P. 32

              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

              Old-world charm in Europe? Cereal cafes serving Lucky Charms

            By ALBERT STUMM              bon, one of the most pop-    patrons doze off for a quick  flagship near Times Square  nations  are  balanced  with
            Associated Press             ular is a mix of Froot Loops  nap.  Pop  also  has  hosted  and  one  inside  a  designer  both flavor and texture.”
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)  and  Rice  Krispies  with  mini  events,  such  as  a  paja-  sneaker store in Brooklyn.   On  one  recent  afternoon,
            — Travelers wandering the                                                                                           all of El Flako’s 20 seats were
            streets  of  European  capi-                                                                                        filled,  mostly  with  Spanish
            tals  in  search  of  old-world                                                                                     speakers  who  giggled  at
            charm  might  just  as  likely                                                                                      the menu’s fruity, chocolat-
            stumble  upon  a  bowl  of                                                                                          ey, honey or healthy com-
            Lucky Charms.                                                                                                       binations.
            Cafes  serving  American                                                                                            Lining  the  white  shelves
            breakfast  cereal  have  ex-                                                                                        around  them  were  tech-
            ploded  in  popularity  in                                                                                          nicolor  boxes  of  Sugar
            Europe  as  young  entre-                                                                                           Smacks,  Disney  Princess
            preneurs tap into both nos-                                                                                         and dozens of others cere-
            talgia  and  novelty  among                                                                                         als, as well as potted plants
            customers  who’ll  pay  be-                                                                                         labeled  with  first  names
            tween $3 and $9 a bowl. (In                                                                                         of  famous  rock  singers
            U.S. supermarkets, you can                                                                                          like  Patti,  Jim  and  Alice.  A
            buy entire boxes of cereal                                                                                          soundtrack  of  The  Doors,
            for less.)                                                                                                          Jimi Hendrix and The Clash
            In the last two years, cafes                                                                                        pumped out of the speak-
            have  opened  in  London,                                                                                           ers.
            Paris,  Madrid,  Barcelona,                                                                                         Castan, 29, said the nod to
            Lisbon,  Berlin,  Hamburg,                                                                                          classic  rock  points  to  the
            Manchester     and   many                                                                                           origins of the boxed-cereal
            other  cities.  The  trend  also                                                                                    boom in the 1960s and ‘70s.
            has a toehold in the Middle                                                                                         “We  have  a  concept  of
            East.                        This photo shows one of the fruity combinations of sugary cereals, topped with candy,   going back to the roots, re-
            There’s no single model for   at the El Flako cereal cafe in Barcelona, Spain. Behind it is Nicolas Castan, one of the   turning to being a kid, back
            the cafes, but they tend to   owners, making another healthier combination.                                         to the origins.”
            offer  at  least  100  brands,                                                                                      The  combination  of  nov-
            dozens  of  fruit  and  candy  marshmallows  and  dried  ma  party with  a  live  band  Despite  making  inroads  elty and atmosphere were
            toppings, sweet syrups, and  strawberries,  topped  with  called Beliche, which is Por-  elsewhere,  nowhere  has  enough  to  bring  Maria
            several kinds of milk, includ-  strawberry  syrup,  a  waffle  tuguese for bunkbed.    the  trend  caught  on  quite  Roca,  a  19-year-old  stu-
            ing  nondairy  and  flavored  cookie  and  a  scoop  of  Vicente,  who  was  a  me-    like it has in Europe, whose  dent  from  the  University  of
            varieties.  Many  also  serve  vanilla  ice  cream,  served  chanical   engineer   until  grocery   stores   never  Barcelona, back a second
            coffee,     cereal-flavored  with a side of milk in a glass  2016, said they got the idea  stocked  the  hundreds  of  time  with  a  friend,  Nuria
            milkshakes,  soft-serve  sun-  bottle.                    from  seeing  Cereal  Killer  varieties that fill entire aisles  Amor, 19.
            daes  or  inventive  takes  “Cereal  has  existed  for  Cafe in London, which was  of American supermarkets.        “It’s  not  cheap,  but  it’s
            on  Rice  Krispies  treats,  like  what,  a  hundred  years?”  the first of its kind in Europe.  Nicolas  Castan,  one  of  not  really  expensive,”  said
            tiered  cakes  made  from  said  one  of  Pop’s  three  Identical twins from Belfast  three  people  behind  El  Roca, who had a 5.60 euro
            marshmallowy  layers  of  owners,  Filipe  Vicente,  32.  had opened it in 2014 after  Flako  in  Barcelona,  said  combo  of  Cookie  Krisp,
            Fruity Pebbles, Apple Jacks  “But for a hundred years it  seeing  cereal  cafes  in  the  the lack of experience led  Choco   Krispies,   Kinder
            and  other  sugary  cere-    was  cereal  and  milk  and  United  States  and  watch-  to some risky combinations  chocolates,  M&Ms,  ba-
            als. Rare varieties from for-  that  was  pretty  much  it.  ing  the  2007  independent  after  they  opened  in  the  nanas and chocolate milk.
            eign countries also bring in  Now  this  product  has  so  movie  “Flakes.”  Now  Ce-  spring of 2017.              “And  it’s  something  origi-
            homesick expats.             many  varieties,  the  com-  real  Killer  has  two  more  “Almost  half  the  people  nal,  so  I  wanted  to  show
            A  classic  bowl  with  milk  binations  are  endless,  and  stores in England as well as  would  make  their  own  her.”
            is  still  the  standard.  But  we  think,  what  about  ice  branches in Jordan, Dubai  but  they  wouldn’t  finish  it  Would they be back?
            they’re  often  topped  with  cream  or  pudding?  Why  and Kuwait.                    because  they  were  mak-    “Yes,  for  sure,”  said  Amor,
            combinations  that  go  far  not?”                        Cafes that had opened in  ing  really  weird  mixes,  like  who  had  Cinnamon  Toast
            beyond  what  most  Ameri-   Brightly   colored   boxes  Chicago, Florida and Texas  Froot Loops with chocolate  Crunch  and  Apple  Jacks
            cans  would  recognize  as  line  the  shelves  at  Pop  for  have  since  mostly  closed,  Krave,”  said  Castan,  who  with  honey,  apples  and
            a breakfast banana sliced  practical  and  decorative  but      two   flashy   entries  previously  worked  in  pub-  wheat  milk.  “It  was  really
            over Corn Flakes.            purposes,  and  a  bunkbed  opened  recently  in  New  lic  relations.  “So,  we  tried  good,  and  you  wouldn’t
            At  Pop  Cereal  Cafe  in  Lis-  and  padded  benches  let  York,  a  Kellogg’s-branded  to  make  sure  the  combi-  do that at home.” q
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