P. 18

              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

            Trump: ‘About time’ NFL demands players stand during anthem

            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  day)  and  both  he  and
            President  Donald  Trump  player  leadership  will  at-
            says “it is about time” that  tend  the  league  meetings
            NFL  Commissioner  Roger  next  week,”  the  NFL  said
            Goodell demands “that all  in a statement. “There has
            players STAND for our great  been no change in the cur-
            National  Anthem-RESPECT  rent  policy  regarding  the
            OUR COUNTRY.”                anthem.    The  agenda  will
            Trump  made  a  reference  be  a  continuation  of  how
            Wednesday  on  Twitter  to  to  make  progress  on  the
            Goodell’s  meetings  next  important social issues that
            week  with  NFL  owners,  players have vocalized. Ev-
            where  they  will  consider  eryone  who  is  part  of  our
            changes to a game manu-      NFL  community  has  a  tre-
            al that says players “should”  mendous  respect  for  our
            stand  during  the  national  country,  our  flag,  our  an-
            anthem. That’s a guideline  them and our military, and
            that the league has left to  we are coming together to
            the  discretion  of  players  deal  with  these  issues  in  a
            who have kneeled in larger  civil and constructive way.”
            numbers after Trump’s criti-  Goodell  told  club  execu-
            cism.                        tives  Tuesday  in  a  memo
            NFL  owners  will  have  their  obtained  by  The  Associ-  Members of the San Francisco 49ers kneel during the playing of the national anthem before an
            annual  fall  meeting  in  ated Press that the anthem     NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, in Indianapolis.
            New  York  next  Tuesday  issue is dividing the league                                                                         Associated Press
            and  Wednesday,  and  the  from  its  fans.  He  said  the  doing the hard work of try-  that  owners  should  fire  of black males. In an inter-
            league  has  invited  the  NFL  needs  to  move  past  ing to move from protest to  players  who  kneel  during  view  on  FOX  News  Chan-
            players’ union to take part.  the controversy.            progress,  working  to  bring  the  anthem,  reigniting  the  nel’s  (FNC)  Hannity  airing
            “Commissioner        Roger  Goodell  met  Tuesday  with  people     together,”   NFL  movement  started  by  ex-    Wednesday  night,  Trump
            Goodell  reached  out  to  Miami Dolphins players, law  spokesman Brian McCarthy  San Francisco quarterback  said  the  NFL  could’ve
            NFLPA  Executive  Director  enforcement  and  com-        said in a statement. Trump  Colin  Kaepernick  over  his  avoided  this  issue  by  sus-
            DeMaurice Smith (Wednes-     munity leaders. “The NFL is  told  supporters  last  month  view of police mistreatment  pending Kaepernick.q
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