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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
            Trump, Trudeau meet at the White House amid NAFTA talks

                                                                                                   a  deal  and  it’s  possible  structive  relationship  be-
                                                                                                   that  we  will,”  Trump  said,  tween  the  president  and
                                                                                                   noting  the  close  relations  the  prime  minister  is  really
                                                                                                   between the two countries  important.”
                                                                                                   and  leaders.  “We  have  to  The trade negotiations this
                                                                                                   protect our workers and in  week  in  Washington  have
                                                                                                   all fairness the prime minis-  gotten off to a rocky start,
                                                                                                   ter  wants  to  protect  Can-  with  the  U.S.  Chamber  of
                                                                                                   ada  and  his  people  also.  Commerce  warning  that
                                                                                                   So we’ll see what happens  the  Trump  administration
                                                                                                   with  NAFTA,”  Trump  said,  might  be  sabotaging  the
                                                                                                   adding  that  it  “has  to  be  talks with unrealistic propos-
                                                                                                   fair to both countries.”     als.  Speaking  to  reporters
                                                                                                   Trudeau, in his brief remarks  at  the  Canadian  Embassy
                                                                                                   to reporters in the Oval Of-  after  his  meeting,  Trudeau
                                                                                                   fice, spoke of the ties that  told  reporters  that  it  was
                                                                                                   bind  the  two  neighbors  possible to get a “win-win-
                                                                                                   and major trading partners.  win” from the negotiations
                                                                                                   “We have a close relation-   but  stressed  that  Canada
                                                                                                   ship. Two countries that are  was “ready for anything.”
            Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office   interwoven  in  our  econo-  “I think it’s been clear that
            of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017.                    mies and our cultures and  circumstances  are  often
                                                          (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)  our peoples,” Trudeau said.  challenging, and we have
            By KEN THOMAS                two North American neigh-    these  years  and  we’ll  see   “But we have a good part-  to  be  ready  for  anything
            Associated Press             bors. Trudeau joined Trump   what happens. It’s possible   nership  ...  and  that’s  why  —  and  we  are,”  Trudeau
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     in  the  Oval  Office  at  the   we won’t be able to make   having  an  ongoing  con-  said.q
            dent  Donald  Trump  re-     start of a new round of talks
            mained      non-committal  over  the  North  American
            about  the  future  of  the  Free  Trade  Agreement,
            North American Free Trade  which  the  U.S.  president
            Agreement on Wednesday  has  threatened  to  with-
            as  he  welcomed  Cana-      draw from if he can’t nego-
            dian  Prime  Minister  Justin  tiate  a  better  agreement
            Trudeau to the White House  with Canada and Mexico.
            amid  simmering  disputes  “We’re negotiating a NAF-
            over  trade  between  the  TA deal. It’s time after all of

            Trump turning back to tax

            overhaul; pitches truckers

            Continued from Front         and California, are wary of
                                         the potential financial hit to
            “It’s  pretty  critical  for  our  their constituents.
            membership,” Spear said.     They  contend  repealing
            But  the  liberal  Center  on  the  deduction  would  sub-
            Budget  and  Policy  Priori-  ject people to being taxed
            ties said few truckers would  twice.
            benefit  from  this  preferen-  “They  need  our  votes”  on
            tial  rate  because  the  ma-  the tax plan, said Rep. Chris
            jority  of  truck  drivers  are  Collins, R-N.Y., a member of
            employees     rather   than  the group.
            pass-through business own-   Discussions   with   House
            ers, based on its analysis of  leaders on a possible com-
            Census data.                 promise  took  place  last
            Republicans  in  Congress  week but are on hold, Col-
            aren’t solidly behind Trump,  lins and other lawmakers in
            with  some  from  high-tax  the group said Wednesday.
            states balking because the  They said they were confi-
            framework  calls  for  elimi-  dent of a compromise.
            nating  the  federal  deduc-  Trump  highlighted  the  tax
            tion  for  state  and  local  plan’s  provisions  aimed  at
            taxes.  That  deduction  is  encouraging  international
            claimed  by  an  estimated  companies  to  bring  back,
            44 million people and costs  or  repatriate,  cash  that
            the  government  an  esti-   they’ve kept overseas.
            mated  $1.3  trillion  in  lost  All  told,  there’s  more  than
            revenue over 10 years.       $1  trillion  in  cash  held
            Fractious  Republican  law-  abroad  by  S&P  500  com-
            makers,  especially  those  panies,     according    to
            from New York, New Jersey  Deutsche Bank.q
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