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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017

            ‘Catastrophic event’: Deadly California fires explode again

            By JON J. COOPER             picking up toward the po-
            JOCELYN GECKER               tentially disastrous forecast
            Associated Press             speed  of  30  mph.  Cars  of
            SANTA  ROSA,  Calif.  (AP)   evacuees  raced  away
            —  Fueled  by  the  return  of   from  the  flames  while
            strong  winds,  the  wildfires   countless  emergency  ve-
            burning  through  California   hicles raced toward them,
            wine  country  exploded  in   sirens  blaring.  Residents
            size  and  number  Wednes-   manhandled canvas bags
            day  as  authorities  issued   into cars jammed with pos-
            new  evacuation  orders      sessions  or  filled  their  gas
            and the death toll climbed   tanks.
            to  21  —  a  figure  that  was   The wildfires ranked as the
            expected to rise higher still.  third  deadliest  and  most
            Three  days  after  the  fires   destructive in state history.
            began, firefighters were still   And  officials  warned  the
            unable  to  gain  control  of   worst was far from over.
            the blazes that had turned   “Make  no  mistake,  this  is
            entire  Northern  California   a  serious,  critical,  cata-
            neighborhoods to ash and     strophic  event,”  Pimlott
            destroyed  at  least  3,500   said. The fires have burned
            homes and businesses.        through  a  staggering  265
            “We  are  literally  looking   square  miles  (686  square   A Cal Fire official looks out at the remains of the Journey’s End mobile home park Wednesday,
            at  explosive  vegetation,”   kilometers)  of  urban  and   Oct. 11, 2017, in Santa Rosa, Calif. Blazes burning in Northern California have become some of the
                                                                      deadliest in state history.
            said  Ken  Pimlott,  chief  of   rural areas. High winds and                                                              (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)
            the California Department    low humidity made condi-
            of Forestry and Fire Protec-  tions  ideal  for  fire  on  the   “We  have  had  big  fires  in  Flames  have  raced  across  residents  for  days  had
            tion.  “It  is  very  dynamic.   start virtually anywhere on   the past. This is one of the  the  wine-growing  region  watched  the  ridges  over
            These fires are changing by   ground  that  was  parched   biggest,  most  serious,  and  and  the  scenic  coastal  the  west  side  of  town  to
            the minute in many areas.”   from years of drought.       it’s  not  over,”  Gov.  Jerry  area of Mendocino farther  gauge  how  close  the  bil-
            The  entire  historic  town   California  Department  of   Brown said at a news con-   north,  leaving  little  more  lowing  smoke  and  orange
            of  Calistoga,  population   Forestry and Fire Protection   ference,   alongside   the  than smoldering ashes and  flames  of  the  wildfires  had
            5,000,   was   evacuated.    spokesman  Daniel  Berlant   state’s  top  emergency  of-  eye-stinging  smoke  in  their  come.  On  Wednesday,
            In  neighboring  Sonoma      said 22 wildfires were burn-  ficials.  They  said  8,000  fire-  wake.  Whole  neighbor-  the ridges themselves were
            County,  authorities  issued   ing  Wednesday,  up  from   fighters  and  other  person-  hoods  were  leveled,  with  obscured  by  the  growing
            an  evacuation  advisory     17  the  day  before.  As  the   nel were battling the blazes  only  brick  chimneys  and  clouds of smoke.
            for the northern part of the   fires  grow,  officials  voiced   and  more  resources  were  charred   appliances   to  Increasingly  large  pieces
            town  of  Sonoma  and  the   concern that separate fires   pouring  in  from  Oregon,  mark  sites  that  were  once  of  gray  ash  drifted  down
            community  of  Boyes  Hot    would  merge  into  even     Nevada,  Washington  and  family homes.                   on  the  community.  Sirens
            Springs. By the time the ad-  larger infernos.            Arizona.                     In   Boyes   Hot   Springs,  wailed. q
            visory  was  issued,  lines  of
            cars were already fleeing.
            “That’s very bad,” resident   Judge allows Dakota pipeline to keep running
            Nick  Hinman  said  when
            a  deputy  sheriff  warned   By BLAKE NICHOLSON           an tribe. U.S. District Judge  munity.                    eral  lawsuit  through  which
            him  that  the  driving  winds   Associated Press         James Boasberg’s decision  “Today’s  decision  is  a  dis-  Standing  Rock  and  three
            could  shift  the  wildfires   BISMARCK,  N.D.  (AP)  —  will come as a blow to the  appointing      continuation  other tribes still hope to shut
            toward  the  town  of  So-   A  federal  judge  ruled  Standing  Rock  Sioux,  who  of a historic pattern: Other  down the pipeline.
            noma  proper,  with  11,000   Wednesday that the Dako-    have  argued  that  an  oil  people  get  all  the  profits,  Boasberg  found  that  it  is
            residents. “It’ll go up like a   ta  Access  oil  pipeline  can  spill from the pipeline under  and  the  tribes  get  all  the  likely  the  Army  Corps  of
            candle.”                     continue  operating  while  Lake  Oahe  —  from  which  risk  and  harm,”  said  Jan  Engineers  will  be  able  to
            Ash  snowed  over  the  So-  a study is completed to as-  the tribe draws its water —  Hasselman,  an  Earthjustice  justify  previous  decisions
            noma     Valley,   covering   sess  its  environmental  im-  could  have  a  detrimental  attorney  representing  the  made while permitting the
            windshields, as winds begin   pact on an American Indi-   effect  on  the  tribal  com-  tribe  in  an  ongoing  fed-  pipeline.q
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