P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
              Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
             Pressure mounts for Vegas police to explain response time

             By MICHAEL BALSAMO                                                                                                 of Mandalay Bay when he
             Associated Press                                                                                                   heard  gunshots  and  the
             Pressure mounted Wednes-                                                                                           hotel  security  guard  who
             day for Las Vegas police to                                                                                        had  been  shot  in  the  leg
             explain  how  quickly  they                                                                                        peeked  out  from  an  al-
             reacted to what would be-                                                                                          cove and told him to take
             come  the  deadliest  mass                                                                                         cover.  “It  was  kind  of  re-
             shooting  in  modern  U.S.                                                                                         lentless so I called over the
             history after two hotel em-                                                                                        radio what was going on,”
             ployees  reported  a  gun-                                                                                         Schuck  said.  “As  soon  as
             man  spraying  a  hallway                                                                                          the  shooting  stopped  we
             with bullets six minutes be-                                                                                       made  our  way  down  the
             fore  he  opened  fire  on  a                                                                                      hallway  and  took  cover
             crowd at a musical perfor-                                                                                         again and then the shoot-
             mance.                                                                                                             ing started again.”
             On Monday, Clark County                                                                                            Gunshots can be heard in
             Sheriff  Joe  Lombardo  re-                                                                                        the background as Schuck
             vised the chronology of the                                                                                        used  his  radio  to  report
             shooting and said the gun-                                                                                         the  shooting,  telling  a  dis-
             man,  Stephen  Paddock,                                                                                            patcher:  “Call  the  police,
             had  shot  a  hotel  security                                                                                      someone’s  firing  a  gun  up
             guard through the door of                                                                                          here.  Someone’s  firing  a
             his suite and strafed a hall-                                                                                      rifle on the 32nd floor down
             way  of  the  Mandalay  Bay   Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo discusses the Route 91 Harvest festival mass shooting at the Las   the hallway.”
             hotel  and  casino  with  200   Vegas Metropolitan Police Department headquarters in Las Vegas. Pressure mounted Wednesday   Campos  also  used  his  ra-
             rounds  six  minutes  before   for Las Vegas police to explain how quickly they reacted to what would become the deadliest   dio and possibly a hallway
             he unleashed a barrage of   mass shooting in modern U.S. history.                                                  phone  to  call  hotel  dis-
             bullets into the crowd.                                               (Erik Verduzco/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP)  patchers  for  help,  police
             That account differed dra-  matically from the one po-   lice  gave  last  week  when   they  said  Paddock  ended  have  said.  It  was  unclear
                                                                                                   his hail of fire on the crowd  if  and  when  the  hotel  re-
                                                                                                   in  order  to  shoot  through  layed  the  reports  of  shots
                                                                                                   his  door  and  wound  the  being fired to police.
                                                                                                   unarmed     guard,   Jesus  Las  Vegas  authorities  did
                                                                                                   Campos.  “These  people  not  respond  to  questions
                                                                                                   that were killed and injured  about whether hotel secu-
                                                                                                   deserve  to  have  those  six  rity  or  anyone  else  in  the
                                                                                                   minutes  to  protect  them,”  hotel  called  911  to  report
                                                                                                   said Chad Pinkerton, an at-  the  gunfire.  “Our  officers
                                                                                                   torney for Paige Gasper, a  got  there  as  fast  as  they
                                                                                                   California  college  student  possibly  could  and  they
                                                                                                   who  was  shot  under  the  did what they were trained
                                                                                                   arm in the attack. “We lost  to do,” Las Vegas assistant
                                                                                                   those six minutes.”          sheriff Todd Fasulo said pre-
                                                                                                   Maintenance  worker  Ste-    viously. The parent compa-
                                                                                                   phen  Schuck  told  NBC  ny  of  the  hotel  has  raised
                                                                                                   News that he was checking  concerns  that  the  revised
                                                                                                   out  a  report  of  a  jammed  timeline  presented  by  po-
                                                                                                   fire door on the 32nd floor  lice may be inaccurate. q

                                                                                                   Ryan says bump stocks may

                                                                                                   be addressed by regulation

                                                                                                   By ALAN FRAM                 so-called bump stocks. The
                                                                                                   Associated Press             agency has said that once
                                                                                                   WASHINGTON (AP) — New  it issues a ruling on a weap-
                                                                                                   federal rules would be “the  on or equipment, it revises
                                                                                                   smartest,  quickest”  way  to  its stance only if gun laws or
                                                                                                   regulate  the  device  the  the  equipment  itself  have
                                                                                                   gunman  in  the  Las  Vegas  changed. Ryan, R-Wis., said
                                                                                                   massacre  used  to  height-  lawmakers are trying to fig-
                                                                                                   en  his  firepower,  House  ure out why the bureau has
                                                                                                   Speaker  Paul  Ryan  said  allowed  the  sale  of  bump
                                                                                                   Wednesday in remarks that  stocks.
                                                                                                   suggested  Congress  was  “This  is  a  regulation  that
                                                                                                   unlikely to act first.       probably  shouldn’t  have
                                                                                                   It  remains  unclear,  how-  happened     in   the   first
                                                                                                   ever,  what  if  any  action  place,” Ryan told reporters.
                                                                                                   the  federal  Bureau  of  Al-  He  added,  “We  think  the
                                                                                                   cohol,  Tobacco,  Firearms  regulatory  fix  is  the  smart-
                                                                                                   and Explosives will take on  est, quickest fix.”q
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