P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

                Eminem slams Trump in profane video, calls him racist

              By PATRICK MAIRS            anthem protests.            pay  for  his  extravagant  and Trump didn’t mention  Trump.  It  follows  up  last
              Associated Press            “But  this  is  his  form  of  dis-  trips back and forth with his  it while tweeting on several  year’s  nine-minute  free-
              Eminem  has  unleashed  traction,  plus  he  gets  an  fam to his golf resorts and  issues  Wednesday  morn-     style  track  “Campaign
              a  profane  lyrical  tirade  enormous  reaction  when  his mansions?”                ing.                        Speech” and a verse ear-
              against  President  Donald  he attacks the NFL, so we  At  one  point  he  called  This  is  Eminem’s  most  re-  lier this year on Big Sean’s
              Trump — saying he “came  focus  on  that  instead  of  Trump,  who’s  71,  a  “racist  cent  rhymed  attack  on  “No Favors.”q
              to stomp” and taking aim  talking Puerto Rico or gun  94-year-old grandpa” and
              at  Trump’s  Twitter  habits,  reform  for  Nevada.  All  compared  the  president’s
              policy,  appearance  and  these  horrible  tragedies  appearance  to  the  Mar-
              supporters.                 and he’s bored and would  vel Comics character “The
              The  rapper  on  Tuesday  rather  cause  a  Twitter  Thing.”
              unveiled  “The  Storm,”  a  storm with the Packers,” he  The  44-year-old  rapper
              4½-minute  freestyle  rap  rapped.                      closed  out  his  rant  with  a
              video  recorded  Friday  in  He  later  mentioned  NFL  message  to  his  fans  who
              a  Detroit  parking  garage  free  agent  quarterback  support     Trump,   saying
              that  aired  as  part  of  BET’s  Colin  Kaepernick,  who’s  “I’m  drawing  in  the  sand
              Hip  Hop  Awards  on  Tues-  credited  with  launching  a  line,  you’re  either  for  or
              day night.                  the  ongoing  anthem  pro-  against.”  He  added  that
              Eminem  slammed  the  Re-   tests.  Kaepernick  told  the  people who don’t support
              publican  president  as  “a  rapper on Twitter, “I appre-  the president love the mili-
              kamikaze  who  will  prob-  ciate you.”                 tary  and  the  country,  but
              ably  cause  a  nuclear  ho-  Eminem  also  took  down  “hate Trump.”
              locaust”  before  criticizing  Trump’s  recently  unveiled  The  White  House  didn’t
              Trump’s   ongoing   cam-    plan for tax cuts, question-  respond  to  a  request  for    In this July 20, 2015, file photo, Eminem attends the premiere
              paign against NFL national  ing:  “then  who’s  going  to  comment  on  the  video,   of “Southpaw” in New York.
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press

            Meyers says nature of Weinstein
            allegations makes jokes hard

             In this Sept. 17, 2017 file photo, Seth Meyers arrives at the 69th
            Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles. Meyers is the host of
            NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers.”
                                                     Associated Press
             By JOHN CARUCCI             Tuesday  night.  “We,  as  a
              Associated Press Writer    whole staff, had to process
             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  While  it. And it’s very hard when
             Seth  Meyers  doesn’t  shy  you’re talking about things
             away  from  the  biggest  like sexual assault to think,
             news  stories  of  the  day,  ‘I have the perfect joke for
             the  ongoing  allegations  this.’
             against  Harvey  Weinstein  So,  yeah,  it’s  a  conversa-
             make it more challenging.   tion.  I  think  all  the  shows
             The  “Late  Night  with  Seth  have  conversations  about
             Meyers”  host  says  it’s  a  how do we talk about this
             delicate  balance  to  joke  in a way that respects the
             about  Weinstein  as  the  victims,  while  also  making
             avalanche  of  sexual  ha-  sure  we’re  not  ignoring  a
             rassment  and  assault  alle-  big story.”
             gations  continue  to  roll  in  Meyers  spoke  before  par-
             against the fallen mogul.   ticipating in a discussion at
             “I  don’t  think  the  tragedy  the  Paley  Center  for  Me-
             ever ends. That’s one of the  dia  moderated  by  “Satur-
             challenges — trying to find  day Night Live” writer and
             a way to talk about it that is  Weekend  Update  co-host
             also comedy,” Meyers said  Colin Jost.q
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