P. 2
Thursday 12 OcTOber 2017
Dems who opposed Iran nuke deal urge Trump to keep pact
By RICHARD LARDNER the Iran nuclear agree-
Associated Press ment briefed congressional
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sev- Democrats later Wednes-
eral congressional Demo- day on the merits of the in-
crats who split with Presi- ternational accord.
dent Barack Obama to Former Secretary of State
oppose the nuclear agree- John Kerry, former Energy
ment with Iran are now Secretary Ernest Moniz and
urging President Donald Wendy Sherman, the for-
Trump to uphold the inter- mer undersecretary of state
national accord, arguing for political affairs, along
that robust enforcement with European ambassa-
is the best way to counter dors met behind closed
Tehran’s malign behavior in doors with lawmakers.
the Middle East. Under the 2015 deal, Tehran
The reversal underscores agreed to roll back its nu-
deep concerns among clear program in exchange
lawmakers that Trump will for relief from wide-rang-
inform Congress in the com- ing oil, trade and financial
ing days that the landmark sanctions that had choked
2015 agreement with Iran is the Iranian economy.
contrary to America’s na- Trump faces an Oct. 15
tional security interests. deadline mandated by law
That declaration could to tell Congress if he be-
lead to an unraveling of In this May 4, 2016 file photo, Secretary of State John Kerry, left, speaks with Secretary of Energy lieves Iran is complying with
the seven-nation pact and Ernest Moniz at the State Department in Washington. Former Obama administration officials who the nuclear accord and if
leave the United States, not played central roles in brokering the Iran nuclear agreement are scheduled to brief congressional it advances U.S. interests. If
Iran, as the country that Democrats on the merits of the international accord as President Donald Trump prepares to the president doesn’t cer-
balked at honoring its com- announce a decision that could lead to an unraveling of the pact. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) tify compliance with the
mitments. requirements, Congress has
Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., mittee, said unwinding the North Korea’s leaders, the globe,” Engel said. 60 days to decide wheth-
who voted against the agreement would send a meanwhile, would have Notably, the committee’s er to re-impose or “snap
agreement two years ago, dangerous signal to allies little incentive to negotiate top Republican, Rep. Ed back” sanctions lifted un-
said at a hearing Wednes- and adversaries alike. a nuclear disarmament if Royce, said the U.S. should der the agreement.
day U.S. interests are best The U.S. will need to work they see the Iran deal col- adhere to the deal. The White House was look-
served by keeping the deal with Britain, France and lapse, he said. “As flawed as the deal is, I ing at a Friday announce-
and aggressively policing Germany — all parties to “We need to work with allies believe we must now en- ment after scrapping a
the agreement to ensure the Iran nuclear pact — to and partners on a shared force the hell out of it,” said tentative plan for Thursday,
Iran doesn’t violate the fix its flaws and those coun- agenda that holds the re- the California lawmaker. according to a congressio-
terms. tries need to know that the gime in Iran accountable, Former Obama administra- nal source and a non-gov-
Engel, the top Democrat U.S. is a reliable partner, ac- not dividing America from tion officials who played ernmental source familiar
on the Foreign Affairs Com- cording to Engel. our closest friends across central roles in brokering with the matter.q
Militants that attacked US troops in Niger were new to area
By LOLITA C. BALDOR eling with him to Tampa, should we have been in a said they believe the mili- condition of anonymity.
Associated Press Mattis said he rejected sug- better stance,” said Mattis. tants belonged to a tribal Three Army commandoes
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The Is- gestions that rescue forces “We need to always look at group that previously may and a soldier were killed a
lamic extremists that am- were slow to respond to the this. have been tied to al-Qai- week ago when dozens of
bushed and killed U.S. Army assault, noting that French We’re not complacent, da or other extremists, but militants ambushed them
commandoes in Niger last aircraft were overhead we’re going to be better.” more recently re-branded during a joint patrol with
week hadn’t operated in within 30 minutes. U.S. Africa Command has themselves as IS. Niger troops. The U.S. and
that area before, Defense But he said the U.S. mili- launched an investigation The officials said they do Niger troops were in unar-
Secretary Jim Mattis said tary is reviewing whether into the attack that will re- not believe the militants mored trucks.
Wednesday, referring to changes should be made view what went wrong and were fighters who came to Mattis and other officials
what officials believe was to these types of training whether additional security Niger from outside the re- haven’t said how long
a relatively new offshoot missions in Africa. or overhead armed sup- gion. it took to evacuate the
of the Islamic State group “We will look at this and port may be needed for The officials were not au- troops, including several
there. say was there something some of these missions. thorized to discuss the mat- U.S. and Niger forces who
Speaking to reporters trav- we have to adapt to now, American officials have ter publicly so spoke on were wounded. q