P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

             Cruise Ship Tourism Brings $85.5 Million to Aruba’s Economy

             ORANJESTAD –The 3rd edi-
             tion  of  the  Aruba  Cruise
             Symposium  was  held  re-
             cently,  offering  interesting
             insights  and  positive  news
             about  Aruba’s  cruise  tour-
             ism  industry.  The  Aruba
             Cruise Symposium is orga-
             nized  by  the  Aruba  Tour-
             ism  Authority  (ATA),  and
             is  intended  to  support  the
             sustained  growth  of  cruise
             tourism on Aruba.

             The  Aruba  Cruise  Sympo-
             sium  will  be  the  final  con-
             ference  held  by  ATA  this
             year,  as  the  annual  ATCA
             Conference  has  been  in-
             definitely  postponed  due
             to the unprecedented hur-
             ricane  damage  caused
             throughout  the  region.  Di-
             rector  of  ATA  Ronella  Tjin
             Asjoe-Croes  assured  Bon
             Dia  Aruba  they  made  the
             decision  based  on  feed-
             back  ATA  received  from
             operators  who  sell  Aruba   tion  and  assistance  to  our  platform  with  which  it  was
             as  a  package.  Nonethe-   community that the Aruba  presented. Highlighting the
             less, ATA is compiling all the   Cruise Symposium provides.  economic  impact  of  the
             information  and  continues   Guests and principals of the  cruise  industry  on  Aruba,
             to  be  in  dialogue  with  our   annual symposium, held at  from  what  ATA  projected
             strategic  partners  in  North   the  Renaissance  Conven-  for the year 2017 based on
             America  and  throughout    tion Center, expressed their  what  visitors  spend  on  av-
             the region.                 satisfaction  with  the  orga-  erage,  the  industry  should
             It is important to recognize   nization  and  presentation  contribute $85 million to our
             the  value  of  the  informa-  of  the  data  as  well  as  the  economy,  which  was  21%
                                                                      more than the year before.
                                                                      “I believe the volume is one
                                                                      thing, but more important is
                                                                      the economic impact and
                                                                      growth for Aruba.”
                                                                      The data that was present-
                                                                      ed showed that cruise tour-
                                                                      ism  is  moving  in  the  right
                                                                      direction, a positive finding
                                                                      according  to  Tjin  Asjoe-
                                                                      Croes.  She  explained  that
                                                                      ATA  organizes  the  Aruba
                                                                      Cruise  Symposium  primar-   ing we can better our prod-  monly regarded as Aruba’s
                                                                      ily to promote this sector of  uct.”                      ‘low season’ between May
                                                                      tourism, but also to recog-                               and  September.  This  is  the
                                                                      nize  and  capitalize  on  the  Cruise Manager of ATA     strategy  of  ATA,  to  push
                                                                      factors involved which are  For  his  part,  Mario  Arends,  growth during the tradition-
                                                                      in many ways different from  who is the Cruise Manager  ally  weaker  season,  and
                                                                      our base of tourists that visit  of  ATA  indicated  that  the  support  sustained  growth
                                                                      by  airlift  each  year.  “You  year  2017  was  a  very  suc-  during the high season.
                                                                      have  to  take  the  time  to  cessful year for Aruba, not-  Arends  says  it  appears  in
                                                                      separately  recognize  the  ing  the  island  received  a  2018  the  cruise  tourism
                                                                      dynamics of each.” A train-  record  750,000  cruise  pas-  will  surpass  800,000,  again
                                                                      ing  session  was  held  with  sengers  for  the  year.  An  especially  due  to  the  in-
                                                                      tour   operators,   govern-  important factor indicated  crease in cruise passengers
                                                                      ment  workers,  and  others  in  this  success  was  the  in-  during the ‘low season.’
                                                                      from the industry during the  crease in cruise tourists that
                                                                      symposium. “With this train-  came during what is com-           Continued on Page 15
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