P. 7
U.S. NEWS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
As scope of Weinstein conduct widens, questions of who knew
By JAKE COYLE which fired its co-chairman
Associated Press on Sunday, has moved
NEW YORK (AP) — As the to continue forward with
grim scope of the allega- plans to change its name.
tions surrounding Harvey In a statement Tuesday
Weinstein continued to night, the Weinstein Co.
expand Wednesday, the board of directors strongly
organization that bestows denied that it knew about
the Academy Awards Weinstein’s behavior.
moved to distance itself “These alleged actions are
from the film mogul, Ben antithetical to human de-
Affleck was forced to de- cency. These allegations
fend his own previous ac- come as an utter surprise
tions, and scrutiny fell on to the board. Any sugges-
who knew what about the tion that the board had
Weinstein’s behavior over knowledge of this conduct
the decades it allegedly is false,” the four-member
took place. board said in a statement.
A key and potentially vol- “We are committed to as-
atile component of Tues- sisting with our full energies
day’s New Yorker expose in all criminal or other inves-
was the claim that “a cul- tigations of these alleged
ture of complicity” has ex- acts, while pursuing justice
isted at both The Weinstein for the victims and a full
Co. and his previous film and independent investi-
company, the Walt Disney- This combination photo shows Harvey Weinstein arrives at the Oscars in Los Angeles on Feb. 28, gation of our own.”
2016, left, and his brother Bob Weinstein at the premiere of “Sin City,” in Los Angeles on March
owned Miramax. “Numer- 28, 2005. Harvey Weinstein was fired Sunday by the Weinstein Co., the studio he co-founded with The board, however, in-
ous people throughout his brother Bob, after a bombshell New York Times expose alleged decades of crude sexual cludes Weinstein’s brother,
the companies (were) fully behavior on his part toward female employees and actresses. Bob, the company’s other
aware of his behavior but (AP Photo/File) co-chairman. And several
either abetting it or looking Actress Hilarie Burton also day that its Board of Gov- the best-picture Oscar for board members earlier re-
the other way,” the maga- renewed an earlier allega- ernors will hold a special “Shakespeare in Love.” The signed in the wake of the
zine reported. tion that Affleck groped meeting Saturday to dis- film academy called Wein- initial allegations of sexual
Further scrutiny has fol- her during a visit to MTV’s cuss the allegations “and stein’s alleged conduct harassment. That report,
lowed the contention that TRL, which she was hosting any actions warranted by “repugnant” and “antithet- published Thursday by the
Weinstein’s conduct was in 2003. Affleck on Wednes- the academy.” ical to the high standards New York Times, also de-
“an open secret” in Hol- day tweeted an apology: Weinstein has long been a of the Academy and the tailed hundreds of thou-
lywood. Focus has turned, “I acted inappropriately major figure at the Acad- creative community it rep- sands of dollars in alleged
in part, to not just the work- toward Ms. Burton and I sin- emy Awards, where his resents.” settlements. It’s not known
place environments Wein- cerely apologize.” films have regularly won The ongoing fallout poses if Weinstein made the pay-
stein operated in, but the The Academy of Motion Oscars, including five best potentially severe legal is- ments personally or if either
stars who may have had Picture Arts and Sciences picture-winners. Wein- sues for the companies in- The Weinstein Co. or Mira-
some knowledge of Wein- also announced Wednes- stein personally shared in volved. The Weinstein Co., max did. q
stein’s alleged behavior
but who failed to raise any
alarms. APNewsBreak:
Ben Affleck was called out
McGowan. In a tweet, Steve Bannon had ties to Harvey Weinstein
Tuesday by actress Rose
McGowan accused Af-
fleck of lying after issuing By ERICA WERNER Trump White House strate- venture more than a de- ers of the now defunct ven-
a statement that he was Associated Press gist and current head of cade ago. ture, Genius Products.
“saddened and angry” WASHINGTON (AP) — The Breitbart News, is the lat- Bannon served as chair- The connection highlights
about the Weinstein rev- multiplying tentacles of the est politico touched by the man of a small company the breadth of a scandal
elations. McGowan, who Harvey Weinstein sex abuse scandal. Bannon, whose that distributed DVDs and that has tainted an array
The New York Times report- scandal have touched a website has hammered home videos, and went of leading Democrats, in-
ed reached a $100,000 former president, a former Democrats for accepting into business in 2005 with cluding Hillary Clinton and
settlement with Weinstein presidential candidate and Weinstein’s political dona- The Weinstein Co., led by Barack Obama, who were
in 1997, suggested Affleck now a former presidential tions, himself profited off a Harvey Weinstein and his friendly with Weinstein and
knew decades ago about adviser. relationship with the movie brother Bob. The Weinsteins accepted his campaign
Weinstein’s behavior. Steve Bannon, the former mogul, in an ill-fated joint became 70 percent own- donations.q