P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

             Cruise Ship Tourism Brings $85.5 Million to Aruba’s Economy

            Continued from Page 13                                                                                              invited cruise industry con-
                                                                                                                                sultant  Amilcar  Cascais
            Part  of  the  message  of                                                                                          to  elaborate  on  how  to
            the  symposium  for  reach                                                                                          become  successful  in  the
            partner  of  ATA  and  tour                                                                                         cruise tourism industry.
            operators  was  to  stay  cre-                                                                                      During   his   presentation
            ative and do their best. He                                                                                         Cascais  presented  some
            stressed how important it is                                                                                        statistics that bode well for
            to  keep  making  the  cruise                                                                                       the  outlook  of  the  industry
            tourism  experience  better.                                                                                        as a whole. He shared that
            There was also a study pre-                                                                                         a total of 24.7 million cruise
            sented showing that cruise                                                                                          ship  passengers  globally
            ship tourists were very satis-                                                                                      were recorded in 2016, an
            fied  with  their  experience                                                                                       increase  of  7%  over  2015.
            with Aruba’s cruise tourism.                                                                                        Meanwhile,  the  number
            Principals in the industry will                                                                                     of  passengers  from  2017  is
            continue  to  focus  on  the                                                                                        projected to be 25.8 million
            quality  of  the  economic                                                                                          globally,  which  is  to  dem-
            impact  cruise  tourism  has                                                                                        onstrate  that  this  number
            on Aruba.                                                                                                           will continue to rise.
            One  point  duly  noted  at                                                                                         The  Aruba  Cruise  Sympo-
            the  symposium  is  that  the                                                                                       sium’s  goal  is  to  help  the
            stigma  that  cruise  tourists                                                                                      island  of  Aruba  capitalize
            traditionally  don’t  spend                                                                                         on this growth, which will in
            money while visiting the is-                                                                                        turn have a positive impact
            land  is  starting  to  change.  that by the number of tour-  Officer  of  ATA,  did  a  pre-  Aruba’s cruise tourism. The  on our economy.
            Mr.  Arends  believes  that  ists, it is a huge number,” he  sentation of a master plan  architectural  firm  Oever  &  The event was a heralded
            the  numbers  speak  for  said.                           to  develop  a  Port  City  in  Zaaler  (OZ)  Architects  has  as  a  complete  success,
            themselves. In the most re-                               Oranjestad.  They  formally  taken  on  the  monumental  leaving    guests   looking
            cent  study  that  ATA  did,  Project Port City Oranjestad  started with this plan in May  task,  which  is  projected  to  forward  to  the  next  edi-
            the  average  cruise  tourist  During the symposium, Lex  to develop an urban area  be  completed  in  roughly  tion  of  the  Aruba  Cruise
            spent $112. “If you multiply  Ridder,  Chief  Commercial  to  enhance  and  support  15  –  20  years.  Ridder  next  Symposium.q
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