P. 31
PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
‘Berlin Station’ cast say German capital more than backdrop
By DAVID RISING Judd, who is among those
Associated Press who have come forward
BERLIN (AP) — Actors Le- with allegations of sexual
land Orser and Keke Palm- harassment against Har-
er crouch next to a fence vey Weinstein. “It’s a spy
at a dusty former East Berlin show, it’s fun, (but) some of
concrete plant as cranes what we’re talking about is
whir behind them moving gravely serious.”
pallets of goods in an in- In the production pro-
dustrial area oblivious to cess, Armitage said cast
the filming going on. members and writers were
As Ashley Judd has her aware they were “working
makeup touched up in a in the middle of a seismic
gritty basement hallway of shift” in the political land-
a Cold War-era hospital, scape in the U.S. and Eu-
a confused elderly couple rope and wanted the show
wanders through the set to reflect that.
looking for the elevators. “It’s interesting to not nec-
Outside, campaign post- essarily directly reference
ers for the nationalist anti- real events, but at the
migrant Alternative for same time to be relevant
Germany party festoon the and current,” he said. “It’s
lamp poles. In this photo taken on Wednesday, June 28, 2017, actors Keke Palmer, second from left, and quite exposing and it’s
Carrying on where Epix Leland Orser, center, perform at the set for an episode of Epix’s “Berlin Station” TV series in Berlin. quite a scary place to be I
“Berlin Station” left off with Associated Press think.”
at the end of its first sea- Orser says “in our show Ber- German far-right to thwart the news cycle and wildly For Armitage, working with
son, the city of Berlin is very lin is the star of the show, a plot to carry out a ter- enough i think the same Germans who grew up on
much a part of the modern and we feature it.” rorist attack that would has happened this sea- both sides of the Berlin Wall,
spy thriller for Season 2, set The first season saw agent be blamed on refugees to son,” Orser says. “The writ- which divided the commu-
amid a changing world or- Daniel Miller, played by drive voters to vote a new ers are telling a story that nist East Berlin from demo-
der. Richard Armitage, on a anti-migrant nationalist strangely enough is unfold- cratic West Berlin until it fell
“The city is changing in front clandestine mission to party into power. It features ing politically now.” in 1989, helped bring to life
of our very eyes,” says Ors- uncover the source of a an American ambassador Taking a short break from the tales of Cold War espio-
er, who returns this season leak in the CIA’s Berlin sta- who is the political appoin- two days of filming over the nage he’d researched to
as CIA Berlin station deputy tion — a plot that drew on tee of a U.S. government summer at Berlin’s Benja- play a spy.”Aside from the
chief Robert Kirsch, looking the real-life experiences that appears to sympathize min Franklin hospital, built research and reading and
around the set location in of WikiLeaks and Chelsea with the German anti-mi- partially with U.S. assistance looking at photographs, all
the city’s Koepenick neigh- Manning’s leak of hun- grant party. in the former American I needed to do was speak
borhood. dreds of thousands of clas- The season was written be- Sector of divided Berlin dur- to members of the crew
“There are cranes every- sified documents. fore the nationalist Alter- ing the Cold War, Judd said and some members of our
where, rents are skyrocket- New characters this year native for Germany party the show’s writers were me- cast who did grow up in
ing, the food scene is ex- include Palmer, who plays won enough votes in Sept. ticulous in their research to eastern Germany and had
ploding, the art scene is ex- April Lewis, a new CIA case 24’s election to enter Ger- weave as realistic a plot as shocking experiences,” he
ploding ... and I think what’s officer on her first field as- man parliament for the first possible. recalled.
cool is that we’re shooting signment, and Judd, who is time, ahead of this sum- “They have really done “That really stopped me in
it now as it’s happening so the CIA’s new chief of sta- mer’s white nationalist rally a deep dive into what’s my tracks when I started
there’s no mistaking that tion BB Yates. in Charlottesville, Virginia. happening in the con- to talk to them about it
the Berlin we’re showing is Miller returns this season, “What was amazing about temporary geopolitical because to me it felt like
the Berlin of 2017.” which premieres on Oc- last season is that they scene here in Germany something out of a history
More than just a backdrop, tober 15, to infiltrate the seemed to be ahead of and across Europe,” said book.”q
Twickets launches Europe-based resale ticket platform in U.S.
By JONATHAN LANDRUM an alternative to genuine tion.
Jr. fans that want to look out Adele teamed up with
Associated Press for other fans potentially Twickets for her sold-out
ATLANTA (AP) — Twickets, a and not gain a substantial Wembley Stadium con-
Europe-based face-value profit,” Davies said. “We’re certs in 2016. This year,
ticket platform supported not planning to be the so- the company expanded
by several popular music lution to scalping. Fans de- its platform to Australia as
artists including Adele and serve a choice. We don’t Sheeran’s resale partner.
Ed Sheeran, was launched want them to get ripped Davies said Twickets us-
Wednesday in the United off.” ers have saved other fans
States. Twickets, which was more than $20 million in in-
Founder Richard Davies launched in the United flated prices and fees for
said fans will be able to Kingdom in 2015, has part- event tickets in the United
buy and sell spare tickets nered with Adele, Sheer- Kingdom. He said he hopes
at face value or less for an, Mumford & Sons and his platform can reshape
concerts and live events Queen. The company said the ticketing landscape by
at Twickets USA. it has also handled about allowing music artists to en- In this May 13, 2017 file photo, Niall Horan performs at Wango
“We’re looking to provide 6,000 tickets for One Direc- sure face-value resale.q Tango in Carson, Calif.
Associated Press