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              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
                                                                      Documentary about anxiety

                                                                      taps a world-class athlete

                                                                      By MARK KENNEDY              ed  to  show  —  that  even  the  median  age  of  onset,
                                                                       AP Entertainment Writer     world  champions  can  feel  according  to  the  World
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  new  low.                          Health  Organization.  The
                                                                      documentary  about  anxi-    “I’m  grateful  because  my  American  College  Health
                                                                      ety  argues  that  everyone  mission  with  this  film  is  to  Association has found that
                                                                      to some extent suffers from  help make the world a bet-   undergraduates      report-
                                                                      stress,  nerves  and  social  ter place and I believe he  ing  “overwhelming  anxi-
                                                                      fear.  And,  to  make  their  is so additive on that level,”  ety” jumped to 62 percent
                                                                      point, the filmmakers have  said  Scilla  Andreen,  CEO  in  2016  from  50  percent  in
            In  this  July  12,  2017  file  photo,  Olympic  swimmer  Michael   enlisted  as  Exhibit  A  the  and co-founder of IndieFlix.  2011.
            Phelps arrives at the ESPYS in Los Angeles. Phelps appears in the   most  decorated  Olympian  “If  we  can  introduce  pre-  “Talking about it is the most
            documentary,  “Angst”  to  share  his  story  of  being  bullied  and   in history.    vention,   self-care   and  effective  thing  you  can
            depressed.                                  Associated Press  Michael  Phelps  appears  in  well-being  to  our  children  do and, of course, the last
                                                                      “Angst”  to  share  his  story  —  even  in  the  pre-K  and  thing you want to do,” said
                                                                      of  being  bullied  and  de-  kindergarten  years  —  they  Andreen.  In  addition  to
                                                                      pressed,  leading  to  severe  can have a completely dif-  talking,  writing  about  your
                                                                      anxiety. The swimmer, win-   ferent life.”                feelings  or  connecting  to
                                                                      ner of 28 Olympic medals,  Andreen  hopes  the  film  music can help. “Anything
                                                                      would look in the mirror and  will reach more than 3 mil-  that  helps  you  to  take  a
                                                                      not like what he saw.        lion  people  around  the  break from the anxiety and
                                                                      “Once I opened up about  world from 25,000 commu-         move  the  energy  to  the
                                                                      that  and  things  that  I  had  nity and school screenings.  front of the brain.”
                                                                      kept  inside  of  me  for  so  “Angst”  was  filmed  in  the  Andreen,  whose  distribu-
                                                                      many  years,  I  then  found  U.S.  and  United  Kingdom  tion  streaming  service  em-
                                                                      that  life  was  a  lot  easier.  I  and is appropriate for chil-  braces  projects  that  push
                                                                      got to the point where I un-  dren starting at age 10.    for social change, was bul-
                                                                      derstood that it’s OK to not  “Anxiety  is  totally  treat-  lied as a child and learned
                                                                      be OK,” he says in the film.  able,” she said. “It can be  something  about  herself
                                                                      “Angst,”  an  IndieFlix  film  a  precursor  to  so  many  while working on the film.
                                                                      designed  to  be  screened  things  that  can  then  lead  “Everyone has anxiety. And
                                                                      at schools and community  to addiction, homelessness,  I  learned  in  making  the
                                                                      centers,  features  candid  dropping  out  of  school  movie  that  I  have  social
                                                                      interviews   with   children  and a host of other mental  anxiety. I never even knew
                                                                      and  young  adults  discuss-  health challenges.”         that.  I  just  thought  I  was
                                                                      ing their anxiety, along with  Anxiety  disorders  are  the  born  less  than  everyone
                                                                      advice from mental health  most      common      mental  else  and  that  was  my  lot
                                                                      experts and resources and  health  challenge  in  the  in life. I would always have
                                                                      tools.  Phelps  is  like  a  mus-  U.S., impacting 54 percent  to  work  harder,  try  harder,
                                                                      cular  explanation  mark  for  of females and 46 percent  never  fit  in,”  she  said.  “I
                                                                      what the filmmakers want-    of males, with age 7 being  don’t feel so alone.”q

                                                                      Leonardo da Vinci painting up for

                                                                      auction with $100 million estimate

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — The last
                                                                      Leonardo da Vinci painting
                                                                      in private hands is going to
                                                                      auction  in  New  York  next
                                                                      month — with a pre-sale es-
                                                                      timate of around $100 mil-
                                                                      lion.  Christie’s  announced
                                                                      Tuesday  that  the  depic-
                                                                      tion  of  Jesus,  titled  “Salva-
                                                                      tor  Mundi,”  will  be  offered
                                                                      Nov. 15.
                                                                      “The  Salvator  Mundi  is  the
                                                                      Holy  Grail  of  Old  Master   Security  guards  open  a  door  to  reveal  “Salvator  Mundi”  by
                                                                      paintings,”  declared  Chris-  Leonardo  da  Vinci  during  a  news  conference  at  Christie’s  in
                                                                      tie’s  specialist  Alan  Win-  New York, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017.
                                                                      termute.  “It  seemed  just  a                                        Associated Press
                                                                      tantalizingly  unobtainable   come to an art world mira-  early 1600s, then changed
                                                                      dream until now.             cle.” The work, dating from  hands,  dropped  out  of
                                                                      To see a fully finished, late   around 1500, is one of few-  sight  and  was  later  ac-
                                                                      masterpiece  by  Leonardo,   er than 20 known paintings  quired “as a work by Leon-
                                                                      made  at  the  peak  of  his   by Leonardo. It was first re-  ardo’s  follower,”  Christie’s
                                                                      genius,  appear  for  sale   corded in the royal collec-  said. “Christ’s face and hair
                                                                      in  2017  is  as  close  as  I’ve   tion of King Charles I in the  were overpainted.” q
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