P. 12

              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

            Puerto Rico investigates post-hurricane disease outbreak

                                                                                                   driver,  took  a  drink  from  Ninety percent of the island
                                                                                                   a  stream  near  his  con-   is still without power and the
                                                                                                   crete home on a hillside in  government  says  it  hopes
                                                                                                   Canovanas  a  week  after  to have electricity restored
                                                                                                   the Sept. 20 storm.          completely by March.
                                                                                                   He  then  developed  a  fe-  Leptospirosis is not uncom-
                                                                                                   ver,  his  skin  turned  yellow  mon  in  the  tropics,  par-
                                                                                                   and within a week, he died  ticularly  after  heavy  rains
                                                                                                   at  a  hospital  in  Carolina,  or  floods.  Rossello  said  the
                                                                                                   according  to  his  widow,  symptoms  can  be  con-
                                                                                                   Maritza Rivera.              fused  with  those  of  other
                                                                                                   Dr.  Juan  Santiago  said  illnesses, including dengue,
                                                                                                   Sanyet  was  among  five  and the Centers for Disease
                                                                                                   patients  who  came  in  his  Control  and  Prevention
                                                                                                   emergency clinic last week  was helping to investigate.
                                                                                                   with  similar  symptoms  af-  Two  of  the  deaths  were  in
                                                                                                   ter drinking from streams in  Bayamon,  and  one  each
                                                                                                   Canovanas and Loiza.         in Carolina and Mayaguez.
                                                                                                   The water was still not run-  Other  patients  have  been
                                                                                                   ning at Sanyet’s house this  receiving  treatment  with
                                                                                                   week,  but  Rivera,  said  she  antibiotics.
                                                                                                   and  her  family  were  drink-  Rossello said that fliers with
                                                                                                   ing  only  bottled  water,  in-  instructions  on  how  to  dis-
                                                                                                   cluding some delivered by  infect  water  will  be  sent
            In this Sept. 28, 2017 photo, people affected by Hurricane Maria bathe in water piped in from a
            mountain creek, in Naranjito, Puerto Rico. Four deaths in Hurricane Maria’s aftermath are being   the town.         to  mayors  for  distribution
            investigated as possible cases of a disease spread by animals’ urine, Puerto Rico’s governor said   Her  husband  was  the  only  with food supplies in towns
            Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017, amid concerns about islanders’ exposure to contaminated water.   one  who  drank  from  the  across Puerto Rico.
                                                                        (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)  stream, she said.            “For people that have ac-
            By MICHAEL MELIA             nor  said  Wednesday  amid  On a U.S. territory where a  “He was a friend to every-    cess  to  internet  and  have
            Associated Press             concerns  about  islanders’  third  of  customers  remain  one,”  Rivera  said.  “I  don’t  access to printers, be good
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico  exposure to contaminated  without running water three  know  how  I’ll  face  every-      citizens and help us distrib-
            (AP) — Four deaths in Hur-   water.                       weeks  after  the  hurricane,  thing without him.”        ute  this  information,”  Ros-
            ricane  Maria’s  aftermath  A  total  of  10  people  have  some became ill after turn-  Forty-five  deaths  in  Puerto  sello said.
            are   being    investigated  come  down  with  suspect-   ing  to  local  streams  to  re-  Rico  have  been  blamed  The  Health  Department
            as  possible  cases  of  a  dis-  ed  cases  of  leptospirosis,  lieve their thirst.   on  Hurricane  Maria,  which  and the U.S. military also will
            ease  spread  by  animals’  Gov.  Ricardo  Rossello  said  Jorge  Antonio  Sanyet  Mo-  tore  across  the  island  with  be distributing pills to purify
            urine,  Puerto  Rico’s  gover-  at a news conference.     rales,  a  61-year-old  bus  150  mph  (240  kph)  winds.  water, he said. q

            Death toll from northern Mexico prison riot rises to 16

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  The  how many of the prisoners  Tuesday’s  riot  saw  inmates  with metal tools and rubble  ganizations. State prosecu-
            death toll from a prison riot  were  killed  by  bullets  fired  take   guards   hostage,  from  work  that  was  being  tor Bernardo Gonzalez said
            in  the  northern  Mexican  by state and federal police  beat  them  and  threaten  carried out inside the facil-   54  inmates  were  being  in-
            border state of Nuevo Leon  who finally quelled the vio-  to  throw  them  off  the  roof  ity. Fasci said several hours  vestigated for crimes com-
            rose  to  16  on  Wednesday  lence.                       of the prison. All afternoon  of  attempted  negotiations  mitted in the riot.
            when  three  more  inmates  Fasci  said  the  riot  was  fu-  desperate  relatives  of  in-  failed, and police were un-  In March, four inmates died
            died of their wounds.        eled by “fights between ri-  mates demanded informa-      able  to  put  down  the  riot  after they took control of a
            Two guards and several in-   val gangs,” a half-dozen of  tion from authorities outside  without using lethal force.  pharmacy at the same pris-
            mates were also hurt in the  which were housed at the  the  gates  as  black  smoke  He  said  prisoners  at  the  on  and  apparently  over-
            uprising.                    state  prison  in  the  city  of  poured from several points.  facility  are  separated  by  dosed. In February 2016, in
            State  government  spokes-   Cadereyta.                   When  police  first  went  in  gang  affiliation,  but  that  another  lockup  in  Nuevo
            man  Aldo  Fasci  said  au-  One guard whose lung was  trying to take control, they  one  group  didn’t  fit  be-   Leon,  49  prisoners  died
            topsies  had  not  yet  been  punctured remained in seri-  were met by about 150 pris-  cause   members      had  when  two  factions  of  the
            completed  to  determine  ous condition.                  oners  who  attacked  them  worked for a number of or-    Zetas cartel clashed.q
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