “Our future is look-  com.    But  it  has  an  eye  off  packages  or  put  gro-  spend  nearly  twice  as
            from  existing  stores  for  the  ing more digital.”      on  expanding  on  grocer-   ceries in the fridge.        much  overall.  And  those
            next fiscal year.            The  retailer  is  armoring  up  ies  online,  an  underserved  The company went live with   who  use  online  grocery
            The  company  reiterated  online to take on Amazon.       market.  Walmart  has  fast  voice-activated  shopping    pickup  buy  more  overall.
            its per-share earnings guid-  com  and  more  traditional  expanded  the  number  of  with  Google  in  answer  to   But as Walmart moves into
            ance  for  next  year  and  rivals,  like  Target.  Walmart  U.S. stores that allow online  Amazon’s  Alexa-powered   the digital space dominat-
            launched  a  two-year,  $20  paid  more  than  $3  billion  grocery  shoppers  to  pick  Echo devices. Walmart said   ed by Amazon, Amazon is
            billion  share  repurchase  for  online  retailer  Jet  last  up orders at the curb. Cur-  customers  can  now  start   encroaching on the physi-
            program. Shares rose more  year to speed its evolution.  rently  1,000  U.S.  locations  shopping  for  more  than  2   cal realm to win over more
            than 4 percent on the news   It’s  been  acquiring  small-  are participating.         million  Walmart  items  via   customers.
            “No  doubt  we  are  in  a  er  players  like  ModCloth,  Walmart  is  also  testing  the  Google  Assistant  as  well   In  August,  Amazon  closed
            transformational  period  of  Moosejaw  and  Bonobos.  idea  of  a  new  service  in  as  Google  Express  and  its   on its $13.7 billion purchase
            history,”  said  Doug  McMil-  It’s  also  deploying  digital  Silicon  Valley  that  lets  a  app.  Walmart  announced   of  Whole  Foods  Market
            lon, CEO of Walmart Stores  kiosks  called  Pickup  Tow-  delivery  person  walk  into  its partnership with Google   and quickly lowered prices
                                                                                                                                on key products. It also cut
              Reports: Google                                                                                                   a  deal  with  Kohl’s  that  al-
                                                                                                                                lows for the return of Ama-
                                                                                                                                zon  goods  at  stores  in  Los
              uncovers ads by                                                                                                   Angeles   and    Chicago,
                                                                                                                                which  are  packaged  and
                                                                                                                                shipped  out  by  workers
              Russian operatives                                                                                                there.  Moody’s  lead  retail
                                                                                                                                analyst  Charlie  O’Shea
                                                                                                                                said  Walmart  is  giving
                                                                                                                                shoppers  a  “compelling
              NEW YORK (AP) — Russian  The  Washington  Post  ear-                                                              online alternative to Ama-
              operatives likely spent tens  lier reported that the tech-                                                        zon”  and  views  its  online
              of thousands of dollars on  nology  behemoth  uncov-                                                              sales  forecast  as  an  “im-
              ads  across  Google  prod-  ered  the  Russian-backed                                                             pressive  goal,  especially
              ucts,  including  YouTube  disinformation  campaign                                                               on the heels of the 30 per-
              and  Google  search,  ac-  as it considers whether to                                                             cent  (growth)  outlined  at
              cording to reports.        testify  before  Congress    This Wednesday, April 26, 2017, file photo shows the Google   the 2016 investor meeting,
              Accounts connected with  next  month,  also  citing     mobile phone icon, in Philadelphia.                       which at the time seemed
              the  Russian  government  anonymous sources famil-                                             Associated Press   aspirational.”
              spent  $4,700  on  search  iar  with  the  investigation.                                                         “The  redeployment  of  sig-
              and display ads, while an-  Social  media  companies    said  it  has  a  “set  of  strict  inquiries,”  the  statement   nificant   capital   expen-
              other  $53,000  was  spent  Facebook    and    Twitter   ads policies including limits  continued.                diture  dollars  from  new
              on ads with political mate-  have  already  agreed  to   on  political  ad  targeting  Facebook recently shared   stores  in  the  U.S.  to  online
              rial  that  were  purchased  testify.                   and prohibitions on target-  about   3,000    Russian-    improvements  and  store
              from Russian territory, from  The reports said the com-  ing based on race and re-  backed  ads  with  Con-       remodels,  especially  the
              Russian internet addresses,  pany  discovered  the  Rus-  ligion.”                  gress.                        1,000  store  increase  in  in-
              or  with  Russian  currency,  sian  presence  by  analyz-  “We  are  taking  a  deeper  U.S.  intelligence  agencies   store  grocery  pick-up  lo-
              The  New  York  Times  re-  ing information shared by   look  to  investigate  at-  have concluded that Rus-      cations,  will  help  Walmart
              ported .                   Twitter  and  Facebook,  as   tempts  to  abuse  our  sys-  sian President Vladimir Pu-  maintain its market-leading
              The  Times  cited  an  un-  well its own research and   tems,  working  with  re-   tin  directed  a  disinforma-  position  in  the  US  grocery
              named  person  familiar  tips from outside research-    searchers and other com-    tion  campaign  aimed  at     segment,” O’Shea said.
              with  the  ongoing  inquiry  ers.                       panies,  and  will  provide  helping Donald Trump win     Shares rose $3.60 to $84.13
              by the search giant.       In  a  statement,  Google    assistance   to   ongoing  the presidential election.q    Tuesday.q
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